Custom plugin to clone a wordpress site in multisite network - wordpress

I want to know what is the idea behind doing this like what we have to do for cloning a wordpress site in multinetwork. What is the process needs to be taken? Because i want to make a custom plugin for cloning a site

You can check out the code of plugins that already do this task. Here is a link of some plugins that clone a WordPress website. You can download them and study the code.


Wordpress Multisite - Get plugin to pull info from a single install on mainsite

I am using a plugin that needs to be setup on each individual sub site so that an api key can be activated.
Is there a way to change wp-config or the plugin data so that the subsites pull their plugin information from the network install page vs the individual plugin activation in order to avoid having to install and activate on each subsite?
Sounds like the plugin is not made for multisite. You cannot simply change that. Either the plugin source code has to be modified or you can make a new plugin that tries to modify how the plugin works.
The second option is recommended and I imagine it should hide the settings page on each individual site and also filter the option where the API data is saved. In any case, it is a job for a programmer who can make WordPress plugins.

Add second website to wordpress

So I'm new to wordpress, and I'm managing a company's wordpress site while building another website for this company. They have paid for many plugins and themes in their wordpress account and I would like to use them for the new website. So my question is that what do I do in order to add this website from my local host to their wordpress account.
Should I just download their wordpress file into my laptop and create a new folder in that file? If so, then what?
First things first: If you're are building another website using platform other than wordpress, then you cannot use plugins and themes.
But if you're, just download the wordpress plugins and themes from old site. And then, place those to your respective themes and plugins folder. If you are working on existing site, then you may need the existing sql file to test in the identical environments along with the data. There are many plugins which can do that for you.
And most importantly, If you are going to build a website in wordpress, you should check out the wordpress basics first.

Hosting an example WordPress site

I applied for a role and part of the application process requires me to build a WordPress site and make it live on a existing domain I own. This will assist the hiring company (example "WebCompany") to view and assess.
I have created the WordPress site locally and want to upload to my domain (e.g. with a url extension like
Would it be as simple as just FTP the WordPress site to the root directory? Or do I need to set things up differently for it to work?
I recommend to install wordpress on your url with the same version, and use this plugin, I use it and helps even if you have info in your database, and your themes, all the stuff,
and then you have to active the plugins on the web, choose permalinks options.
for the extension / what you mean really? you want wordpress on a /namefolder
because you can install wordpress in a folder and there's your extension, but if you have already wordpress installed on the public_html/ you can use multisite wordpress options.
Here is the info and I did it with this:
MultiSite Wordpress

Is it possible to install Wordpress inside of Wordpress

I have a question. I have a Wordpress site that I built for a client and they were acquired and the company that bought them is shuttering the website and folding it into their existing site.
My website is based on Wordpress. I want to clone the client site and run a copy to show to potential new clients. If I have and I wanted to put a Wordpress install inside of it at: or Is this possible? Are there any red flags or warnings that I should be worried about?
Yes you can do that, I have done this in serverwarrior It is an wordpress site and wooshop this is another wordpress site inside that.
Just extract the WordPress zip file inside the directory you are having your site wordpress and rename the new wordpress folder to any name you want.

Using a Wordpress theme from another install on same server

I have two installs on the same server, I need install B to use a theme from install A how do i do this??
You can Create a Network of sites (synonyms: multisite, WPMU).
BTW you should ask this on
EDIT: the documentation specific to themes in a multisite WP is here:
All themes are installed for the entire network. If you edit the code
of one theme, you edit it for all sites using that theme. You can
install the plugin Custom CSS to allow each site to
tweak their own CSS without affecting anyone else. You can activate
themes for the entire network, or edit sites and activate them
