counterclock angle between two vectors in cpp [duplicate] - math

How would you find the signed angle theta from vector a to b?
And yes, I know that theta = arccos((a.b)/(|a||b|)).
However, this does not contain a sign (i.e. it doesn't distinguish between a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation).
I need something that can tell me the minimum angle to rotate from a to b. A positive sign indicates a rotation from +x-axis towards +y-axis. Conversely, a negative sign indicates a rotation from +x-axis towards -y-axis.
assert angle((1,0),(0,1)) == pi/2.
assert angle((0,1),(1,0)) == -pi/2.

What you want to use is often called the “perp dot product”, that is, find the vector perpendicular to one of the vectors, and then find the dot product with the other vector.
if(a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x < 0)
angle = -angle;
You can also do this:
angle = atan2( a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x, a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y );

If you have an atan2() function in your math library of choice:
signed_angle = atan2(b.y,b.x) - atan2(a.y,a.x)


Signed Rotation between two normals in 3D

Given a plane(in my case a triangle) normal N_T and a reference Normal N_R, both have the length 1.
I calculated the rotation_normal
N = N_T x N_R
and now i need to calculate the angle around this rotation_normal, which i get with the following calculation:
angle = acos(<N_T, N_R>), with <x,y> is the dotproduct of x and y
This angle is in the interval of [0°, 180°] and is the smallest angle between both normals.
So my problem is that if i want to rotate my triangle in a manner that its normal is equal to the reference normal, i need to know in which direction (positive or negative) the calculated angle is.
Does anybody know how to get this direction or how to solve this problem in general?
you need to use atan2 (4-quadrant arc tangens)
create reference plane basis vectors u,v
must be perpendicular to each other and lie inside plane
preferably unit vectors (or else you need to account for its size)
so let N=N_T x N_R; ... reference plane normal where the rotation will take place
V= N x U; ... x means cross product
make them unit U/=|U|; V/=|V|; if they are not already
compute plane coordinates of N_R
u=(N_R.U); ... . means dot product
compute angle
if you do not have atan2 then use ang=atanxy(u,v);
this will give you angle in range ang=<0,2*M_PI>
if you want signed angle instead then add
if (ang>M_PI) ang-=2.0*M_PI; ... M_PI is well known constant Pi=3.1415...
now if you want the opposite sign direction then just use -ang

Angle of a vector pointing from A to B

I'm not the best in Maths, but for what I am doing now I need to calculate the angle of the vector which is shown as arrow in the picture below:
I have a point A and a point B in a 2D plane. I need to calculate the following:
The angle in which the arrow must be rotated in order to point to B
atan2(yB-yA, xB-xA), assuming your library has atan2. Otherwise you need to use atan, which will return the correct answer if B is to the right of A, and will be 180 degrees off otherwise. Also note that the return value is in radians, you can convert radians to degrees by multiplying by 180/pi if necessary.
Wikipedia has a detailed explanation of the geometry.
arctan((A.y - B.y) / (A.x - B.x)) and note the special case where A.x = B.x

Perturb vector by some angle

I have a unit vector in 3D space whose direction I wish to perturb by some angle within the range 0 to theta, with the position of the vector remaining the same. What is a way I can accomplish this?
EDIT: After thinking about the way I posed the question, it seems to be a bit too general. I'll attempt to make it more specific: Assume that the vector originates from the surface of an object (i.e. sphere, circle, box, line, cylinder, cone). If there are different methods to finding the new direction for each of those objects, then providing help for the sphere one is fine.
EDIT 2: I was going to type this in a comment but it was too much.
So I have orig_vector, which I wish to perturb in some direction between 0 and theta. The theta can be thought of as forming a cone around my vector (with theta being the angle between the center and one side of the cone) and I wish to generate a new vector within that cone. I can generate a point lying on the plane that is tangent to my vector and thus creating a unit vector in the direction of the point, call it rand_vector. At this time, I orig_vector and trand_vector are two unit vectors perpendicular to each other.
I generate my first angle, angle1 between 0 and 2pi and I rotate rand_vector around orig_vector by angle1, forming rand_vector2. I looked up a resource online and it said that the second angle, angle2 should be between 0 and sin(theta) (where theta is the original "cone" angle). Then I rotate rand_vector2 by acos(angle2) around the vector defined by the cross product between rand_vector2 and orig_vector.
When I do this, I don't obtain the desired results. That is, when theta=0, I still get perturbed vectors, and I expect to get orig_vector. If anyone can explain the reason for the angles and why they are the way they are, I would greatly appreciate it.
EDIT 3: This is the final edit, I promise =). So I fixed my bug and everything that I described above works (it was an implementation bug, not a theory bug). However, my question about the angles (i.e. why is angle2 = sin(theta)*rand() and why is perturbed_vector = rand_vector2.Rotate(rand_vector2.Cross(orig_vector), acos(angle2)). Thanks so much!
Here's the algorithm that I've used for this kind of problem before. It was described in Ray Tracing News.
1) Make a third vector perpendicular to the other two to build an orthogonal basis:
cross_vector = unit( cross( orig_vector, rand_vector ) )
2) Pick two uniform random numbers in [0,1]:
s = rand( 0, 1 )
r = rand( 0, 1 )
3) Let h be the cosine of the cone's angle:
h = cos( theta )
4) Modify uniform sampling on a sphere to pick a random vector in the cone around +Z:
phi = 2 * pi * s
z = h + ( 1 - h ) * r
sinT = sqrt( 1 - z * z )
x = cos( phi ) * sinT
y = sin( phi ) * sinT
5) Change of basis to reorient it around the original angle:
perturbed = rand_vector * x + cross_vector * y + orig_vector * z
If you have another vector to represent an axis of rotation, there are libraries that will take the axis and the angle and give you a rotation matrix, which can then be multiplied by your starting vector to get the result you want.
However, the axis of rotation should be at right angles to your starting vector, to get the amount of rotation you expect. If the axis of rotation does not lie in the plane perpendicular to your vector, the result will be somewhat different than theta.
That being said, if you already have a vector at right angles to the one you want to perturb, and you're not picky about the direction of the perturbation, you can just as easily take a linear combination of your starting vector with the perpendicular one, adjust for magnitude as needed.
I.e., if P and Q are vectors having identical magnitude, and are perpendicular, and you want to rotate P in the direction of Q, then the vector R given by R = [Pcos(theta)+Qsin(theta)] will satisfy the constraints you've given. If P and Q have differing magnitude, then there will be some scaling involved.
You may be interested in 3D-coordinate transformations to change your vector angle.
I don't know how many directions you want to change your angle in, but transforming your Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates should allow you to make your angle change as you like.
Actually, it is very easy to do that. All you have to do is multiply your vector by the correct rotation matrix. The resulting vector will be your rotated vector. Now, how do you obtain such rotation matrix? That depends on the 3d framework/engine you are using. Any 3d framework must provide functions for obtaining rotation matrices, normally as static methods of the Matrix class.
Good luck.
Like said in other comments you can rotate your vector using a rotation matrix.
The rotation matrix has two angles you rotate your vector around. You can pick them with a random number generator, but just picking two from a flat generator is not correct. To ensure that your rotation vector is generated flat, you have to pick one random angle φ from a flat generator and the other one from a generator flat in cosθ ;this ensures that your solid angle element dcos(θ)dφ is defined correctly (φ and θ defined as usual for spherical coordinates).
Example: picking a random direction with no restriction on range, random() generates flat in [0,1]
angle1 = acos(random())
angle2 = 2*pi*random()
My code in unity - tested and working:
* this is used to perturb given vector 'direction' by changing it by angle not more than 'angle' vector from
* base direction. Used to provide errors for player playing algorithms
Vector3 perturbDirection( Vector3 direction, float angle ) {
// division by zero protection
if( Mathf.Approximately( direction.z, 0f )) {
direction.z = 0.0001f;
// 1 get some orthogonal vector to direction ( solve direction and orthogonal dot product = 0, assume x = 1, y = 1, then z = as below ))
Vector3 orthogonal = new Vector3( 1f, 1f, - ( direction.x + direction.y ) / direction.z );
// 2 get random vector from circle on flat orthogonal to direction vector. get full range to assume all cone space randomization (-180, 180 )
float orthoAngle = UnityEngine.Random.Range( -180f, 180f );
Quaternion rotateTowardsDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis( orthoAngle, direction );
Vector3 randomOrtho = rotateTowardsDirection * orthogonal;
// 3 rotate direction towards random orthogonal vector by vector from our available range
float perturbAngle = UnityEngine.Random.Range( 0f, angle ); // range from (0, angle), full cone cover guarantees previous (-180,180) range
Quaternion rotateDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis( perturbAngle, randomOrtho );
Vector3 perturbedDirection = rotateDirection * direction;
return perturbedDirection;

Make character escape from shot

Hello all math masters, I got a problem for you:
I have a 2D game (top down), and I would like to make the character escape from a shot, but not just walk away from the shot (I mean, don't be pushed by the shot), I want it to have a good dodging skills.
The variables are:
shotX - shot x position
shotY - shot y position
shotSpeedX - shot x speed
shotSpeedY - shot x speed
charX - character x position
charY - character y position
keyLeft - Set to true to make the character press the to left key
keyRight - Set to true to make the character press the to right key
keyUp - Set to true to make the character press the to up key
keyDown - Set to true to make the character press the down key
I can understand the following languages:
Actionscript 2/3
I got this code (Actionscript 3), but sometimes it doesn't work:
var escapeToLeft:Boolean = false;
var r:Number = Math.atan2(0 - shotSpeedY, 0 - shotSpeedX)
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(charY - (shotY + shotSpeedY), charX - (shotX + shotSpeedX));
var b:Number = diepix.fixRotation(r-angle); // This function make the number between -180 and 180
if(b<0) {
escapeToLeft = true;
r += (escapeToLeft?1:0 - 1) * Math.PI / 2;
var cx:Number = Math.cos(r);
var cy:Number = Math.sin(r);
if(cx < 0.0) {
keyLeft = true;
}else {
keyRight = true;
if(cy < 0.0) {
keyUp = true;
}else {
keyDown = true;
Some observations:
Optimal dodging probably involves moving at a 90 degree angle from the bullets direction. That way, you get out of harms way the quickest.
If you do err, you want to err in the direction of the bullet, as that buys you time.
you can calculate 90 degrees to bullet direction with the scalar product
find the closest compass direction to the calculated optimal angle (4 possible answers)
are you allowed to go up and left at the same time? Now you have 8 possible answers to a bullet
bonus points for dodging in optimal direction according to second point
The scalar product of two vectors (ax, ay) and (bx, by) is ax * bx + ay * by. This is 0 if they are orthogonal (90 degrees). So, given the bullet (ax, ay), find a direction (bx, by) to run that has a scalar product of 0:
ax * bx must equal ay * by, so (bx, by) = (-ax, -ay)
Now to find the closest point on the compass for (bx, by), the direction you would like to run to. You can probably figure out the technique from the answer to a question of mine here on SO: How to "snap" a directional (2D) vector to a compass (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)? (note, thow, that I was using a wonky coordinate system there...)
If you have only 4 compass directions, your easiest path is to take:
max(abs(bx), abs(by))
The bigger vector component will show you the general direction to go - for
bx positive: right
bx negative: left
by positive: up (unless (0, 0) is top left with y positive in bottom left...)
by negative: down
I guess you should be able to come up with the rest on your own - otherwise, good luck on writing your own game!
I am not following what the line
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(charY - (shotY + shotSpeedY), charX - (shotX + shotSpeedX));
is supposed to be doing. The vector ( charY - shotY, charX - shotX ) would be the radius vector pointing from the location of the shot to the location of the character. But what do you have when you subtract a speed vector from that, as you are doing in this line?
It seems to me that what you need to do is:
Calculate the radius vector (rY, rX) where rY = shotY - charY; rX = xhotX - charX
Calculate the optimal direction of jump, if the character weren't constrained to a compass point.
Start with a vector rotated 90 degrees from the shot-character radius vector. Say vJump = ( rX, -rY ). (I think Daren has this calculation slightly wrong--you are transposing the two coordinates, and reversing one of their signs.)
The character should either wants to jump in the direction of vJump or the direction of -vJump. To know which, take the scalar product of vJump with (shotSpeedY, shotSpeedX). If this is positive, then the character is jumping towards the bullet, which you don't want, obviously, so reverse the sign of both components of vJump in this case.
Jump in the permissible direction that is closest to vJump. In the code you listed, you are constrained to jump in one of the diagonal directions--you will never jump in one of the cardinal directions. This may in fact be the mathematically optimal solution, since the diagonal jumps are probably longer than the cardinal jumps by a factor of 1.414.
If your jumps are actually equal distance, however, or if you just don't like how it looks if the character always jumps diagonally, you can test each of the eight cardinal and intermediate directions by calculating the scalar product between vJump and each of the eight direction vectors (0,1), (0.7071,0.7071), (1,0), (0.7071,-0.7071), etc. Take the direction that gives you the biggest positive scalar product. Given the patterns present, with some clever programming you can do this in fewer than eight tests.
Note that this algorithm avoids any math more complicated than addition and multiplication, so will likely have much better performance than something that requires trig functions.

Triangle mathematics for game development

I'm trying to make a triangle (isosceles triangle) to move around the screen and at the same time slightly rotate it when a user presses a directional key (like right or left).
I would like the nose (top point) of the triangle to lead the triangle at all times. (Like that old asteroids game).
My problem is with the maths behind this. At every X time interval, I want the triangle to move in "some direction", I need help finding this direction (x and y increments/decrements).
I can find the center point (Centroid) of the triangle, and I have the top most x an y points, so I have a line vector to work with, but not a clue as to "how" to work with it.
I think it has something to do with the old Sin and Cos methods and the amount (angle) that the triangle has been rotated, but I'm a bit rusty on that stuff.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The arctangent (inverse tangent) of vy/vx, where vx and vy are the components of your (centroid->tip) vector, gives you the angle the vector is facing.
The classical arctangent gives you an angle normalized to -90° < r < +90° degrees, however, so you have to add or subtract 90 degrees from the result depending on the sign of the result and the sign of vx.
Luckily, your standard library should proive an atan2() function that takes vx and vy seperately as parameters, and returns you an angle between 0° and 360°, or -180° and +180° degrees. It will also deal with the special case where vx=0, which would result in a division by zero if you were not careful.
See or just search for "arctangent".
Edit: I've used degrees in my post for clarity, but Java and many other languages/libraries work in radians where 180° = π.
You can also just add vx and vy to the triangle's points to make it move in the "forward" direction, but make sure that the vector is normalized (vx² + vy² = 1), else the speed will depend on your triangle's size.
I've tried writing a primer on vectors, coordinates, points and angles in this answer box twice, but changed my mind on both occasions because it would take too long and I'm sure there are many tutorials out there explaining stuff better than I ever can.
Your centroid and "tip" coordinates are not vectors; that is to say, there is nothing to be gained from thinking of them as vectors.
The vector you want, vForward = pTip - pCentroid, can be calculated by subtracting the coordinates of the "tip" corner from the centroid point. The atan2() of this vector, i.e. atan2(tipY-centY, tipX-centX), gives you the angle your triangle is "facing".
As for what it's relative to, it doesn't matter. Your library will probably use the convention that the increasing X axis (---> the right/east direction on presumably all the 2D graphs you've seen) is 0° or 0π. The increasing Y (top, north) direction will correspond to 90° or (1/2)π.
It seems to me that you need to store the rotation angle of the triangle and possibly it's current speed.
x' = x + speed * cos(angle)
y' = y + speed * sin(angle)
Note that angle is in radians, not degrees!
Radians = Degrees * RadiansInACircle / DegreesInACircle
RadiansInACircle = 2 * Pi
DegressInACircle = 360
For the locations of the vertices, each is located at a certain distance and angle from the center. Add the current rotation angle before doing this calculation. It's the same math as for figuring the movement.
Here's some more:
Vectors represent displacement. Displacement, translation, movement or whatever you want to call it, is meaningless without a starting point, that's why I referred to the "forward" vector above as "from the centroid," and that's why the "centroid vector," the vector with the x/y components of the centroid point doesn't make sense. Those components give you the displacement of the centroid point from the origin. In other words, pOrigin + vCentroid = pCentroid. If you start from the 0 point, then add a vector representing the centroid point's displacement, you get the centroid point.
Note that:
vector + vector = vector
(addition of two displacements gives you a third, different displacement)
point + vector = point
(moving/displacing a point gives you another point)
point + point = ???
(adding two points doesn't make sense; however:)
point - point = vector
(the difference of two points is the displacement between them)
Now, these displacements can be thought of in (at least) two different ways. The one you're already familiar with is the rectangular (x, y) system, where the two components of a vector represent the displacement in the x and y directions, respectively. However, you can also use polar coordinates, (r, Θ). Here, Θ represents the direction of the displacement (in angles relative to an arbitary zero angle) and r, the distance.
Take the (1, 1) vector, for example. It represents a movement one unit to the right and one unit upwards in the coordinate system we're all used to seeing. The polar equivalent of this vector would be (1.414, 45°); the same movement, but represented as a "displacement of 1.414 units in the 45°-angle direction. (Again, using a convenient polar coordinate system where the East direction is 0° and angles increase counter-clockwise.)
The relationship between polar and rectangular coordinates are:
Θ = atan2(y, x)
r = sqrt(x²+y²) (now do you see where the right triangle comes in?)
and conversely,
x = r * cos(Θ)
y = r * sin(Θ)
Now, since a line segment drawn from your triangle's centroid to the "tip" corner would represent the direction your triangle is "facing," if we were to obtain a vector parallel to that line (e.g. vForward = pTip - pCentroid), that vector's Θ-coordinate would correspond to the angle that your triangle is facing.
Take the (1, 1) vector again. If this was vForward, then that would have meant that your "tip" point's x and y coordinates were both 1 more than those of your centroid. Let's say the centroid is on (10, 10). That puts the "tip" corner over at (11, 11). (Remember, pTip = pCentroid + vForward by adding "+ pCentroid" to both sides of the previous equation.) Now in which direction is this triangle facing? 45°, right? That's the Θ-coordinate of our (1, 1) vector!
keep the centroid at the origin. use the vector from the centroid to the nose as the direction vector. will rotate this vector. construct the other two points from this vector. translate the three points to where they are on the screen and draw.
double v; // velocity
double theta; // direction of travel (angle)
double dt; // time elapsed
// To compute increments
double dx = v*dt*cos(theta);
double dy = v*dt*sin(theta);
// To compute position of the top of the triangle
double size; // distance between centroid and top
double top_x = x + size*cos(theta);
double top_y = y + size*sin(theta);
I can see that I need to apply the common 2d rotation formulas to my triangle to get my result, Im just having a little bit of trouble with the relationships between the different components here.
aib, stated that:
The arctangent (inverse tangent) of
vy/vx, where vx and vy are the
components of your (centroid->tip)
vector, gives you the angle the vector
is facing.
Is vx and vy the x and y coords of the centriod or the tip? I think Im getting confused as to the terminology of a "vector" here. I was under the impression that a Vector was just a point in 2d (in this case) space that represented direction.
So in this case, how is the vector of the centroid->tip calculated? Is it just the centriod?
meyahoocomlorenpechtel stated:
It seems to me that you need to store
the rotation angle of the triangle and
possibly it's current speed.
What is the rotation angle relative to? The origin of the triangle, or the game window itself? Also, for future rotations, is the angle the angle from the last rotation or the original position of the triangle?
Thanks all for the help so far, I really appreciate it!
you will want the topmost vertex to be the centroid in order to achieve the desired effect.
First, I would start with the centroid rather than calculate it. You know the position of the centroid and the angle of rotation of the triangle, I would use this to calculate the locations of the verticies. (I apologize in advance for any syntax errors, I have just started to dabble in Java.)
//starting point
double tip_x = 10;
double tip_y = 10;
should be
double center_x = 10;
double center_y = 10;
//triangle details
int width = 6; //base
int height = 9;
should be an array of 3 angle, distance pairs.
angle = rotation_angle + vertex[1].angle;
dist = vertex[1].distance;
p1_x = center_x + math.cos(angle) * dist;
p1_y = center_y - math.sin(angle) * dist;
// and the same for the other two points
Note that I am subtracting the Y distance. You're being tripped up by the fact that screen space is inverted. In our minds Y increases as you go up--but screen coordinates don't work that way.
The math is a lot simpler if you track things as position and rotation angle rather than deriving the rotation angle.
Also, in your final piece of code you're modifying the location by the rotation angle. The result will be that your ship turns by the rotation angle every update cycle. I think the objective is something like Asteroids, not a cat chasing it's tail!
