Google App Maker : How to update multiple row of a field ? - google-app-maker

I have a table with filtered results.
I need to update all rows "Payé" of the table in a client script.
I know how to update the first active row of the field "Payé". But I need to update all the row of that field in one time (in a call back function)
Can you help me.
Here is the screen shot of what I need

This should do the trick:
var rows = app.datasources.TABLE_NAME.items;
for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){
rows[i].Paye = true;


add an image into datagridview based on a condition

i want to show an image in datagridview based on a condition (if the endday of subscribtion is < today then show a red cross image else show a checkmark image) , i have an sqlite database and i created a datagridviewimagecolumn called expired to shopw this images , but i'm not getting anything , here is the code
``for (int row = 0; row <= membersdashboarddatagrid.Rows.Count - 1; row++)
DateTime endday = Convert.ToDateTime(membersdashboarddatagrid.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value);
if (endday < DateTime.Today)
((DataGridViewImageCell)membersdashboarddatagrid.Rows[row].Cells[0]).Value = Properties.Resources.delete;
((DataGridViewImageCell)membersdashboarddatagrid.Rows[row].Cells[0]).Value = Properties.Resources._checked;
Hope you could help me guys !
The problem you are having is that in each iteration of the for loop, the code is checking the “SAME” Cells EndDay value. Specifically, the line of code…
DateTime endday = Convert.ToDateTime(membersdashboarddatagrid.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value);
The portion of this that is using the same cell is…
The code above uses the SAME CurrentRow.Cell[3].Value with each iteration. Therefore, all the Expire images will be the same depending on what the CurrentRows EndDay value is. I am confident you want something like…

AppMaker - Navigate to Last Page on Table

I have a calculated SQL that returns 100 results.
Added a table (from this calculated SQL) and limited the size of the page by 25 results.
This will generate 4 pages.
Pager form AppMaker works well (navigates between pages) but i need a button that navigates directly from page 1 to the page 4.
is this possible?
Anyone got a solution for this?
If you need to know how many entries your table has (in your case it's seems fixed to 100, but maybe it could grow), you can still do what you want:
E.g. say your table on YOURPAGE depends on a datasource called Customers.
Create a new Data item called CustomerCount, with just one field, called Count (integer).
Its data source would be a sql query script:
Select count(CustomerName) as Count from Customers
on the page you are having the table on, add a custom property (say called
Count of type integer)
In the page attach event, set the property asynchronously with this custom action:
app.datasources.CustomerCount.load(function() { = app.datasources.CustomerCount.count;
app.datasources.Customers.query.pageIndex = #properties.Count / 25;
I tried similar things successfully in the past.
Found a solution for this:
function CandidateCountRows() {
var query = app.models.candidate.newQuery();
var records =;
console.log("Number of records: " + records.length);
return records.length;
in the button code:
var psize = widget.datasource.query.pageSize;
var pidx = widget.datasource.query.pageIndex;
var posicao = psize * pidx;
var nreg = posicao; {
nreg = Xresult;
console.log('position: ' + posicao);
console.log('nreg: ' + nreg);
console.log('psize: ' + psize);
console.log('pidx: ' + pidx);
var i;
for (i = pidx; i < (nreg/psize); i++) {
This will allow to navigate to last page.
If you know for a fact that your query always returns 100 records and that your page size will always be 25 records then the simplest approach is to make sure your button is tied to the same datasource and attach the following onClick event:
widget.datasource.query.pageIndex = 4;

Xamarin grid, column and row amounts

Hi im relatively new to c# code and i was wondering if there is any way to get the amount of columns and rows in a grid and store that amount in a variable
Something like:
var columnamount = grid.columnamount;
But i could not find anything that works
You can use the following code to get a count of the columns and rows directly via the ColumnDefinitions and RowDefinitions properties. No need to enumerate the children of the grid because you may not have views in every column/row.
var columnCount = grid.ColumnDefintions.Count;
var rowCount = grid.RowDefinitions.Count;
For reference the documentation.
You might be able to do it this way, purely based on what I see in the docs:
var countColumns = grid.Children.Where( c => c.Column).Max();
var countRows = grid.Children.Where( c => c.Row).Max();
But I'm not sure if you can access Row anf Column properties on the child element.
This is not the best way to check, I guess, but it's working (same thing for columns):
EDIT: nope, for columns it doesn't work
int GetRowsCount(Grid grid)
var item = grid.Children.FirstOrDefault();
return item != null ? Grid.GetRow(item) + 1 : 0;

Game Maker Studio: Top 10 Highscores (Seriously)

I feel really dumb for having to post this, but I've been trying to achieve this for an entire week now and I'm getting nowhere!
I'm trying to create a highscore board. Top 10 scores, saved to an INI file. I have searched every single thing on the entire internet ever. I just do not get it.
So what I have tried is this...
I have a "load_room" setup. When this room loads, it runs this code:
Then when my character dies:
myName = get_string("Enter your name for the highscore list: ","Player1"); //if they enter nothing, "Player1" will get put on the list
score = 0;
I'm not worried about including the code to display the scores as I'm checking the score.ini that the game creates for the real values added.
With this, I seem to be able to save ONE score, and that's all. I need to save 10. Again, I'm sorry for asking the same age-old question, but I'm really in need of help and hoping someone out there can assist!
Thanks so much,
Why you use save in load_room instead load?
Why you clear the table after die?
You need to use loop for save each result.
For example, loading:
for (var i=1; i<=10; i++)
var name = ini_read_string("Save", "name" + string(i), "");
var value = ini_read_real("Save", "value" + string(i), 0);
if value != 0
highscore_add(name, value);
myName = get_string("Enter your name for the highscore list: ","Player1");
highscore_add(myName, score);
for (var i=1; i<=10; i++)
ini_write_string("Save", "name" + string(i), highscore_name(i));
ini_write_string("Save", "value" + string(i), string(highscore_value(i)));
score = 0;
And few more things...
score = 0;
You need do it when game starts, so here it is unnecessary.
get_string("Enter your name for the highscore list: ","Player1");
Did you read note in help?
NOTE: THIS FUNCTION IS FOR DEBUG USE ONLY. Should you require this functionality in your final game, please use get_string_async.
I used ini_write_string(..., ..., string(...)); instead ini_write_real() because second case will save something like 1000.000000000, and first case will save just 1000.

Hide columns in a GridView when new columns are added

Have landed into a scenario.
I have a gridview with 22 static columns (few are BoundFields, few are TemplateFields).
We have a scenario in our project that we need to order the GridView according to the columns selected. The order of the columns selected is provided from the UI.
For ex: We have Doc1 to Doc23 as the columns.
Now, from the functionality provided in the UI, I am passing some 4 columns say Doc2,Doc4,Doc5,Doc7.
Now I want that only these 4 columns should be present in my grid as a final output.
Have tried some code, but it doesn't seem to work.
Below is my code:
public int GridColumnOrdering(string columnList)
string[] test = columnList.Split(';');
var docCatColumn = gridResultSet.Columns[0];
var docTypeColumn = gridResultSet.Columns[1];
int columnCount = 0;
int testCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < test.Count(); i++)
if (test[i] == "Doc2")
gridResultSet.Columns.Insert(i , docCatColumn);
if (test[i] == "Doc3")
gridResultSet.Columns.Insert(i , docTypeColumn);
gridResultSet.Columns[2].Visible = false;
gridResultSet.Columns[3].Visible = false;
columnList is a parameter passed which has values such as Doc2;Doc3.
My idea is that I get the static columns which resemble the column gotten from the UI, change its position to the very next position, and then hide that static column. In this way, we actually have 2 columns by the same name, but I am trying to hide the static one and display the dynamic one.
I know it sounds weird and hectic, but this is what came to my mind.
Now the problem is that if I try to change the visibility of the static column, the visibility of the dynamic one also changes.
Can experts help on this issue or point out to some easy method in this regards??
