Force terminate WIA or TWAIN driver (scanner) - twain

I'm having a pretty annoying issue. When I try to silent install a program, that program depends on the WIA or TWAIN driver (for scanners) NOT being "in use". The problem is that driver can be "in use" even after the scanner is unplugged from the computer (if it was plugged in before, the driver is used and doesn't stop being in use after unplugging)
My question is, to your knowledge, what controls this WIA / TWAIN driver? Is it a service I can force close or a process?
I have found these 2 services for WIA :
but nothing regarding TWAIN.
My goal would be to add that force close in the installation script so it makes SURE that WIA or TWAIN cannot be in use whatsoever before installing.

I found the solution, might be useful for any other people having problems with these drivers. First download ListDlls by SysInternals :
Then with PowerShell:
Stop-Service -Name stisvc -Force
[string]$twain_utilise = C:\TEMP\Listdlls.exe -d TwainDSM.dll | select-string "pid"
if ($twain_utilise) {
$processus = ($twain_utilise -Split(": "))[1]
Stop-Process -id $processus -Force
Explanation :
-Stop the service STISVC which is in charge of WIA (Windows Image Acquisition (WIA))
-Run ListDlls.exe on TWAINDSM.DLL to find out what is using the dll by selecting the PID of found program.
-IF the command was successful (in other terms, if the PID was found, meaning a program IS using that DLL), split the content so you can isolate the PID number only.
-Stop the process with it's PID so TWAIN isn't in use anymore
You now have stopped any use of WIA or TWAIN and can proceed to install drivers or software that require these drivers not to be in use! Cheers.


HCI_UART on NRF52840, attaching the device on a Yocto based Linux SBC errors out saying "Can't init device hci0: Cannot assign requested address (99)"

I am trying to Interface a BLE module based on Nordic's nrf52840 to a Yocto based SBC, to which all the BlueZ related packages have been added.
I have flashed Zephyr's sample hci_uart program onto the module. The module seems to run perfectly on my Linux PC (BlueZ version 5.48), whereas on the SBC(BlueZ version 5.54) it fails to get inited. Here's the error that comes when I use
root#rb-imx6:~# hciconfig hci0 up
root#rb-imx6:~# Can't init device hci0: Cannot assign requested address (99)
Can anyone please help me out on this?
Thanks in advance.
The error of assigning an address is caused by missing Linux kernel configuration options:
This is likely to happen with a self-built Buildroot or Yocto Embedded Linux system. If you run into this error, you should enable above options and recompile the kernel.
See the BlueZ requirements here:
To see detailed debug output from BlueZ, run it with -d option:
bluetoothd -d

fwrite(): write of XX bytes failed with errno=5 Input/output error

I had 2 similar questions before, however after more debugging I came to the conclusion the problem was (probably) not within my own code.
In my code I am trying to unzip a gzipped file, for this I wrote a small method;
namespace App\Helpers;
class Gzip
public static function unzip($filePath)
$outFilePath = str_replace('.gz', '', $filePath);
// Open our files (in binary mode)
$file = gzopen($filePath, 'rb');
$outFile = fopen($outFilePath, 'wb');
// Keep repeating until the end of the input file
while (!gzeof($file)) {
// Read buffer-size bytes
// Both fwrite and gzread and binary-safe
fwrite($outFile, gzread($file, 4096));
// Files are done, close files
This should result in the unzipped file;
This is where it gets tricky, sometimes it will unzip the file and sometimes it will throw this exception; (keep in mind that this has nothing to do with the StreamHandler itself, this is a pure input/output error problem)
I can refresh the page as many times as I want but nothing will change, if I would try the gunzip command on the command line it will fail with sort off the same error;
Which file I am unzipping does not matter, it randomly happens to a random file.
Now it also won't matter if I run the gunzip command multiple times, but like I said these exceptions / errors happen randomly so they also randomly "fix" them self.
The application is written in Laravel 8.0, PHP7.4 running on a Homestead environment (Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS) my base laptop runs on Windows 10.
To me it's super weird that this exception / error happens randomly and also randomly out of nowhere "fixes" itself, so my question is: how does this happen, why does this happen and ultimately how can I fix it.
errno=5 Input/output error is a failure to read/write the Linux file system.
A real server, you need to check the disk with fsck, etc...
Homestead running on Windows, I think we should look for the windows 10 homestead errno -5 issue.
winnfsd -
If your Vagrant on Windows is using VirtualBox, HyperV can course this.
Try to disable HyperV for VirtualBox on the powershell, and reboot Windows
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor
The problem relied in me using Homestead (a Vagrant box) with NFS turned on, Vagrant + NFS + Windows = problems. There are many possible solutions to the problem, most exceptions regarding a errno5 come down to NFS + Vagrant.
The solution for me was to stop using NFS, for now this will be the accepted answer as this fixes my problem. However if someone manages to find a actual solution to this error I will accept that.
I solved it and I keep using NFS.
This situation happens to me usually when I'm dropping a database schema or creating a new one and fill it with a lot of data on my virtual box. I'm talking about volumes like around 50 Megabytes. I guess this is enough for virtual box to start re-scaling the virtual hard disc and it makes Ubuntu crazy and Kernel panicking.
So the solution is to reboot vagrant as many times as it takes for it to fix the issue.
That is what usually work for me:
make vagrant halt - it would go with errors
then vagrant up - it probably would not work
them vagrant halt - it probably would go with errors again
then vagrant up --provision - it would take time and probably also give errors
then vagrant halt - it should work this time
then vagrant up --provision - because "why not provisioning it again" and it is usually enough.
In 9 out of 10 cases it is enough. When it is not enough then I just create a new homestead.

Systrace - error truncating /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_ftrace_filter: No such device (19) unable to start

I am currently working on a project which aims to find out what the system is doing behind a series of user interaction on the android UI. For example, if user click send button in Facebook Messenger, the measured response time for such action is 1.2 seconds. My goal is to figure out what the 1.2 seconds consist of. My friend suggested that I should take a look into 'Systrace'.
However, when I tried systrace on my HTC one M8, I have encountered some problems:
First, error opening /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/options/overwrite - no such file or directory. I solved this problem by building up the support of the kernel following and mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug. Then I could find the tracing directory. Besides, I set ro.debuggable=1 in file default.prop within Ramdisk and burn the boot.img into my phone.
Now I encounter another problem: when I run - python --time=10 -o mynewtrace.html sched gfx view wm, the following error(19) pop up: error truncating /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_ftrace_filter: No such device (19). I don't know if the way my building up kernel support for systrace is incorrect or anything is missing.
Could anyone helps me out with this problem, please?
I think I have worked out the solution. My environment is Ubuntu 16.04 + HTC one M8. I will write the steps as followed:
open terminal and enter: $adb shell
(1) $su (2) $mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug. Now you should be able to see many directories under /sys/kernel/debug/. (You may cd into /sys/kernel/debug to confirm this)
New a new terminal and enter: dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot of=/sdcard/boot.img to generate the boot.img kernel image from your device.
Use AndroidImageKitchen to unpack the boot.img and find the default.prop within Ramdisk folder. Then change ro.debuggable=0 to ro.debuggable=1. Repack the boot.img and flash boot it to your device.
Once the device boot, under terminal, enter: adb root and message like: restarting adbd as root may pop up. Disconnect the USB and connect again.
cd to the systrace folder, e.g. ~/androidSDK/platform-tools/systrace and use:
python --time=10 -o mynewtrace.html sched gfx view wm
Now you may able to generate your own systrace files.

Installing terminator on cygwin

After going through a lot of sites about best terminal for system admins I was trying to install on Cygwin. Unfortunately, I did not find any good site with instruction about how to do it.
Is anyone done this before? Please help me with steps and packages that I need to install.
Also is there any terminals I can try (like Cygwin)?
I don't know since what version, but now you can install terminator just from the Cygwin installer. And runs great
If you don't want to use cygwinports, you can actually install all of terminator's dependencies from the cygwin installer, except for terminator itself.
In the cygwin installer select and install:
python-vte (under GNOME tab for some reason)
Then, pull down the latest terminator tarball from and extract it somewhere. In a administrator terminal just run python install and as long as you have a running X server just running terminator will work perfectly.
The sources about how to install terminator are a bit obscures. What I did, and may help you, was this: (although I'm still having segmentation faults errors)
Update your Cygwin to the latest
Open a Cygwin terminal and run: (if you have the x86 version use that. The idea of this step is to use Cygwin Ports)
cygstart -- /your/cygwin/path/setup-x86_64.exe -K
In the section Choose A Download Site:
Add ""
Add ""
Select another mirror close to you
Check that you have a total of three URLs selected
It may show you warning about not loading the .ini configuration but ignore them (Note: I looked for different port URLs but the official ones threw me errors and I could not pass this step, that's why I used alternatives URLs)
First, you need to install the packages for the X Window:
Basically they are:
xorg-server (required, the Cygwin/X X Server)
xinit (required, scripts for starting the X server: xinit, startx, startwin (and a shortcut on the Start Menu to run it), startxdmcp.bat )
xorg-docs (optional, man pages)
Also search and select the terminator package
It takes quite a while before it finishes.
Go to Start->All Programs->Cygwin-X->X Win Server (windows tool bar)
A xterm window should open. Type:
You should know have terminator with Cygwin.
Note: After I run terminator I get this error:
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terminatorlib/ Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::sm-connect after class was initialised
self.gnome_program = gnome.init(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terminatorlib/ Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::show-crash-dialog after class was initialised
self.gnome_program = gnome.init(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terminatorlib/ Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::display after class was initialised
self.gnome_program = gnome.init(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terminatorlib/ Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::default-icon after class was initialised
self.gnome_program = gnome.init(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION)
Warning: python-keybinder is not installed. This means the hide_window shortcut will be unavailable
Unable to bind hide_window key, another instance/window has it.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I've looking to fix this issue but sadly I couldn't find anything. If you use Cygwin x86 your outcome can be different.
Hope this can help you.

Hostapd start error

make wthis this manual
with this config file
and i have error
oot#Cubian:/home/cubie/wif/hostapd-2.1/hostapd# ./hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Line 16: unknown configuration item 'ieee80211n'
Line 17: unknown configuration item 'ht_capab'
2 errors found in configuration file '/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf'
Failed to set up interface with /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Failed to initialize interfac
in old version i dont have thsi error
It appears that the problem is that hostapd 2.1 is now treating an error it had differently.
This is reproducible on Ubuntu desktop versions, as the resource (WLAN) is busy.
If one turns off the programs that are accessing the resource, hostapd has a chance to grab it and work.
In Ubuntu desktop 14.04 beta, a solution is to turn off the programs that are using the wlan in question.
This worked for me:
sudo nmcli nm wifi off
sudo rfkill unblock wlan
then hostapd can start normally from command line. Of course, if you want hostapd to start on boot you must insure that the network manager is not grabbing the resource ahead of time.
in compile conf i uncomment string
I have found this link explaining the cause of the error and how to solve it.
Also I have found this other link which I followed and it is working with me check the configuration part.
My OS is ubuntu 12.4
start your hostapd with
hostapd -dd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
you will get more information for diagnostics. In which old version you did not get the error? Did you update hostapd? Or changed your wifi adapter? which distri you are using?
there is written how the ieee80211n settings are. for me i cant see an error.
if you remove the both lines, the ap is starting correctly?
