K-Means Distance Measure - Large Data and mixed Scales - r

I´ve a question regarding k-means clustering. We have a dataset with 120,000 observations and need to compute a k-means cluster solution with R. The problem is that k-means usually use Euclidean Distance. Our dataset consists of 3 continous variables, 11 ordinal (Likert 0-5) (i think it would be okay to handle them like continous) and 5 binary variables. Do you have any suggestion for a distance measure that we can use for our k-means approach with regards to the "large" dataset? We stick to k-means, so I really hope one of you has a good idea.

One approach would be to normalize the features and then just use the 11-dimensional
Euclidean Distance. Cast the binary values to 0/1 (Well, it's R, so it does that anyway) and go from there.
I don't see an immediate problem with this method other than k-means in 11 dimensions will definitely be hard to interpret. You could try to use a dimensionality reduction technique and hopefully make the k-means output easier to read, but you know way more about the data set than we ever could, so our ability to help you is limited.

You can certainly encode there binary variables as 0,1 too.
It is a best practise in statistics to not treat likert scale variables as numeric, because of that uneven distribution.
But I don't you will get meaningful k-means clusters. That algorithm is all about computing means. That makes sense on continuous variables. Discrete variables usually lack "resolution" for this to work well. Three mean then degrades to a "frequency" and then the data should be handled very differently.
Do not choose the problem by the hammer. Maybe your data is not a nail; and even if you'd like to make it with kmeans, it won't solve your problem... Instead, formulate your problem, then choose the right tool. So given your data, what is a good cluster? Until you have an equation that measures this, handing the data won't solve anything.

Encoding the variables to binary will not solve the underlying problem. Rather, it will only aid in increasing the data dimensionality, an added burden. It's best practice in statistics to not alter the original data to any other form like continuous to categorical or vice versa. However, if you are doing so, i.e. the data conversion then it must be in sync with the question to solve as well as you must provide valid justification.
Continuing further, as others have stated, try to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset first. Check for issues like, missing values, outliers, zero variance, principal component analysis (continuous variables), correspondence analysis (for categorical variables) etc. This can help you reduce the dimensionality. After all, data preprocessing tasks constitute 80% of analysis.
Regarding the distance measure for mixed data type, you do understand the mean in k will work only for continuous variable. So, I do not understand the logic of using the algorithm k-means for mixed datatypes?
Consider choosing other algorithm like k-modes. k-modes is an extension of k-means. Instead of distances it uses dissimilarities (that is, quantification of the total mismatches between two objects: the smaller this number, the more similar the two objects). And instead of means, it uses modes. A mode is a vector of elements that minimizes the dissimilarities between the vector itself and each object of the data.

Mixture models can be used to cluster mixed data.
You can use the R package VarSelLCM which models, within each cluster, the continuous variables by Gaussian distributions and the ordinal/binary variables.
Moreover, missing values can be managed by the model at hand.
A tutorial is available at: http://varsellcm.r-forge.r-project.org/


How do I numerically compare the Dymos solution to the simulated solution?

I want to conduct a convergence study for my Dymos optimization results where I vary the number of nodes and compare the simulated solution to the optimization solution. From what I understand, Dymos fits polynomials to the system dynamics to represent the timeseries solution. What is the best way to compare the polynomial trajectory of the optimization solution to the trajectory of the simulated solution? I specifically want to evaluate the difference between the two trajectories away from the collocation/control nodes... to show that the polynomial fitting actually represents the simulated solution. How would I access the polynomial fitting data?
Thanks in advance.
For some of the testing we have an assert_timeseries_near_equal function that treats the more dense time series as the truth and tests that the less dense timeseries (usually the discrete solution) is reasonably close to it.
We're actually working on this method a bit more explicit right now so it's a little easier for users to apply in general cases, such as comparing discrete solutions from two different cases.
In general, there's a few different ways you can test your explicit results against an explicit integration. You could just verify that the final states of the two solutions are reasonably close. Since the error tends to increase over the course of the trajectory this is often good enough for a quick check. The downside of this approach is that it doesn't test that both solutions took the same path to the final condition.
To test the solution away from the nodes I'd recommend the following: Add a second timeseries output to the relevant phase that contains more segments or higher order segments. This timeseries will have more nodes. Dymos will interpolate from the solution's collocation grid onto this more dense timeseries output grid. Comparing this against the explicit simulation should still match exactly in terms of times, controls, and parameters, you'll better capture the interpolating state polynomials vs the explicitly simulated results.
There are other statistical methods out there for comparing timeseries that you can bring to bear, but visualizing the explicit trajectory plus some error bound as a "tube" into which we want to fit the discrete solution is usually how I handle it.

Filtering Variables within Cluster Analysis in R

I am attempting to run a cluster analysis (PAM) on a financial dataset with a lot of noise.
There are well over 100 variables, many of which are highly collinear.
Running the clustering algorithm on the entire array of columns is almost nonsensical given the amount of noise and collinearity, and I do not wish to use a PCA because I will end up with components rather than ranges of existing variables for each cluster, which I plan to further analyze.
In assessing the clustering tendency (hopkin's statistic) of a defined group of say 10 variables, I can determine whether clustering is viable. My question is if there is a way to loop the hopkin's statistic across every possible group of say 10 variables, such that I can run the clustering algorithm on the group with the best hopkin's statistic, etc.
I may be way off base with this, but any advice is appreciated.
There is a package ‘clustertend’ and there is hopkin's statistics here as function
Use a subspace clustering approach.
These algorithms attempt to identify both clusters and the variables that distinguish this cluster at the same time.
But even these algorithms will benefit if you reduce the number of variables. First try to identify highly correlated variables (duplicates), and useless variables (noise), and remove them.
Don't rely on the Hopkins statistic. It's a simple test for uniformity, but not for multimodality. I.e., a single Gaussian will have a high "clustering tendency", but that likely will not be useful to you. So the statistic will likely not help.

Alternative to Boruta function in R for Large data set

I have a data set with 90,275 rows & 60 variables. I want to do Feature engineering for this data set. Previously I used Boruta() under package Boruta for feature engineering. But seeing the size of data set,I'm feeling that Boruta() will take very long time.
Can you please suggest me some alternative to Boruta for feature engineering large data set?
The general answer would be, it depends on your data format (type of variables) since input space for different FE/FS algorithm varies significantly.
So, please, first of all, please provide the structure of your data frame.
But for a moment, I would assume you have the following formats:
1) numerical
2) factors, characters, logical and dummy variables
3) mix of numeric and factor variable
Numerical input: PCA, LDA, anova, Pearson correlation should help you to decrease dimensionality. It works quite fast since it's numeric data
Factor & Mix: anova, tree based solutions (random forest, xgboost, cubist) by checking important variables of models. These options are quite fast as well, assuming that your data does not have too many level (i.e. variable "city" with 200 options etc).
Boruta can be a good alternative to Boruta. Ironic, right?
Boruta allows you to specify the tool it uses.
One of the controls is "getImp".
If it is "getImpRFZ" then it is a z-score of mean decrease in
accuracy from a Ranger-based forest. Ranger tends to be faster than
If it is "getImpXgboost" then it uses XGBoost, which is fast and
handles big stuff.
If it is "getImpExtraZ" then it uses the ExtraTrees library, which is
supposed to be decent against big stuff as well. Note, use ~5x the
tree count you would in a textbook RF.
You can also homebrew your importance function, but it should be
pretty tough to beat XGboost.

Dimension Reduction for Clustering in R (PCA and other methods)

Let me preface this:
I have looked extensively on this matter and I've found several intriguing possibilities to look into (such as this and this). I've also looked into principal component analysis and I've seen some sources that claim it's a poor method for dimension reduction. However, I feel as though it may be a good method, but am unsure how to implement it. All the sources I've found on this matter give a good explanation, but rarely do they provide any sort of advice as to actually go about applying one of these methods (i.e. how one can actually apply a method in R).
So, my question is: is there a clear-cut way to go about dimension reduction in R? My dataset contains both numeric and categorical variables (with multiple levels) and is quite large (~40k observations, 18 variables (but 37 if I transform categorical variables into dummies)).
A few points:
If we want to use PCA, then I would have to somehow convert my categorical variables into numeric. Would it be okay to simply use a dummy variable approach for this?
For any sort of dimension reduction for unsupervised learning, how do I treat ordinal variables? Do the concept of ordinal variables even make sense in unsupervised learning?
My real issue with PCA is that when I perform it and have my principal components.. I have no idea what to actually do with them. From my knowledge, each principal component is a combination of the variables - and as such I'm not really sure how this helps us pick and choose which are the best variables.
I don't think this is an R question. This is more like a statistics question.
PCA doesn't work for categorical variables. PCA relies on decomposing the covariance matrix, which doesn't work for categorical variables.
Ordinal variables make lot's of sense in supervised and unsupervised learning. What exactly are you looking for? You should only apply PCA on ordinal variables if they are not skewed and you have many levels.
PCA only gives you a new transformation in terms of principal components, and their eigenvalues. It has nothing to do with dimension reduction. I repeat, it has nothing to do with dimension reduction. You reduce your data set only if you select a subset of the principal components. PCA is useful for regression, data visualisation, exploratory analysis etc.
A common way is to apply optimal scaling to transform your categorical variables for PCA:
Read this:
You may also want to consider correspondence analysis for categorical variables and multiple factor analysis for both categorical and continuous.

Determining optimal number of clusters and with Daisy function and Gower Similarity

I am attempting to cluster the behavioral traits of 250 species into life-history strategies. The trait data consists of both numerical and nominal variables. I am relatively new to R and to cluster analysis, but I believe the best option to find the distances for these points is to use the gower similarity method within the daisy function. 1) Is that the best method?
Once I have these distances, I would like to find significant clusters. I have looked into pvclust and like its ability to give me the strength of the cluster. However, I have not been able to modify the code to accept the distance measurements previously made using daisy. I have unsuccessfully tried to follow the advice given here https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/10347/making-a-heatmap-with-a-precomputed-distance-matrix-and-data-matrix-in-r/10349#10349 and using the code obtained here http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~shimo/prog/pvclust/pvclust_unofficial_090824/pvclust.R
2)Can anyone help me to modify the existing code to accept my distance measurements?
3) Or, is there another better way to determine the number of significant clusters?
I thank all in advance for your help.
Some comments...
About 1)
It is a good way to deal with different types of data.
You could also create as many new rows in the dataset as possible nominal values and put 1/0 where it is needed. For example if there are 3 nominal values such as "reptile", "mammal" and "bird" you could change your initial dataset that has 2 columns (numeric, Nominal)
for a new one with 4 columns (numeric, numeric( representing reptile), numeric(representing mammal), numeric(representing bird)) an instance (23.4,"mammal") would be mapped to (23.4,0,1,0).
Using this mapping you could work with "normal" distances (be sure to standardize the data so that no column dominates the others due to it's big/small values).
About 2)
daisy returns an element of type dissimilarity, you can use it in other clustering algorithms from the cluster package (maybe you don't have to implement more stuff). For example the function pam can get the object returned by daisy directly.
About 3)
Clusters are really subjective and most cluster algorithms depend on the initial conditions so "significant clusters" is not really a term that some people would not be comfortable using. Pam could be useful in your case because clusters are centered using medoids which is good for nominal data (because it is interpretable). K-means for example has the disadvantage that the centroids are not interpretable (what does it mean 1/2 reptile 1/2 mammal?) pam builds the clusters centered to instances which is nice for interpretation purposes.
About pam:
You can use Zahn algorithm to find the cluster. Basically it's a minimum spanning tree and a function to remove the longest edge.
