Where to find woocommerce hooks original code function? - woocommerce

I know the wc-template-hooks gives us a list of all the hooks but where do I find the original function code to understand what it does in order to alter it?
Thank you in advance.
All the best

You will find the original function code of wc-template-hooks code in below file.


How to Use WP_UnitTestCase go_to() to Simulate Current Page

I'm using PHPUnit/WP_UnitTestCase to unit test a WP theme. I need to simulate that I'm on a page with a certain slug, and I've been told to use go_to() to do this. However, I can't figure out how to actually use the function.
If I do something like this, it won't work:
Any Advice?
The go_to function requires a url

Use two taxonomy terms in one URL WP-API

At the moment I'm calling taxonomy term data using URL's like this -
Is there a way I can call two taxonomy terms at the same time, something like this? -
I've read through all documentation but I'm struggling to find a solution, andy help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
Without knowing the full code in place its hard to be 100% but try...
By adding [ ] to the end of each reference to listing_area you are now passing through an array of values. Otherwise you just pass through the last value in the query string.

what is the real use of __return_empty_array in wordpress and when should we use it?

As I have started learning wordpress plugin developement recently but i can't understand the function __return_empty_array. It returns an array but when should we really use it.
__return_empty_array returns an empty array. It is ued to return empty array to filters. For example consider the case of turning off the link of the authors page. You can add the following code to functions.php to get it done.
add_filter ('author_rewrite_rules', '__return_empty_array');
In this case an empty array is returned and __return_empty_array is used for it. Hope you get me.

looking for the location of next_posts_link() in wordpress?

I am not able to find the location of function next_posts_link(). I am looking for its implementation. Can you please tell in which folder should I look for inorder to be able to see the implementation of this function(). Thanks.
wp-includes/link-template.php. ~Line 1509
References the function above it, get_next_posts_link().

Drupal: change view argument

I searched far and wide to find a working solution to this but couldn't find it.
What I want to do is change the argument that is passed to the view because I want for pathauto cleaned taxonomy terms to work as an argument. I have a code that transforms cleaned term back to a original one, but cannot make the view use it.
I saw some people changing it in hook_preprocess_views_view(&$vars) but in my case (Views 2.11) has a argument in $vars instanced so many times that it's not the way.
Can anyone please help me change this argument?
There may be a better way but you could use views_embed_view() and set the arguments yourself
I have two ideas, either to add some custom php code to the view's argument's phpcode section that does something like this
$args[0] = 1;
return $args;
or try to use the function
hook_views_pre_view(&$view, &$display_id, &$args) {
// modify $args value here
didn't test them so don't know which will work.
I think hook_views_pre_view might help you do just that.
