Qt Bluetooth AVRCP Implementation - qt

I'm working on Qt project and I successfully implemented Bluetooth connection using "HandsfreeAudioGateway" so I can stream audio.
As a next step I would like to implement AVRCP to control the audio player over Bluetooth.
Looks like Qt doesn't support AVRCP yet. On the other hand BlueZ has mediaAPI which I don't know how to use it in Qt.
If you can show me a way or an example to figure it out, would be appreciated.

You could take a look at bluez-qt which is a Qt wrapper for Bluez 5 DBus API.
BluezQt::MediaPlayer represents a media player interface and might be a way forward for you.


Can QT and FreeRTOS work together on MCU?

I may ask a stupid question. I want to use FreeRTOS as the OS on my NXP MCU MIMXRT1062XXXXB. The MCU connects to a display. I want to use QT to development user interface application. I want to know if it is possible to run QT application base on FreeRTOS on MCU?
Yes it is possible - lots of people do it. My first Google search for this hit this page on the QT website: https://doc.qt.io/QtForMCUs-2.1/qtul-using-with-freertos.html

Can we use arduino libraries(e.g motor shield library) with the STM32?

I want to know if it is possible to use arduino libraries (e.g motor shield library) with the STM32 series? Has anybody tried it before?
Thank you.
Generally yes, but.
Arduino the software defines just an API. As long as your board has an implementation of that API, a library basing on it should work.
That being said, libraries that weren't tested specifically on STM32 might break for various reasons. If you use PlatformIO, you can look for libraries that use Arduino framework and support STM32 MCUs.
If you're using an Arduino IDE, it's also possible to program the STM controllers directly from it. You just need an appropriate core/board definition installed, and make sure that you pick an appropriate programming option (I personally use ST-link whenever I can instead of bootloaders+serial).

How to get notified when incoming phone call arrive in Qt for Android

I am using Qt 5.10 for Android. My program is based on Qt Widgets and it is written in C++. I need to get notified when someone is calling. Is there a way in Qt to know messages such as incoming phone call (Maybe this can be extended to Qt mobile framework)?
If possible, please share code for reference, thanks
As I know Qt does not support your need directly. I recommend you to dive into androidextras and JNI class. With using intents you should able to solve your problem. There is an example to call someone with using Intent Class and you also can parse incoming call from Intents.

OpenRTSP Qt integration for video rendering

I was trying to use Qt for playing live video for which Qt provides a phonon class. However, the limitation with this is that it is not capable of decoding RTSP packets on windows (since phonon uses Directshow on windows platform).
In order to make it capable of doing this, I am planning to now integrate openRTSP with Qt. Within openRTSP where can I find a pointer / handle to the video buffer or frame buffer so that I can pass on this to my Qt widget for display.
Has anyone attempted this before?
Any pointers on the correct approach for doing this would be highly appreciated.
Take a look at GStreamer and GStreamer Qt bindings. They provide VideoWidget etc so it should provide you enough code examples how you should do this: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/modules/qt-gstreamer.html

Using Google 'Protocol Buffers' in Arduino

Is it possible to make Google Protocol Buffers work in Arduino?
I have been trying for about a week and can't make it work, and I would like to know if it's even possible.
This should fit on an Arduino:
I've managed, after several attempts, to compile google protocol buffers for Arduino (using lite runtime), and still, the resulting code size was way over the 32k limit. So, for now, GPB isn't a viable option for Arduino projects. (maybe on Arduino Mega?)
I suggest you look at MQTT for a suitable replacement (I'll do that).
Looking at the link provided it says it has bindings for C++. This is essentially what the arduino is programed in. I see no reason why it wouldn't work. If you were to post some details (the data object your trying to process and the C++ code the system generated) we might be able to help. What exactly isn't working?
If you are looking for a tutorial on using Protobuf on Arduino, you can check out my article: A simple Arduino IoT example with Protobuf. The code is available on Github.
The tutorial uses my library Embedded Proto. You have to copy the Embedded Proto to the Arduino library folder, and it will build. Full details in the tutorial.
If you have any questions, let me know.
