Okta Oauth2 implementation on Spring MVC - spring-mvc

i am new to Okta, i want to implement okta oautu2 on spring mvc application[without using springboot].
on web i found threads which are based on springboot application.


Okta OAuth2.0 implementation with Spring MVC

I want to integrate okta oauth2.0 in simple spring mvc project(not in spring boot project) along with self-hosted okta auth2.0 sign in widget.
I've created Spring MVC project and using okta-spring-security with it as okta-spring-boot further uses sprint-boot dependencies.
In boot, we write okta configs in application.yml file and I've written those required configs in json [META-INF] for mvc.
while running application, it is unable to identify & hit http://localhost:8080/oauth2/authorization/okta? and it returns 404 while 302 is required with redirection to http://localhost:8080/custom-login.
In short I'm trying to figure out whether it is possible to achieve it in core spring-mvc.

How to integrate OAuth with Azure B2C in Spring MVC?

I have to integrate OAut, Azure AD B2C for my existing spring mvc application.
Appreciate any help on implementing the base.
This sample to Java Spring MVC web app that authenticates users with Azure AD B2C
describes how to use Azure AD B2C Spring Boot Starter client library for Java to sign in users into your Azure AD tenant . It also makes use of Spring Oauth2 Client and Spring Web boot starters.
You need to Register the app in azure ad b2c,
Add the ,dependencies required in your pom.xml file,
Add the properties in application.yml using the values you created earlier in app registration.
You can follow further steps in detail for registration according to starter library
main Reference:
GitHub - Azure-Samples -java-spring-tutorial

Register Dropwizard(Spring MVC) application in springboot admin UI

I have a REST API developed using spring MVC and Dropwizard. I have created healthchecks using the Dropwizard framework. Now I looking how to register this API to Springboot admin so that I can see all the metrics on the admin UI.
I have other API's which are developed using Springboot. So registering them to Springboot admin was very straightforward. But in the other Dropwizard case, I am unable to register it and not sure if I need to do any extra configurations.
Looking forward to the response. Thank you

Integrating IdentityServer3 OpenID Connect Provider and OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server with a web forms asp.net 4.6 application

How can I integrate IdentityServer3 (OpenID Connect Provider and OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Framework)
that is based on OWIN middleware with a web forms asp.net 4.6 application like DNN CMS with its own membership provider.
I would like to provide Custom Store implementation for IdentityServer3 to manager/pick DNN's users, roles, claims.
Essentially I would like to know how can an OWIN based application interact (share some of the run time data (context) with a Web Forms Asp.net application.
Are we dealing with completely isolated pipelines here if I install Identity Server under the same web application?
DotNetNuke uses a membership provider which is heavily based on the asp.net equivalent, but extends and alters it to support some additional functionality and be aware of DotNetNuke concepts such as portal isolation.You can read about the enhancements made from the asp.net provider here.
DNN would need to support external authentications from an OIDC IdP.

Oauth in spring web mvc project

I need to add oauth security to spring mvc project.
The project have basic security that implement org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy
with CustomAuthenticationProvider and i need to replace it with oauth2 .
is there a simple way to do it ?
We have done the same in one of our applications using Spring 4 and Java 8. The application is open source and you can read about the security layer here https://techdev.io/en/developer-blog/using-spring-and-oauth-in-trackr
