How can I generate an html report with k6? - k6

I'm using grafana and influxdb with k6 for load testing, but I have a usecase where I'll need offline access to the grafana dashboard (or something similar). Does k6, or grafana, have a way to export an html report?

k6 itself does not provide that, but you could use the Sharing Options from Grafana:
Or you can use this project to generate a PDF version of the dashboard:


How to Create dashboard for structured log files in disk in any tool like Kibana, Grafana

I have a .net web api application where I have used Serilog and was able to generate both structured logs with custom fields. All log files are stored in a folder in the server. Can I install Kibana/Grafana in the same server to create dashboards using info in the structured log files. Their(Kibana/Grafana) website refer to data sources like Elastisearch or some other but not directly structured logs.
Both Kibana and Grafana require some kind of database to connect to. AFAIK, so does Apache Superset.
If you don't want to provision and manage a database, you could just write something to read the files directly and render charts.

How to upload a report to SonarQube properly using SonarQube API

I want to upload a json report made in R using lintr package to my SonarQube server. I'm making a POST taking advantage of the api/ce/submit command (You can find it in To do this i'm using Postman with this params:
projectKey: XX
projectName: XXname
report: lintr_out.json
projectBranch: testing-1.0
This command create the Project in Sonar but it's not able to show the information of the report.
Anybody knows how can i see the results of the report in Sonar properly? Thanks for all!
The WS api/ce is for internal use (as marked). It is not an API and the report it expect may change its format anytime.
To submit issues based on a third party linter, I advice you look at the generic issue import feature. You simply have to convert your JSON file to the format we expect.

Creating a Front end with R

I am storing my data in S3 bucket provided from Amazon. I am performing analytics in R studio by creating instance.
I am storing my desired result back in my S3 bucket.
I would like to create an front end in visual studio for my results in R. Could anyone guide me on how I could proceed with this ?
I have created the AWS explorer in visual studio.
Any lead and guidance for this idea would be helpful.
But seriously, take a look at shiny
Plagiarizing from that link: "Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R. You can host standalone apps on a webpage or embed them in R Markdown documents or build dashboards. You can also extend your Shiny apps with CSS themes, htmlwidgets, and JavaScript actions."
Options (not in any order):
Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R
If front-end is all about reports/dashboard, you can push your results in ElasticSearch and then use Kibana on top to present the results as a dashboard.

How can I use SonarQube web service API for reporting purpose

I want to create a custom report. Response format for sonarqube web service API /api/issues/search is JSON or XML. How can I use that response to create a html or CSV file using "unix shell without using command line tools" so that I can use it as a Report. Or is there any other better way to achieve this?
you can generate a html file if you run an analysis in the preview mode
It looks as if the SonarQube team has been working hard to not allow people to do this. They appear to want people to purchase an Enterprise Subscription in order to export reports.
An old version of sonar-runner (now called sonar-scanner) had an option to allow local report output. But that feature is "no more supported".
ERROR: The preview mode, along with the 'sonar.analysis.mode' parameter, is no more supported. You should stop using this parameter.
Looks like version 2.4 of Sonar Runner does what you want. If you can find it. Of course they only have 2.5RC1 available on the site now.
Using the following command should work on version 2.4:
sonar-runner -Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview -Dsonar.issuesReport.html.enable=true
There at least two open-source projects that query the SQ API to generate reports in various formats. (Java) (JavaScript/Node)
At the time of writing both are active.

Is there a way to get data GUI view in Meteor.js?

Is there a way to get data GUI view in Meteor.js?
If yes please enlighten me, as I am new to meteor. I just need to know what is the best way to access database in meteor mongodb...
Use either:
Z Mongo Admin, a meteor package similar to Django admin. This is
probably the closest to what you're looking for:
One of the many Mongo GUIs, I use both robomongo
( and mongohub
( on OSX.
I've found that this little package called Mongol is good for development to have a quick and easy way to look at your data right from within your web app.
RoboMongo provides a good UI for Mongo DB (Download link). When i tried with meteor, follow these steps:
Run Meteor cd ing into your Project Folder (usually runs at http://localhost:3000/)
Download and Install the Robomongo from the Download link
Create a new connection in the robomongo UI, clicking on the following icon:
Connect to port number 3001 instead of default 27017, and you can see the mongo db and it's contents
There's no GUI given. You can access db from command line by using meteor mongo while your server is running.
Appreciate the mention for Mongol!
I wanted to say that there is now one more option for viewing and interacting with data in your Meteor app called Meteor Candy. It's a little less raw than viewing JSON, which makes it far more palatable for non-developers. And of course, there is still an option to view raw JSON :)
