Use LaF and grepl together - r

I would like to read in a possibly large text file and filter the relevant lines on the fly based on a regular expression. My first approach was using the package LaF which supports chunkwise reading and then grepl to filter. However, this seems not to work:
fh <- laf_open_csv("myfile.txt", column_types="string", sep="°")
# would be nice to declare *no* separator
fh[grepl("abc", fh[[1]]), ]
returns an error in as.character.default(x) -- no method to convert this S4 to character. It seems like grepl is applied to the S4 function and not to the chunks.
Is there a nice way to read text lines from a large file and filter them selectively?

OK, I just discovered process_blocks:
regfilter <- function(df, result) c(result, df[grepl("1745", df[[1]]),1])
process_blocks(fh, regfilter)
This works, now I only need to find a way to ignore separators..


Rename a column with R

I'm trying to rename a specific column in my R script using the colnames function but with no sucess so far.
I'm kinda new around programming so it may be something simple to solve.
Basically, I'm trying to rename a column called Reviewer Overall Notes and name it Nota Final in a data frame called notas with the codes:
colnames(notas$`Reviewer Overall Notes`) <- `Nota Final`
and it returns to me:
> colnames(notas$`Reviewer Overall Notes`) <- `Nota Final`
Error: object 'Nota Final' not found
I also found in [this post][1] a code that goes:
colnames(notas) [13] <- `Nota Final`
But it also return the same message.
What I'm doing wrong?
Ps:. Sorry for any misspeling, English is not my primary language.
You probably want
colnames(notas)[colnames(notas) == "Reviewer Overall Notes"] <- "Nota Final"
(#Whatif's answer shows how you can do this with the numeric index, but probably better practice to do it this way; working with strings rather than column indices makes your code both easier to read [you can see what you're renaming] and more robust [in case the order of columns changes in the future])
notas <- notas %>% dplyr::rename(`Nota Final` = `Reviewer Overall Notes`)
Here you do use back-ticks, because tidyverse (of which dplyr is a part) prefers its arguments to be passed as symbols rather than strings.
Why using backtick? Use the normal quotation mark.
colnames(notas)[13] <- 'Nota Final'
This seems to matter:
df <- data.frame(a = 1:4)
colnames(df)[1] <- `b`
Error: object 'b' not found
You should not use single or double quotes in naming:
I have learned that we should not use space in names. If there are spaces in names (it works and is called a non-syntactic name: And according to Wickham Hadley's description in Advanced R book this is due to historical reasons:
"You can also create non-syntactic bindings using single or double quotes (e.g. "_abc" <- 1) instead of backticks, but you shouldn’t, because you’ll have to use a different syntax to retrieve the values. The ability to use strings on the left hand side of the assignment arrow is an historical artefact, used before R supported backticks."
To get an overview what syntactic names are use ?make.names:
make.names("Nota Final")
[1] "Nota.Final"

How can I keep toJSON from quoting my JSON string in R?

I am using OpenCPU and R to create a web API that takes in some inputs and returns a topoJSON file from a database, as well as some other information. OpenCPU automatically pushes the output through toJSON, which results in JSON output that has quoted JSON in it (i.e., the topoJSON). This is obviously not ideal--especially since it then gets incredibly cluttered with backticked quotes (\"). I tried using fromJSON to convert it to an R object, which could then be converted back (which is incredibly inefficient), but it returns a slightly different syntax and the result is that it doesn't work.
I feel like there should be some way to convert the string to some other type of object that results in toJSON calling a different handler that tells it to just leave it alone, but I can't figure out how to do that.
> s <- '{"type":"Topology","objects":{"map": "0"}}'
> fromJSON(s)
[1] "Topology"
[1] "0"
> toJSON(fromJSON(s))
That's just the beginning of the file (I replaced the actual map with "0"), and as you can see, brackets appeared around "Topology" and "0". Alternately, if I just keep it as a string, I end up with this mess:
> toJSON(s)
["{\"type\":\"Topology\",\"objects\":{\"0000595ab81ec4f34__csv\": \"0\"}}"]
Is there any way to fix this so that I just get the verbatim string but without quotes and backticks?
EDIT: Note that because I'm using OpenCPU, the output needs to come from toJSON (so no other function can be used, unfortunately), and I can't do any post-processing.
To it seems you just want the values rather than vectors. Set auto_unbox=TRUE to turn length-one vectors into scalar values
toJSON(fromJSON(s), auto_unbox = TRUE)
# {"type":"Topology","objects":{"map":"0"}}
That does print without escaping for me (using jsonlite_1.5). Maybe you are using an older version of jsonlite. You can also get around that by using cat() to print the result. You won't see the slashes when you do that.
cat(toJSON(fromJSON(s), auto_unbox = TRUE))
You can manually unbox the relevant entries:
s <- '{"type":"Topology","objects":{"map": "0"}}'
j <- fromJSON(s)
j$type <- unbox(j$type)
j$objects$map <- unbox(j$objects$map)
# {"type":"Topology","objects":{"map":"0"}}

skip lines in reading files using reg ex

i have files with similar contents
!software version: $Revision$
!date: 07/06/2016 $
! from Mouse Genome Database (MGD) & Gene Expression Database (GXD)
I am using read.csv to read the files. But I need to skip the lines with "!" in the beginning. How can I do that?
The read.csv function and read.table that it is based on have an argument called comment.char which can be used to specify a character that if seen will ignore the rest of that line. Setting that to "!" may be enough to do what you want.
If you really need a regular expression, then the best approach is to read the file using readLines (or similar function), then apply the regular expression to the resulting vector of character strings to drop to unwanted elements (rows), then pass the result to the text argument to read.table (or use a text connection).
To calculate the first line that doesn't start with a !,
to_skip <- min(grep('^[^!]', trimws(readLines('file.csv'))))
df <- read.csv('file.csv', skip = to_skip)

How to use variable in xpath in R?

when i parse a web file, it works fine ,
i want to use variable in xpathApply,
it can not work,how to write the xpath expression in xpathApply with variable?
think for Dason's suggestion,
it is ok,but i feel it is ugly,how can i write it more beautiful?
The gsubfn package can do string interpolation somewhat along the lines of Perl if we preface the function whose arguments are to contain substitutions with fn$. Here $x means substitute in the value of x . See ?fn and the gsubfn home page.
x <- "PL"
tdata <- fn$xpathApply(data, "//table[#id='$x']")
#Dason's suggestion of using paste or one alike is most likely the only way to go. If you find it ugly, you can sweep it under the rug by creating your own function:
my.xpathApply <- function(data, x) xpathApply(data, paste0("//table[#id='",x,"']"))
tdata <- my.xpathApply(data, "PL")
After all, you must use a lot of package functions that use paste somewhere, so you should be ok with having one of your own :-)

Using lists in R

Sorry for possibly a complete noob question but I have just started programming with R today and I am stuck already.
I am reading some data from a file which is in the format.
3.482373 8.0093238198371388 47.393873
0.32 20.3131 31.313
What I want to do is split each line then deal with each of the individual numbers.
I have imported the stringr package and using
x = str_split(line, " ")
This produces a list which I would like to index but don't know how.
I have learnt that x[[1:2]] gets the second element but that is about it. Ideally I would like something like
x1 = x[1]
x2 = x[2]
x3 = x[3]
But can't find anyway of doing this.
Thanks in advance
By using unlist you will get a vector instead of a list of vectors, and you will then be able to index it directly :
R> unlist(str_split("foo bar baz", " "))
[1] "foo" "bar" "baz"
But maybe you should read your file directly from read.table or one of its variant ?
And if you are beginning with R, you really should read one of the introduction available if you want to understand subsetting, indexing, etc.
you can wrap your call to str_split with unlist to get the behavior you're looking for.
The usual way to get this in would be to import it into a dataframe (a special sort of list). If file name is "fil.dat"" and is in "C:/dir/"
dfrm <- read.table("C:/dir/fil.dat") # resist the temptation to use backslashes
dfrm[2,2] # would give you the second item on the second row.
By default the field separator in R is "white-space" and that seems to be what you have, so you do not need to supply a sep= argument and the read.table function will attempt to import as numeric. To be on the safe side, you might consider forcing that option with colClasses=rep("numeric", 3) because if it encounters a strange item (such as often produced by Excel dumps), you will get a factor variable and will probably not understand how to recover gracefully.
