How can I keep toJSON from quoting my JSON string in R? - r

I am using OpenCPU and R to create a web API that takes in some inputs and returns a topoJSON file from a database, as well as some other information. OpenCPU automatically pushes the output through toJSON, which results in JSON output that has quoted JSON in it (i.e., the topoJSON). This is obviously not ideal--especially since it then gets incredibly cluttered with backticked quotes (\"). I tried using fromJSON to convert it to an R object, which could then be converted back (which is incredibly inefficient), but it returns a slightly different syntax and the result is that it doesn't work.
I feel like there should be some way to convert the string to some other type of object that results in toJSON calling a different handler that tells it to just leave it alone, but I can't figure out how to do that.
> s <- '{"type":"Topology","objects":{"map": "0"}}'
> fromJSON(s)
[1] "Topology"
[1] "0"
> toJSON(fromJSON(s))
That's just the beginning of the file (I replaced the actual map with "0"), and as you can see, brackets appeared around "Topology" and "0". Alternately, if I just keep it as a string, I end up with this mess:
> toJSON(s)
["{\"type\":\"Topology\",\"objects\":{\"0000595ab81ec4f34__csv\": \"0\"}}"]
Is there any way to fix this so that I just get the verbatim string but without quotes and backticks?
EDIT: Note that because I'm using OpenCPU, the output needs to come from toJSON (so no other function can be used, unfortunately), and I can't do any post-processing.

To it seems you just want the values rather than vectors. Set auto_unbox=TRUE to turn length-one vectors into scalar values
toJSON(fromJSON(s), auto_unbox = TRUE)
# {"type":"Topology","objects":{"map":"0"}}
That does print without escaping for me (using jsonlite_1.5). Maybe you are using an older version of jsonlite. You can also get around that by using cat() to print the result. You won't see the slashes when you do that.
cat(toJSON(fromJSON(s), auto_unbox = TRUE))

You can manually unbox the relevant entries:
s <- '{"type":"Topology","objects":{"map": "0"}}'
j <- fromJSON(s)
j$type <- unbox(j$type)
j$objects$map <- unbox(j$objects$map)
# {"type":"Topology","objects":{"map":"0"}}


How to pass a chr variable into r"(...)"?

I've seen that since 4.0.0, R supports raw strings using the syntax r"(...)". Thus, I could do:
#> [1] "C:\\THIS\\IS\\MY\\PATH\\TO\\FILE.CSV"
While this is great, I can't figure out how to make this work with a variable, or better yet with a function. See this comment which I believe is asking the same question.
This one can't even be evaluated:
construct_path <- function(my_path) {
Error: malformed raw string literal at line 2
Error: unexpected '}' in "}"
Nor this attempt:
construct_path_2 <- function(my_path) {
paste0(r, my_path)
Error: '\T' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting ""(C:\T"
Desired output
# pseudo-code
#> [1] "C:\\THIS\\IS\\MY\\PATH\\TO\\FILE.CSV"
In light of #KU99's comment, I want to add the context to the problem. I'm writing an R script to be run from command-line using WIndows's CMD and Rscript. I want to let the user who executes my R script to provide an argument where they want the script's output to be written to. And since Windows's CMD accepts paths in the format of C:\THIS\IS\MY\PATH\TO, then I want to be consistent with that format as the input to my R script. So ultimately I want to take that path input and convert it to a path format that is easy to work with inside R. I thought that the r"()" thing could be a proper solution.
I think you're getting confused about what the string literal syntax does. It just says "don't try to escape any of the following characters". For external inputs like text input or files, none of this matters.
For example, if you run this code
path <- readline("> enter path: ")
You will get this prompt:
> enter path:
and if you type in your (unescaped) path:
> enter path: C:\Windows\Dir
You get no error, and your variable is stored appropriately:
#> [1] "C:\\Windows\\Dir"
This is not in any special format that R uses, it is plain text. The backslashes are printed in this way to avoid ambiguity but they are "really" just single backslashes, as you can see by doing
#> C:\Windows\Dir
The string literal syntax is only useful for shortening what you need to type. There would be no point in trying to get it to do anything else, and we need to remember that it is a feature of the R interpreter - it is not a function nor is there any way to get R to use the string literal syntax dynamically in the way you are attempting. Even if you could, it would be a long way for a shortcut.

Importing, editing and saving JSON in a simple way?

I'm having problems with editing a JSON file and saving the results in a usable form.
My starting point is : modify-json-file-using-some-condition-and-create-new-json-file-in-r
In fact I want to do something even simpler and it still doesn't work! I'm using the jsonlite package.
An equivalent sample would look like this ...
[1] 2615
[1] "Fall"
[1] 2615
[1] "Orange airport"
[1] 123
[1] "Brighter Orange"
I read the file, make some changes and save the resulting file back to HDD. Nothing simpler right?
json_list = read_json(path = "../documents/dummy.json")
json_list$Apples$Origin$Id = 1234
json_list$Oranges$Origin$Id = 4567
json_list$Oranges$Shipping$ShipperLabel = "Suntan Blue"
json_modified <- toJSON(json_list, pretty = TRUE)
write_json(json_modified, path = "../documents/dummy_new.json")
json_list appears as character format under the Rstudio file type column.
json_modified appears as json format under the Rstudio file type column.
Why this difference?
Now if I run the original file it works but the modified file fails. The JSON format checks out and I can't see any errors.
The real file is bigger than the example above but the method I've used is the same.
Am I doing something wrong in the way I edit or save the file?
I'm really new to JSON and this is really frustrating!
Any Ideas?
In the absence of reproducible data, I can diagnose at least one potential problem.
Within the jsonlite package, there exist functions that are mutual inverses:
jsonlite::fromJSON() converts from raw text (in JSON format) to R objects.
jsonlite::toJSON() converts from R objects to raw text (in JSON format).
Now this raw text (txt) might be
a JSON string, URL or file
As for jsonlite::read_json() and jsonlite::write_json(), they are also a pair of mutual inverses, which are like the former pair
except [that] they explicitly distinguish between path and literal input, and do not simplify by default.
That is, the latter are simply designed to handle file(path)s rather than strings of raw text.
So toJSON(fromJSON(txt = ...)) should return unchanged the text passed to txt, just as write_json(read_json(path = ...)) should write a file identical to that passed to path.
In short, toJSON() belongs with fromJSON(); while write_json() belongs with read_json().
The Problem
However, you have added a spurious step by mingling toJSON() with read_json() and write_json():
json_list = read_json(...)
# ...
json_modified <- toJSON(json_list, ...) # SPURIOUS STEP
# ...
write_json(json_modified, ...)
You see, write_json() already converts "to JSON", so toJSON() is wholly unnecessary. Indeed, toJSON() actually sabotages the process, since its textual return value is passed on (in json_modified) to write_json(), which expects (a structure of) R objects rather than text.
The Fix
Once you're done modifying json_list, just go straight to writing it:
json_list = read_json(path = "../documents/dummy.json")
json_list$Apples$Origin$Id = 1234
# Further modifications...
write_json(json_list, path = "../documents/dummy_new.json", pretty = TRUE)

iconv() returns NA when given a string with a specific special character

I am trying to convert some strings of an input file from UTF8 to ASCII. For most of the strings I give it, the conversion works perfectly fine with iconv(). However on some of them, it returns NA. While manually fixing the issue in the file seems like the simplest option, it is unfortunately not an option that I have available at the moment at all.
I have made a reproducible example of my problem but we assume to assume that I have to figure a way for iconv() to somehow convert the string in s1 and not get NA.
Here is the reproducible example:
s1 <- "Besançon" #as read from an input file I cannot modify
s2 <- "Paris"
s3 <- "Linköping"
s4 <- "Besançon" #Manual input for testing
s1 <- iconv(s1, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s2 <- iconv(s2, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s3 <- iconv(s3, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s4 <- iconv(s4, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
I get the following output:
> s1
[1] NA
> s2
[1] "Paris"
> s3
[1] "Link\"oping"
> s4
[1] "Besancon"
After playing around with the code, I figured that something was wrong in the entry "Besançon" that is now copied exactly from the input file. When I input it manually myself, the problem is solved. Since I can't modify the input file at all, what do you think is the exact issue and would you have any idea on how to solve it?
Thanks in advance,
After closer inspection, there is something odd in the characters of the first line. It seems to be taken away by SO's formatting.
But to reproduce it, the best I could give is these two images describing it. First image places my cursor just before the #
Second image is after pressing delete, which should delete the white space... turns out it deletes the ". So there is definitely something weird there.
It turns out that using sub='' actually solved the issue although I am quite unsure why.
iconv(s1, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT', sub='')
From the documentation sub
character string. If not NA it is used to replace any non-convertible
bytes in the input. (This would normally be a single character, but
can be more.) If "byte", the indication is "" with the hex code of
the byte. If "Unicode" and converting from UTF-8, the Unicode point in
the form "<U+xxxx>".
So I eventually figured out that there was a character I couldn't convert (nor see) in the string and using sub was a way to eliminate it. I am still not sure what this character is though. But the problem is solved.
There is probably a latin1 (or other encoding) character in your supposedly utf8 file. For example:
> latin=iconv('Besançon','utf8','latin1')
> iconv(latin,to='ascii//translit')
[1] NA
> iconv(latin,'utf8','ascii//translit')
[1] NA
> iconv(latin,'latin1','ascii//translit')
[1] "Besancon"
> iconv(l,'Windows-1250','ascii//translit')
[1] "Besancon"
You can e.g. make one new vector or data column with the result of each character set encoding in your data, and if one is NA, fall back to the next one, e.g.
utf8 = iconv(x,'utf8','ascii//translit')
latin1 = iconv(x,'latin1','ascii//translit')
win1250 = iconv(x,'Windows-1250','ascii//translit')
result = ifelse(,
If these encodings don't work, make a file with just the problem word, then use the unix/linux file command to detect the encoding, or else try some likely encodings.
I have in the past just listed all of iconv's supported encodings, tried all with lapply, and then used whichever results worked on each string, but some "from" encodings will return a non-NA but incorrect result, so it's best to try this on each unique character in your data in order to decide which subset of iconv's encodings to use and in which order.

Use LaF and grepl together

I would like to read in a possibly large text file and filter the relevant lines on the fly based on a regular expression. My first approach was using the package LaF which supports chunkwise reading and then grepl to filter. However, this seems not to work:
fh <- laf_open_csv("myfile.txt", column_types="string", sep="°")
# would be nice to declare *no* separator
fh[grepl("abc", fh[[1]]), ]
returns an error in as.character.default(x) -- no method to convert this S4 to character. It seems like grepl is applied to the S4 function and not to the chunks.
Is there a nice way to read text lines from a large file and filter them selectively?
OK, I just discovered process_blocks:
regfilter <- function(df, result) c(result, df[grepl("1745", df[[1]]),1])
process_blocks(fh, regfilter)
This works, now I only need to find a way to ignore separators..

Two PASTE functions in a character vector

attach.files = c(paste("/users/joesmith/nosection_", currentDate,".csv",sep=""),
paste("/users/joesmith/withsection_", currentDate,".csv",sep=""))
Basically, if I did it like
c("nosection_051418.csv", "withsection_051418.csv")
And I did that manually it would work fine but since I'm automating this to run every day I can't do that.
I'm trying to attach files in an automated email but when I structure it like this, it doesn't work. How can I recreate this so that the character vector accepts it?
I thought your example implied the need for "parallel" inputs to the path stem, the first portion of the file name, and the date portions of those full paths. Consider this illustration of using a 2 item vector and a one item vector (produced by Sys.Date, replacing your "currentdate") to populate the %s positions in that sprintf string (suggested by #Gregor):
sprintf("/users/joesmith/%s_%s.csv", c("nosection", "withsection"), Sys.Date() )
[1] "/users/joesmith/nosection_2018-05-14.csv" "/users/joesmith/withsection_2018-05-14.csv"
