WordPress multi-site in a subfolder on host - wordpress

I'm wondering about a WordPress multi-site installation and nothing I've come across has clearly laid this out for me. I'm hoping to get a little more clarification on what exactly will happen in my WordPress/Server instance if I set up a multi-site.
I've currently got my actual site as a single instance Wordpress install at the root of my domain. I'd like to keep it that way.
I've set up a sub-folder on my site called "client-login" and it has it's own WordPress install. The idea is to make this WordPress instance a multi-site one. With the intent being that I can have multiple sites in there and give access to them as needed.
So far it all is making sense but when I go to actually complete the multi-site install it says the server address will be my domain at root level. It doesn't say domain/client-login.
My question is if I turn on the multisite will it take over the root of my domain and include my "real" site as part of it?

lets consider,
you have a main wordpress domain at public_html/
you have created a subfolder in host like public_html/client-login for another wordpress instance
these two will behave as a separate sites.
The wordpress multisite will work inside the public_html/mainsite not outside of it, and it wont affect the client-login subfolder.


Installing multiple different instances of wordpress on the same website

I currently have a website up and running that is my freelancing website. What I wanted to do was create a testing subdirectory on the website.
So for example my site would be:
I want the testing site to be: website.com/test
I need this test to be private and require a password to view, as well as be a different installation of wordpress so I can manipulate it without editing my main website. Is this possible? Currently I have created a test directory from the cPanel that requires a password but it just brings me to a 404 not found page.
I would also like to create more, public, instances that I can use as a portfolio until I get more real clients. So for example I would like to have my site be: website.com/themeOne
Is any of this possible, or am I out of luck? Please let me know I would greatly appreciate any help. Anything I found found online thus far has either not been relevant or has not worked.
You can achieve this by setting up a wordpress multisite installation. I currently use this to host all my clients.
Will work like this.. Main site is website.com
Depending on how long you have had that site set up will determine whether your multisite install will be a subdirectory or a subdomain. If you have had your main site for a while it will be subdomains. ie. xyz.website.com
You will have to set up a wild card subdomain on your server though...so keep that in mind.
Here is the documentation on setting up a wordpress multisite
You can install as many WordPress instances as you like in subfolders example.com/test/ or subdomains test.example.com in one hosting account; see http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_Multiple_Blogs. (You are, of course, limited if your host does not support subdomains. And you may find lots of sites with lots of traffic will slow your whole hosting account.)
For these separate WordPress installs, you can use the same database; simply give each WordPress install a different database table prefix in wp-config.php. https://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php Or, give them all the installs a totally different databases, only limited by your hosting account.
To control access to a WordPress site, there is no need for access control in .htaccess or via Cpanel; use any one of a number of plugins that allow you to restrict access to anyone not logged into WordPress. See https://wordpress.org/plugins/search.php?type=term&q=password
And you can still control the user's role when they are logged into the site with one of those plugins, i.e. editor, administrator, etc., from within WordPress. That's because you want to give a client a Subscriber user level so they can simply login and view the site, rather than Administrator, who can see posts, plugins, etc. See https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities
There is no need for WordPress Multisite, unless you want to go that way: see https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network But be aware that MS requires more server and DNS configurations if you want to use Domain Mapping: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/

WordPress multisite network with non-wp site at domain

I want to set up a multisite network using subdomains under a domain that is used for a non-wp site.
so, for example, we want our domains to look like:
but mysite.com points to our main site that is not built with WordPress and is not part of this network.
I'm not sure what to do here since the main domain, site.com in this case, typically points to the root blog on the multisite network.
I suspect this is common and there is a simple solution but I'm not sure where to start.
Update (unresolved) :
I've had a little bit of luck working on this locally but I'm still not out of the water...
my dilemma… I need to set up multisite with subdomains under a domain that is not part of the network? So basically, we have our main site: mainsite.com
and we want to set up a network with subdomains like site1.mainsite.com and site2.mainsite.com.
mainsite.com, however is not a WordPress site and is not part of the network. so If I set the network up under multisite.mainsite.com, then new sites subdomains are created with that as the subdomain like: site1.multisite.mainsite.com
but if I set the current site to mainsite.com, then all of the network admin links break because they point to our main non-wp site.
So, here's what I've done, which kinda works (I'm doing everything locally with my hosts file so I won't know for sure until I get it on a dev box) ...
First I pointed mainsite.com to my local ip in my hosts file and set the network up under mainsite.com
Next I successfully created two sites. multisite.mainsite.com and site1.mainsite.com, through the network admin panel
Then, I changed the 'current site' in wp-config.php from mainsite.com to multisite.mainsite.com and I removed mainsite.com from my hosts file.
Now, I can go to mainsite.com and land on our primary website; I can go to site1.mainsite.com and land on the wordpress site on the network; and I can access the network-admin-section under multisite.mainsite.com
The problem is, since the current site is multisite.mainsite.com, if I try to add a new site to the network, the domain will be site3.multisite.mainsite.com instead of the intended site3.mainsite.com
So I still haven't found the correct solution here but this might help explain my problem a little better
Ok, I figured it out... I didn't realize previously that you can manually change the site url in the site edit screen. Here's a write up with more details: http://georgespake.com/create-a-multisite-network-using-sub-domains-under-an-existing-domain/

Pass through wordpress Folder to root folder

I have a wordpress installation on a site. It was placed inside ~/wp.
I've moved it yesterday to the root folder, ~/. However, a lot of the theme references and images still point out to ~/wp.
Instead of finding all these places(which may be hundreds), I'd like to pass through ~/wp to the root folder. Meaning, when the user goes to http://www.site.com/wp/thing.php , he'll actually be inside ~/thing.php, without changing the url.
Would this be possible with .htaccess changes? and if so, how?
It's a config setting - in Settings -> General you are given two options, WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).
You have the former pointing at the directory with the Wordpress installation in it and the latter at the root of your site.
Here's the Codex info on it;
Incidentally, modifying all the files paths is another option of course - you would use the same technique you would use when transferring a Wordpress site from localhost to live, or from a dev server to live. You can look at the second part of my answer in this thread;
How to push wordpress from mamp into hostgator
That interconnectit script is a huge timesaver when moving WP sites.

Wordpress/Joomla on Shared IP, URL Not Root - Best Development Workflow?

we have a VPS for new site development, and were planning on using unique IP addresses for each new site/account so that while in development all links, URLs, etc. would be relative to the root (IP address) while in development and not need to change when going live (redirecting domain). But now our host won't allow us to purchase new IP addresses (according to worldwide shortage).
So now all new sites will be located at: http://shared.ip.add.ress/~cpanelaccount/. That means that while in development the sites are not using a root URL as we have been doing.
What is the best workflow while in development for relatively complex CMS solutions where we need to be able to confidently setup and test all links, SEF URLs, plugins, components, etc. without worrying about things getting messed up when the domain is switched (site goes live)?
Do we need to do some sort of global redirect in the .htaccess file?
Any modifications or strategies specific to Wordpress and/or Joomla installs?
I'd have to do an install of the latest WP to be sure, but at least with Joomla it is fairly irrelevant if you install in the root or a subdirectory. In the case of Joomla, there is only one change that needs to be made when moving from a subdirectory to the root. You'd need to change .htaccess to reflect the correct installation directory if you have enabled core SEF. Otherwise, there are no changes that need to be made at all. I am pretty sure WP is just as easy to move, but I'd have to look, it's been a while since I moved a WP site.

Drupal installation and domain naming strategy?

I have a my main site, called "mysite.com" (for arguments sake). On this site, you will find my blog and everything I do. But I am starting another site that I want to run on my domain. However:
The other site must have it's down domain name: newsite.com
If people go to mysite.com/newsite it must redirec to newsite.com
If people go to newsite.com, it must show the content of what they would see if they had gone to mysite.com/newsite in the past
So basically, I want a "page" or actually a whole section ( mysite.com/newsite/* ) to appear as newsite.com in the browser.
I want both sites to run off one drupal installation
I want both sites to look basically the same
However, keep in mind that I don't want to use a multi-drupal solution. i.e. a module that allows for more than one copy of drupal to run off 1 installation.
http://drupal.org/project/domain allows you to configure various things based on the domain, for example accessible nodes.
You can probably do the redirect with a Rewrite Rule, outside of Drupal or write a simple module that does that.
Sounds simple to do. Just install the second site using a regular multi-site installation. (Google "drupal multi-site instructions"). Then install the Path redirect module and create the external redirect to the new domain. http://drupal.org/project/path_redirect
