WordPress multisite network with non-wp site at domain - wordpress

I want to set up a multisite network using subdomains under a domain that is used for a non-wp site.
so, for example, we want our domains to look like:
but mysite.com points to our main site that is not built with WordPress and is not part of this network.
I'm not sure what to do here since the main domain, site.com in this case, typically points to the root blog on the multisite network.
I suspect this is common and there is a simple solution but I'm not sure where to start.
Update (unresolved) :
I've had a little bit of luck working on this locally but I'm still not out of the water...
my dilemma… I need to set up multisite with subdomains under a domain that is not part of the network? So basically, we have our main site: mainsite.com
and we want to set up a network with subdomains like site1.mainsite.com and site2.mainsite.com.
mainsite.com, however is not a WordPress site and is not part of the network. so If I set the network up under multisite.mainsite.com, then new sites subdomains are created with that as the subdomain like: site1.multisite.mainsite.com
but if I set the current site to mainsite.com, then all of the network admin links break because they point to our main non-wp site.
So, here's what I've done, which kinda works (I'm doing everything locally with my hosts file so I won't know for sure until I get it on a dev box) ...
First I pointed mainsite.com to my local ip in my hosts file and set the network up under mainsite.com
Next I successfully created two sites. multisite.mainsite.com and site1.mainsite.com, through the network admin panel
Then, I changed the 'current site' in wp-config.php from mainsite.com to multisite.mainsite.com and I removed mainsite.com from my hosts file.
Now, I can go to mainsite.com and land on our primary website; I can go to site1.mainsite.com and land on the wordpress site on the network; and I can access the network-admin-section under multisite.mainsite.com
The problem is, since the current site is multisite.mainsite.com, if I try to add a new site to the network, the domain will be site3.multisite.mainsite.com instead of the intended site3.mainsite.com
So I still haven't found the correct solution here but this might help explain my problem a little better

Ok, I figured it out... I didn't realize previously that you can manually change the site url in the site edit screen. Here's a write up with more details: http://georgespake.com/create-a-multisite-network-using-sub-domains-under-an-existing-domain/


Add sites in subdomain and not under wordpress multisite subdomain

I'm confused, I have a miltisite wordpress installation but also another site managing the customer areas.
So I have the site on the main domain www.domaine.com and i installed the wordpress multisite in a subdomain: sites.domain.com
So far everything is fine, but when I want to create a site, wordpress requires me to be subject to the subdomain like this: other.site.domain.com
I tried to modify the .htaccess and wp-config.php but when I go back to the site management it redirects me to www.domaine.com without my being able to access the wordpress multisite management...
How can I create sites with addresses under the domain and not under the subdomain like this:
other.domain.com and not like this other.site.domain.com
It's ok, I can't access for two reasons.
One my wildcard is set on other folder than wp installation (blank page on subsite create)
Two I need to set address of new site for replace domain.com/other to other.domain.com
And now I can access to website and subsite.
Thank you for your answer, I just tested but it does not react correctly.
When I put the configuration of DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE on domaine.com I can no longer access the settings of the multisite network, I am redirected to the purchase site which is on the domain.
Another thing, if I therefore create a site in a subdirectory and not in a subdomain with the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL configuration false, when I type test.domaine.com a blank page appears as if there was no site or if I Type site.domain.com/test/ it works.
I cleared the caches everywhere and tried again but nothing happened.
In case I expressed myself badly,
www.domain.com = The commercial site of the company
site.domain.com = Multisite management and sample site
other1.domain.com = Customer site created from site.domain.com
thanks again

WordPress multi-site in a subfolder on host

I'm wondering about a WordPress multi-site installation and nothing I've come across has clearly laid this out for me. I'm hoping to get a little more clarification on what exactly will happen in my WordPress/Server instance if I set up a multi-site.
I've currently got my actual site as a single instance Wordpress install at the root of my domain. I'd like to keep it that way.
I've set up a sub-folder on my site called "client-login" and it has it's own WordPress install. The idea is to make this WordPress instance a multi-site one. With the intent being that I can have multiple sites in there and give access to them as needed.
So far it all is making sense but when I go to actually complete the multi-site install it says the server address will be my domain at root level. It doesn't say domain/client-login.
My question is if I turn on the multisite will it take over the root of my domain and include my "real" site as part of it?
lets consider,
you have a main wordpress domain at public_html/
you have created a subfolder in host like public_html/client-login for another wordpress instance
these two will behave as a separate sites.
The wordpress multisite will work inside the public_html/mainsite not outside of it, and it wont affect the client-login subfolder.

Changing the Domain for Wordpress Install

I have a domain, www.mysite.com, which is registered at NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC. and currently points to a hosted page at a 3rd party.
I have created a new wordpress page on Hostgator, and I created it using the domain www.mysite.biz.
I want to now point www.mysite.com to the new page on hostgator but without redirecting.
I believe what I need to do is:
change the www record on Network Solutions to the IP address on Hostgator.
I believe There is a plugin I can us to change the domain for all of the wordpress database.
Are these the correct steps? What is the plugin name I can use to change the domain?
Here is a plugin I've used to change a domain name in wordpress. https://wordpress.org/plugins/go-live-update-urls/
When you say you want to point www.mysite.com to your new wordpress site "without redirecting", are you saying you want to use www.mysite.com as the new domain name? If so, you're going to want to go into your account with NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC and enter in hostgator's nameservers. See here: Network Solution Link and here: Hostgator Link

Wordpress on WAMP: Need to change site looking for assets on localhost

I have a wordpress site hosted on WAMP on my local PC. I want other people on my network to view this website but when I tested it from another PC none of the stylesheets, scripts etc are being loaded. I troubleshooted it and found this is because it's looking for those files on localhost. How can I change it to look for those files relative to the folder? Thanks
What you have done is a bit like moving the site to another domain. Because WP records the domain name in its database when you install it, it thinks its domain is localhost.
Now you are getting to it by lets say using your ip address this is considered a new domain name and when it attempts to server various resources it is still using the original domain name of localhost it cannot find those resources on the other PC's.
You can find out what you need to do here on the worpress site Changing the site url
I solved this by using my IP address as the site path in Wordpress/Settings/General

Wordpress Multisite: Mixing IPs, domains and URL Proxies

Our company is trying to transition to WordPress Multisite but we have several issues working against us at the moment. We host WP outside our server environment (we use Amazon for our WP sites) so we actually have to use an URL proxy to our Amazon servers. The other issue is that we needed to install Multisite in the root of the folder so the domain is but we can't proxy that to http://www.domain.com/foldername because that is a live site that we're not moving to WP any time soon. So, of course, the problem we're running in to is that the IP is showing up not only in the source code but in Google now as well (which we don't want).
Does anyone know of anything we can do to keep the IP out of the source code/Google? I was thinking about rewrite rules in the htaccess file but didn't want to do anything until I had some better ideas.
Also, I can't use the domain mapping plugin that everyone seems to suggest for this type of issue because our sites aren't hosted in the root of our server (a prerequisite for the plugin).
So to break it down, this is what we need:
Multisite Parent Blog <-- This has to be the IP address
Multisite child blogs <-- Domain name but when we set the actual proxied domain name in the settings we get a 404 error because it's not looking in the right place. It's looking for an actual folder on our internal servers.
Found the solution myself. Posted below:
In the Multisite dashboard, click on "All Sites" then administer the specific site.
Under the "Path" field, you'll need to deselect the "Update siteurl and home as well."
Save changes.
Click on "Settings" tab.
Change the URL in the following fields: "SiteURL" and "Home"
Save changes.
When all is said and done, the IP is showing in the "Info" tab but it changes the URL in the source code to your domain.
