Understanding the duplication of plots in cowplot plot_grid - r

In desperate need of a sanity check. I am struggling to see why the result of plot_grid (cowplot) of N plots in my code is producing N identical plots. From the list I provide, I've taken out each data frame to verify that each plot should be different, however, when I pass in the complete list to plot_grid they all look identical.
p <- vector("list",length(dataList))
for(i in 1:length(dataList)) {
df <- dataList[[i]]
p[[i]] <- ggplot(df, aes(df$base)) + geom_bar()
multi <- plot_grid(plotlist=p, align="hv")
save_plot(paste("data_freqs.tiff",sep=""), multi, dpi=300, base_aspect_ratio=1.5)
For example, when type the following I can see the data is different:
However, I end up with multiple plots of identical T values (all fixed to 1245).
Any help is much appreciated.


Set common y axis limits from a list of ggplots

I am running a function that returns a custom ggplot from an input data (it is in fact a plot with several layers on it). I run the function over several different input data and obtain a list of ggplots.
I want to create a grid with these plots to compare them but they all have different y axes.
I guess what I have to do is extract the maximum and minimum y axes limits from the ggplot list and apply those to each plot in the list.
How can I do that? I guess its through the use of ggbuild. Something like this:
test = ggplot_build(plot_list[[1]])
> test$layout$panel_scales_x
Limits: 0 -- 1
I am not familiar with the structure of a ggplot_build and maybe this one in particular is not a standard one as it comes from a "custom" ggplot.
For reference, these plots are created whit the gseaplot2 function from the enrichplot package.
I dont know how to "upload" an R object but if that would help, let me know how to do it.
edit after comments (thanks for your suggestions!)
Here is an example of the a gseaplot2 plot. GSEA stands for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, it is a technique used in genomic studies. The gseaplot2 function calculates a running average and then plots it and another bar plot on the bottom.
and here is the grid I create to compare the plots generated from different data:
I would like to have a common scale for the "Running Enrichment Score" part.
I guess I could try to recreate the gseaplot2 function and input all of the datasets and then create the grid by facet_wrap, but I was wondering if there was an easy way of extracting parameters from a plot list.
As a reproducible example (from the enrichplot package):
data(geneList, package="DOSE")
gene <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) > 2]
wpgmtfile <- system.file("extdata/wikipathways-20180810-gmt-Homo_sapiens.gmt", package="clusterProfiler")
wp2gene <- read.gmt(wpgmtfile)
wp2gene <- wp2gene %>% tidyr::separate(term, c("name","version","wpid","org"), "%")
wpid2gene <- wp2gene %>% dplyr::select(wpid, gene) #TERM2GENE
wpid2name <- wp2gene %>% dplyr::select(wpid, name) #TERM2NAME
ewp2 <- GSEA(geneList, TERM2GENE = wpid2gene, TERM2NAME = wpid2name, verbose=FALSE)
gseaplot2(ewp2, geneSetID=1, subplots=1:2)
And this is how I generate the plot list (probably there is a much more elegant way):
plot_list = list()
for(i in 1:3) {
fig_i = gseaplot2(ewp2,
plot_list[[i]] = fig_i

Prevent a plot to be overwrite in a for loop

I am trying to create three different plots in a for loop and then plotting them together in the same graph.
I know that some questions regarding this topic have already been asked. But I do not know what I am doing wrong. Why is my plot being overwritten.
Nevertheless, I tried both solutions (creating a list or using assign function) and I do not know why I get my plot overwriten at the end of the loop.
So, the first solution is to create a list:
for (i in c(1,2,4)){
name= paste("WT.1",colnames(WT.1#meta.data[i]), sep=" ")
out[[length(out) + 1]] <- qplot(NEW.1#meta.data[i],
main= name)
grid.arrange(out[[1]], out[[2]], out[[3]], nrow = 2)
When I print the plot inside the loop, I get what I want...but of course they are not together.
First Plot
When I plot them all together at the end, I get the same plot for all of the three: the last Plot I did.
All together
This is the second option: assign function. I have exactly the same problem.
for ( i in c(1,2,4)) {
You're missing to dev.off inside the loop for every iteration. Reproducible code below:
for (i in c(1,2,3)){
out[[i]] <- qplot(1:100, rnorm(100), colour = runif(100))
grid.arrange(out[[1]], out[[2]], out[[3]], nrow = 2)

ggplot2 : printing multiple plots in one page with a loop

I have several subjects for which I need to generate a plot, as I have many subjects I'd like to have several plots in one page rather than one figure for subject.
Here it is what I have done so far:
Read txt file with subjects name
subjs <- scan ("ListSubjs.txt", what = "")
Create a list to hold plot objects
pltList <- list()
for(s in 1:length(subjs))
setwd(file.path("C:/Users/", subjs[[s]])) #load subj directory
ifile=paste("Co","data.txt",sep="",collapse=NULL) #Read subj file
dat = read.table(ifile)
dat <- unlist(dat, use.names = FALSE) #make dat usable for ggplot2
df <- data.frame(dat)
pltList[[s]]<- print(ggplot( df, aes(x=dat)) + #save each plot with unique name
geom_histogram(binwidth=.01, colour="cyan", fill="cyan") +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept=0), # Ignore NA values for mean
color="red", linetype="dashed", size=1)+
xlab(paste("Co_data", subjs[[s]] , sep=" ",collapse=NULL)))
At this point I can display the single plots for example by
print (pltList[1]) #will print first plot
print(pltList[2]) # will print second plot
I d like to have a solution by which several plots are displayed in the same page, I 've tried something along the lines of previous posts but I don't manage to make it work
for example:
for (p in seq(length(pltList))) {
do.call("grid.arrange", pltList[[p]])
gives me the following error
Error in arrangeGrob(..., as.table = as.table, clip = clip, main = main, :
input must be grobs!
I can use more basic graphing features, but I d like to achieve this by using ggplot. Many thanks for consideration
Your error comes from indexing a list with [[:
pl = list(qplot(1,1), qplot(2,2))
pl[[1]] returns the first plot, but do.call expects a list of arguments. You could do it with, do.call(grid.arrange, pl[1]) (no error), but that's probably not what you want (it arranges one plot on the page, there's little point in doing that). Presumably you wanted all plots,
grid.arrange(grobs = pl)
or, equivalently,
do.call(grid.arrange, pl)
If you want a selection of this list, use [,
grid.arrange(grobs = pl[1:2])
do.call(grid.arrange, pl[1:2])
Further parameters can be passed trivially with the first syntax; with do.call care must be taken to make sure the list is in the correct form,
grid.arrange(grobs = pl[1:2], ncol=3, top=textGrob("title"))
do.call(grid.arrange, c(pl[1:2], list(ncol=3, top=textGrob("title"))))
library(gridExtra) # for grid.arrange
grid.arrange(pltList[[1]], pltList[[2]], pltList[[3]], pltList[[4]], ncol = 2, main = "Whatever") # say you have 4 plots
I wish I had enough reputation to comment instead of answer, but anyway you can use the following solution to get it work.
I would do exactly what you did to get the pltList, then use the multiplot function from this recipe. Note that you will need to specify the number of columns. For example, if you want to plot all plots in the list into two columns, you can do this:
print(multiplot(plotlist=pltList, cols=2))

Multiple lattice plots with gridExtra

There is very convenient way of plotting multiple graphs and that's with gridExtra - grid.arrange:
grid.arrange(plot1,plot2,plot3,plot4,plot5,plot6,plot7,plot8,plot9, ncol=3)
The above command draws 3x3 graphs in one window.
Now, I'm using my own lattice setup to draw unique lines etc. via
However using the grid.arrange command for plotting multiple plots won't pass on the setup as the output plots are in default colours.
So the question is how to pass on the my.setup onto grid.arrange or alternatively how to plot easily multiple graphs in one go for lattice.
EDIT: Reproducible example:
Data <- data.frame(Col1=rnorm(10,0,1),Col2=rexp(10,2),Col3=rnorm(10,2,2),Col4=runif(10,0,2),
newSet <- col.whitebg()
newSet$superpose.symbol$col <- c("blue3","orange2","gray1","tomato3")
newSet$superpose.symbol$pch <- 1
newSet$superpose.symbol$cex <- 1
newSet$superpose.line$col <- c("blue3","orange2","gray1","tomato3")
Plot1 <- xyplot(Col1+Col2~Time, Data, type="spline")
Plot2 <- xyplot(Col2+Col3~Time, Data, type="spline")
Plot3 <- xyplot(Col1+Col3~Time, Data, type="spline")
Plot4 <- xyplot(Col3+Col4~Time, Data, type="spline")
grid.arrange(Plot1,Plot2,Plot3,Plot4, ncol=2)
I guess it's got something to do with the plot.trellis method not finding the global theme settings when it's wrapped in gridExtra::drawDetails.lattice. I don't understand these lattice options, but as far as I recall you can specify them explicitly at the plot level too,
pl = list(Plot1, Plot2, Plot3, Plot4)
# do.call(grid.arrange, c(pl, nrow=1))
do.call(grid.arrange, c(lapply(pl, update, par.settings=newSet), list(nrow=1)))

How can I plot multiple functions in R?

Using ggplot, is there a way of graphing several functions on the same plot? I want to use parameters from a text file as arguments for my functions and overlay these on the same plot.
I understand this but I do not know how to add the visualized function together if I loop through.
Here is an implementation of Hadley's idea.
funcs <- list(log,function(x) x,function(x) x*log(x),function(x) x^2, exp)
cols <-heat.colors(5,1)
p <-ggplot()+xlim(c(1,10))+ylim(c(1,10))
for(i in 1:length(funcs))
p <- p + stat_function(aes(y=0),fun = funcs[[i]], colour=cols[i])
