How can I plot multiple functions in R? - r

Using ggplot, is there a way of graphing several functions on the same plot? I want to use parameters from a text file as arguments for my functions and overlay these on the same plot.
I understand this but I do not know how to add the visualized function together if I loop through.

Here is an implementation of Hadley's idea.
funcs <- list(log,function(x) x,function(x) x*log(x),function(x) x^2, exp)
cols <-heat.colors(5,1)
p <-ggplot()+xlim(c(1,10))+ylim(c(1,10))
for(i in 1:length(funcs))
p <- p + stat_function(aes(y=0),fun = funcs[[i]], colour=cols[i])


Understanding the duplication of plots in cowplot plot_grid

In desperate need of a sanity check. I am struggling to see why the result of plot_grid (cowplot) of N plots in my code is producing N identical plots. From the list I provide, I've taken out each data frame to verify that each plot should be different, however, when I pass in the complete list to plot_grid they all look identical.
p <- vector("list",length(dataList))
for(i in 1:length(dataList)) {
df <- dataList[[i]]
p[[i]] <- ggplot(df, aes(df$base)) + geom_bar()
multi <- plot_grid(plotlist=p, align="hv")
save_plot(paste("data_freqs.tiff",sep=""), multi, dpi=300, base_aspect_ratio=1.5)
For example, when type the following I can see the data is different:
However, I end up with multiple plots of identical T values (all fixed to 1245).
Any help is much appreciated.

how to use apply on a list of text to loop through plots in r

I intended to generate multi-plot per page using something like this:
d=data.frame(label=c(rep('a',3),rep('b',3)) )
d$x = sample(6,nrow(d))
d$y = sample(10,nrow(d))
plotList <- lapply(c("a","b"), function(i) {
library(gridExtra), c(plotList, nrow=2))
Intended effect is one point plot of label a data by the side ne point plot of label b data. I know ggplot panel can work here
d %>% ggplot(aes(x, y)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(.~label)
but the specific case I need to plot which i don't have a good way to share raw data here I'll need to use apply to plot it and grid.arrange to put on same page. I saw grid.arrange example here. Wondering how can i make apply function work? thanks

Saving all the bar graphs for a dataset in pdf from R [duplicate]

I'd like to spawn several graphics windows from within a function in R using ggplot graphics...
testf <- function(a, b) {
qplot(a, b);
# grid.newpage(recording = TRUE)
qplot(a, a+a);
# grid.newpage(recording = TRUE)
qplot(b, b+b);
x <- rnorm(50)
y <- rnorm(50)
testf(x, y)
However, neither nor grid.newpage() seems to flush the preceding plot.
I know that, in R, functions normally only produce the last thing they evaluate, but I'd like to understand the process better and to learn of any possible workarounds.
The grid-based graphics functions in lattice and ggplot2 create a graph object, but do not display it. The print() method for the graph object produces the actual display, i.e.,
print(qplot(x, y))
solves the problem.
See R FAQ 7.22.

How can you use ggplot to superimpose many plots of related functions in an automatic way?

I have a family of functions that are all the same except for one adjustable parameter, and I want to plot all these functions on one set of axes all superimposed on one another. For instance, this could be sin(n*x), with various values of n, say 1:30, and I don't want to have to type out each command individually -- I figure there should be some way to do it programatically.
define trig functions as a function of frequency: sin(x), sin(2x), sin(3x) etc.
trigf <- function(i)(function(x)(sin(i*x)))
Superimpose two function plots -- this works manually of course
ggplot(data.frame(x=c(0,pi)), aes(x)) + stat_function(fun=trigf(1)) + stat_function(fun=trigf(2))
now try to generalize -- my idea was to make a list of the stat_functions using lapply
plotTrigf <- lapply(1:5, function(i)(stat_function(fun=function(x)(sin(i*x))) ))
try using the elements of the list manually but it doesn't really work -- only the i=5 plot is shown and I'm not sure why when that's not what I referenced
ggplot(data.frame(x=c(0,pi)), aes(x)) +plotTrigf[[1]] + plotTrigf[[2]]
I Thought this Reduce might handle the 'generalized sum' to add to a ggplot() but it doesn't work -- it complains of a non-numeric argument to binary operator
Reduce("+", plotTrigf)
So I'm kind of stuck both in executing this strategy, or perhaps there's some other way to do this.
Are you using version R <3.2? The problem is that you actually need to evaluate your i parameter in your lapply call. Right now it's being left as a promise and not getting evaulated till you try to plot and at that point i has the last value it had in the lapply loop which is 5. Use:
plotTrigf <- lapply(1:5, function(i) {force(i);stat_function(fun=function(x)(sin(i*x))) })
You can't just add stat_function calls together, even without Reduce() you get the error
stat_function(fun=sin) + stat_function(fun=cos)
# Error in stat_function(fun = sin) + stat_function(fun = cos) :
# non-numeric argument to binary operator
You need to add them to a ggplot object. You can do this with Reduce() if you just specify the init= parameter
Reduce("+", plotTrigf, ggplot(data.frame(x=c(0,pi)), aes(x)))
And actually the special + operator for ggplot objects allows you to add a list of objects so you don't even need the Reduce at all (see code for ggplot2:::add_ggplot)
ggplot(data.frame(x=c(0,pi)), aes(x)) + plotTrigf
The final result is
You need to use force in order to make sure the parameter is being evaluated at the right time. It's a very useful technique and a common source of confusion in loops, you should read about it in Hadley's book
To solve your question: you just need to add force(i) when defining all the plots, inside the lapply function, before making the call to stat_function. Then you can use Reduce or any other method to combine them. Here's a way to combine the plots using lapply (note that I'm using the <<- operator which is discouraged)
p <- ggplot(data.frame(x=c(0,pi)), aes(x))
lapply(plotTrigf, function(x) {
p <<- p + x

Multiple graphs within plot with loop

How to get graph for each column of data.frame within one plot with loop? Must be easy just can't figure it out.
Sample data:
rdata <- data.frame(y=rnorm(1000,2,2),v1=rnorm(1000,1,1),v2=rnorm(1000,3,3),
What I have tried?
p <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
for(i in 2:5){
w <- xyplot(y~rdata[,i],rdata)
If you don't have to use lattice you can just use base plot instead and it should work as you want.
p <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
for(i in 2:5){
If you want to use lattice look this answer. Lattice ignores par, so you have to do some more work to achieve what you want.
Inorder to easily arrange a bunch of lattice plots, I like to use the helper function print.plotlist. It has a layout= parameter that acts like the layout() function for base graphics. For example, you could call
rdata <- data.frame(y=rnorm(1000,2,2),v1=rnorm(1000,1,1),v2=rnorm(1000,3,3),
plots<-lapply(2:5, function(i) {xyplot(y~rdata[,i],rdata)})
print.plotlist(plots, layout=matrix(1:4, ncol=2))
to get
Otherwise you normally use a split= parameter to the print statement to place a plot in a subsection of the device. For example, you could also do
print(plots[[1]], split=c(1,1,2,2), more=T)
print(plots[[2]], split=c(1,2,2,2), more=T)
print(plots[[3]], split=c(2,1,2,2), more=T)
print(plots[[4]], split=c(2,2,2,2))
