I've tried things like:
"url" | stats count
index="indexname" "url" |stats count
Do I need to set up logging in my webpage first to be able to get the number of hits?
You can use Splunk App called "Website input"
App Link: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1818/
You can get much more statistics for your webpage than just number of hits.
I've extensively searched in forum and after that putting this question so that someone might be able to help me.
In Google analytics dashboard, we have created logical categories based on keywords within PagePath. For instance, if my PagePath contains keyword \sports\ we call it Sports Section category.
We capture the User count weekly from UI as shown below :
I am now trying to move this data in MySQL db using Talend Open Studio Data Integration.
I am using a componenttgoogleanalyticsinput where I can feed Dimensions and Metrics.
I analyzed 2 days of data and found the following observation:
Date All User Sports Auto
01-Jun 2220088 325174 51825 (visible in image chart)
02-Jun 2950015 256390 80472 (not visible in above chart)
Total 5170103 581564 132297 (sum of above)
API : 5170103 581564 132297 (received from API)
UI : 4910532 553400 129652 (shown in UI)
So, the data on chart matches with what I'm getting from API BUT they both do not match with what is shown in UI number.
I visited this link to understand what those numbers mean on Google UI.
Problem is, what dimension and metrics should I take so that my API values matches with UI number?
I tried to take ga:PagePath, ga:Date as dimension and ga:Users, ga:pageViews as metrics but they're not working for me.
In Azure you can see how many requests have been made against a CosmosDB in the overview tab of the cosmosDb. I want to get that same number (total requests) using Log Analytics Diagnostic logs, but I am having trouble knowing which logs to count, since there are more logs than total requests.
Around March I used a logic that if a log had a full self-link (with database id/name and collection id/name) in requestResourceId_s field then I would count it. This seemed to work and the numbers added up, but when I revisited this a while back I noticed this doesn't work anymore. Then I tried filtering the logs with collectionName_s != "", requestLength_s != "0", requestCharge_s != "0.000000", using the distinct operator on the activityId and combining the mentioned filters in different combinations. But it always returns the wrong numbers and I cant seem to find the Total Request Count.
| extend requestDatabaseId = extract("(^(/dbs/.*?)/)", 1, requestResourceId_s)
| extend requestCollectionId = extract("((/colls/.*?)/)", 1, requestResourceId_s)
| where requestDatabaseId != "" and requestCollectionId != ""
This is the main point of the query I used to use to get the Total request count. For instance, it will count a log that has /dbs/master/colls/master/docs" in requestResourceId_s
For instance, if I see there have been 97 total request, with my old logic there are now 326 logs that get counted.
Any help is appreciated.
Welcome to Stack Overflow.
AFAIK you should use the below Kusto query to get the total number of requests made.
AzureMetrics | where MetricName == "TotalRequests"
Pre-requisite for the above thing to work is to turn on logging using diagnostic setting as explained in this document. Make sure you tick the 'Requests' box under Metric section as highlighted in below screenshot.
Please refer to this document to know what all metrics are currently supported. Should supported metrics for any Azure resource changes in future then the information on this would probably be updated.
Hope this helps!! Cheers!!
Hi I have been trying to pass a value in to another report via a URL link, but cannot get the syntax correct, I have trawled the net and the 8 questions already in Stack and tweaked my code for each answer but cannot get it right.
I have a fully developed report that used a parameter "SALES_ORDER" you manually enter the SALES order and the report runs ok.
I have another report that is a graph of the above data with the sales order as the key to both.The graph is showing the last 10 sales orders by sales order number , when I click on the sales order number I want to be taken to the URL of the original developed report taking the sales order I clicked in in the graph so the original report uses this as the parameter.
The code for the jump to in the action box of the graph is :
SSRS likes the code as the graph report runs ok, I can click on the required bar for the specific sales order It then opens the correct URL page but I get the error below:
"The path of the item '/GEMINI REPORTING/BY DEPARTMENT/PP/Manual
is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long;
other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the
path must start with slash. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help "
The parameter in the developed report is "SALES_ORDER".
I know I could duplicate the developed report and include it in the "new project" I am working within but that then means for any change to the developed report I have to make the same changes to the one in the new project, hence wanting to hyperlink to it.
any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Tony King
You can use Action as Go to Report and give your Report name and Then therein you can give Parameter name and it's Value?
Screenshot for Reference
I'm trying to create a segment based on this case:
"I have an event that is triggered in multriple pages and I only want to see the number of times it has been fired on a specific page."
I have created a segment where the condition is:
Page name (URL without domain) -> contains -> 'news/potatoe'
The problem with this is that when I cross this segment against the event, the results are wrong, I get very few hits even though I know, for sure, that the number of hits should be higher.
Adding on, when I breakdown a dimension by "Page name (URL without domain)", I don't get the total ocurrences.
Thank you in advance!
The pageName variable is kind of an outlier when it comes to event attribution. Instead of giving full credit to the page it fired on, it uses linear allocation, which divides credit equally among all pages seen in the visit. More info on linear allocation can be seen here:
In order to get the data you're looking for, you will want to use an eVar and not pageName. Using a processing rule to copy pageName into an eVar would be the easiest way to accomplish that.
In short, you're pulling the report right with the exception that pageName has weird attribution. If you replaced pageName with an eVar containing pageName data, you'd get the report you're looking for.
I am using facebook graph Api for my application where i want the data of this page.
In this page there is option TV SHOW I want collect all information of that page.
But i didn't any graph api method for this page.
Please help me for this problem.
As far as I can tell, this isn't something you can do. It has to do with what Facebook sets as "indexable" columns in their tables. For example, the page table has a type ID and the TV SHOWS category ID appears to be 89, so you'd think you could run a FQL query such as:
https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=SELECT page_id, name FROM page WHERE type=89
or perhaps:
https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=SELECT page_id, name FROM page WHERE type='TV SHOW'
But you'll get this notice:
Your statement is not indexable. The
WHERE clause must contain an indexable
Unfortunately, the only two indexable columns for WHERE statements using the page table are page_id and name. So you can only query this table for one page at a time. Which makes sense when you consider how expensive a search like that would be on billions of records.
You can do a generic graph search for "TV SHOWS" but it won't give the the results on the page index as you requested:
The Graph API is more about introspection/connections between objects than an open search protocol.