Replace characters in a delimited part of a file - unix

I have the file teste.txt with the following content:
02183101399205000 GBTD9VBYMBQ 04455927964
02183101409310000 XBQMPL1C93B 27699484827
54183101003651000 1WFG3SNVDG9 71530894204
I execute the command
sed -e 's/^\(.\{18\}\)[0-9]/\1#/g' teste.txt
The result is:
02183101399205000 GBTD9VBYMBQ 04455927964
02183101409310000 XBQMPL1C93B 27699484827
54183101003651000 #WFG3SNVDG9 71530894204
Only the 19th position in line 3 is changed from 1 to #.
I would like to know how can I change all numeric characters from the 19th to the 30th position.
The expected result is:
02183101399205000 GBTD#VBYMBQ 04455927964
02183101409310000 XBQMPL#C##B 27699484827
54183101003651000 #WFG#SNVDG# 71530894204

An awk command to accomplish your goal:
awk '{ gsub(/[0-9]/,"#",$2); print }' teste.txt

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/./&\n/30;s//\n&/19;h;s/[0-9]/#/g;H;x;s/\n.*\n(.*)\n.*\n(.*)\n.*/\2\1/' file
Surround the string, which is from the 19th to the 30th character, by newlines and make a copy. Replace all digits by #'s. Append this string to the original and use pattern matching to rearrange the strings to make a new string with the unchanged parts either side of the changed part, at the same time discarding the introduced newlines.
An alternative method, utilising the fact the the fields are space separated:
sed -r ':a;s/( \S*)[0-9](\S* )/\1#\2/;ta' file
In fact the two methods can be combined:
sed -r 's/./&\n/30;s//\n&/19;:a;s/(\n.*)[0-9](.*\n)/\1#\2/;ta;s/\n//g' file


delete text with delimiter in unix

I have a text file in the below format . I need to remove the text between the first and second semicolon (delimiter ), but retain the second semicolon
$cat test.txt
My expected output
I tried using sed 's/^([^;][^;]*);.*$/\1/', but it removes everything after the first semicolon. I also tried with cut -d ';' -f2, this only give the 2nd field as output.
Using cut
cut -d";" -f2 --complement file
-d is for delimeter, i.e ";" in your case
-f is for field, i.e keep the fields listed
--complement is to reverse the selection, i.e remove the fields listed
$ cat test.txt
$ cut -d";" -f2 --complement test.txt
You may use this sed:
sed 's/;[^;]*//' file
You can do it directly by simply removing the 2nd occurrence of the characters in question, e.g.
sed 's/[^;]*;//2' test.txt
Example Use/Output
$ sed 's/[^;]*;//2' test.txt
A thanks to #EdMorton for improvements here as well.
If you did want to use awk, you could simply replace the 2nd field with nothing as well, e.g.
awk -F';' '{sub(/;[^;]*/,"")}1' test.txt
(same output)
With a thanks to #EdMorton for the improvement to the original.
Or as Cyrus suggest with cut, deleting field 2, e.g.
cut -d';' -f-1,3- test.txt
(same output)
Trying to fix OP's attempts here, with sed you could try following code. Simple explanation would be, create 1st back reference which has value till 1st occurrence of ; then from 1st ; to 2nd ; don't keep it in backreference and keep rest of the value in 2nd back reference. Finally while substituting substitute it with 1st and 2nd back reference values.
sed -E 's/^([^;]*);[^;]*;(.*)/\1;\2/' Input_file
OR as per Ed's comment please try following;
sed -E 's/^([^;]*);[^;]*/\1/' Input_file
super lazy awk solution
gawk/mawk/mawk2 'sub(/;[^;]+/,"")'
a more verbose solution but makes it clearer what it's doing
g/mawk 'BEGIN {FS=";+"; OFS=";"} ($2="")||($0=$0)&&($1=$1)'
clean out 2nd field, but since null string is assigned in, it returns 0 (false), thus requiring logical or || to continue.
$0=$0 plus $1=$1 to clean up extra ;, which will also print it.

Unix: multi and single character delimiter in cut or awk commands

This is the string I have:
I want to remove all the characters after the first "_" that follows the first ".txt".
From the above example, I want the output to be my_file1.txt-myfile2.txt. I have to search for first occurrence of ".txt" and continue parsing until I find the underscore character, and remove everything from there on.
Is it possible to do it in sed/awk/cut etc commands?
You can't do this job with cut but you can with sed and awk:
$ sed 's/\.txt/\n/g; s/\([^\n]*\n[^_]*\)_.*/\1/; s/\n/.txt/g' file
$ awk 'match($0,/\.txt[^_]*_/){print substr($0,1,RSTART+RLENGTH-2)}' file
Could you please try following, written based on your shown samples.
awk '{sub(/\.txt_.*/,".txt")} 1' Input_file
Simply substituting everything from .txt_ to till last of line with .txt and printing the line here

Unix Text Processing - how to remove part of a file name from the results?

I'm searching through text files using grep and sed commands and I also want the file names displayed before my results. However, I'm trying to remove part of the file name when it is displayed.
The file names are formatted like this: aja_EPL_1999_03_01.txt
I want to have only the date without the beginning letters and without the .txt extension.
I've been searching for an answer and it seems like it's possible to do that with a sed or a grep command by using something like this to look forward and back and extract between _ and .txt:
But I must be doing something wrong, because it hasn't worked for me and I possibly have to add something as well, so that it doesn't extract only the first number, but the whole date. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Adding also the working command I've used just in case. I imagine whatever command is needed would have to go at the beginning?
sed '/^$/d' *.txt | grep -P '(^([A-ZÖÄÜÕŠŽ].*)?[Pp][Aa][Ll]{2}.*[^\.]$)' *.txt --colour -A 1
The results look like this:
aja_EPL_1999_03_02.txt:PALLILENNUD : korraga üritavad ümbermaailmalendu kaks meeskonda
A desired output would be this:
1999_03_02:PALLILENNUD : korraga üritavad ümbermaailmalendu kaks meeskonda
First off, you might want to think about your regular expression. While the one you have you say works, I wonder if it could be simplified. You told us:
It looks to me as if this is intended to match lines that start with a case insensitive "PALL", possibly preceded by any number of other characters that start with a capital letter, and that lines must not end in a backslash or a dot. So valid lines might be any of:
PALLILENNUD : korraga üritavad etc etc
Õlu on kena. Do I have appalling speling?
Peeter Pall is a limnologist at EMU!
If you'd care to narrow down this description a little and perhaps provide some examples of lines that should be matched or skipped, we may be able to do better. For instance, your outer parentheses are probably unnecessary.
Now, let's clarify what your pipe isn't doing.
sed '/^$/d' *.txt
This reads all your .txt files as an input stream, deletes any empty lines, and prints the output to stdout.
grep -P 'regex' *.txt --otheroptions
This reads all your .txt files, and prints any lines that match regex. It does not read stdin.
So .. in the command line you're using right now, your sed command is utterly ignored, as sed's output is not being read by grep. You COULD instruct grep to read from both files and stdin:
$ echo "hello" > x.txt
$ echo "world" | grep "o" x.txt -
(standard input):world
But that's not what you're doing.
By default, when grep reads from multiple files, it will precede each match with the name of the file from whence that match originated. That's also what you're seeing in my example above -- two inputs, one x.txt and the other - a.k.a. stdin, separated by a colon from the match they supplied.
While grep does include the most minuscule capability for filtering (with -o, or GNU grep's \K with optional Perl compatible RE), it does NOT provide you with any options for formatting the filename. Since you can'd do anything with the output of grep, you're limited to either parsing the output you've got, or using some other tool.
Parsing is easy, if your filenames are predictably structured as they seem to be from the two examples you've provided.
For this, we can ignore that these lines contain a file and data. For the purpose of the filter, they are a stream which follows a pattern. It looks like you want to strip off all characters from the beginning of each line up to and not including the first digit. You can do this by piping through sed:
sed 's/^[^0-9]*//'
Or you can achieve the same effect by using grep's minimal filtering to return every match starting from the first digit:
grep -o '[0-9].*'
If this kind of pipe-fitting is not to your liking, you may want to replace your entire grep with something in awk that combines functionality:
$ awk '
/[\.]$/ {next} # skip lines ending in backslash or dot
/^([A-ZÖÄÜÕŠŽ].*)?PALL/ { # lines to match
sub(/^[^0-9]*/,"",f) # strip unwanted part of filename, like sed
printf "%s:%s\n", f, $0
getline # simulate the "-A 1" from grep
printf "%s:%s\n", f, $0
}' *.txt
Note that I haven't tested this, because I don't have your data to work with.
Also, awk doesn't include any of the fancy terminal-dependent colourization that GNU grep provides through the --colour option.

Insert a new line at nth character after nth occurence of a pattern via a shell script

I have a single line big string which has '~|~' as delimiter. 10 fields make up a row and the 10th field is 9 characters long. I want insert a new line after each row, meaning insert a \n at 10 character after (9,18,27 ..)th occurrence of '~|~'
Is there any quick single line sed/awk option available without looping through the string?
I have used
sed -e's/\(\([^~|~]*~|~\)\{9\}[^~|~]*\)~|~/\1\n/g'
but it will replace every 10th occurrence with a new line. I want to keep the delimiter but add a new line after 9 characters in field 10
cat test.txt
sed -e's/\(\([^~|~]*~|~\)\{9\}[^~|~]*\)~|~/\1\n/g' test.txt
Below is what I want
Let's try awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS="[~|~]+"; OFS="~|~"}
{for(i=10; i<NF; i+=9){
$i=substr(str, 1, 9)"\n"substr(str, 10, length(str))
print $0}' t.txt
The output:
I assume there some error in your comment: If your input contains ten1234562one and 2ten1234563one, then the line break has to be inserted after 2 in the first case and after 6 in the second case (as this is the tenth character). But your expected output is different to this.
Your sed script wasn't too far off. This seems to do the job you want:
sed -e '/^$/d' \
-e 's/\([^~|]*~|~\)\{9\}.\{9\}/&\' \
-e '/' \
-e 'P;D' \
For your input file (I called it data), I get:
The script requires a little explanation, I fear. It uses some obscure shell and some obscure sed behaviour. The obscure shell behaviour is that within a single-quoted string, backslashes have no special meaning, so the backslash before the second single quote in the second -e appears to sed as a backslash at the end of the argument. The obscure sed behaviour is that it treats the argument for each -e option as if it is a line. So, the trailing backslash plus the / after the third -e is treated as if there was a backslash, newline, slash sequence, which is how BSD sed (and POSIX sed) requires you to add a newline. GNU sed treats \n in the replacement as a newline, but POSIX (and BSD) says:
The escape sequence '\n' shall match a <newline> embedded in the pattern space.
It doesn't say anything about \n being treated as a <newline> in the replacement part of a s/// substitution. So, the first two -e options combine to add a newline after what is matched. What's matched? Well, that's a sequence of 'zero or more non-tilde, non-pipe characters followed by ~|~', repeated 9 times, followed by 9 'any characters'. This is an approximation to what you want. If you had a field such as ~|~tilde~pipe|bother~|~, the regex would fail because of the ~ between 'tilde' and 'pipe' and also because of the | between 'pipe' and 'bother'. Fixing it to handle all possible sequences like that is non-trivial, and not warranted by the sample data.
The remainder of the script is straight-forward: the -e '/^$/d' deletes an empty line, which matters if the data is exactly the right length, and in -e 'P;D' the P prints the initial segment of the pattern space up to the first newline (the one we just added); the D deletes the initial segment of the pattern space up to the first newline and starts over.
I'm not convinced this is worth the complexity. It might be simpler to understand if the script was in a file, script.sed:
and the command line was:
$ sed -f script.sed data
Needless to say, it produces the same output. Without the /^$/d, the script only works because of the odd 6 at the end of the input. With exactly 9 characters after the third record, it then flops into in infinite loop.
Using extended regular expressions
If you use extended regular expressions, you can deal with odd-ball fields that contain ~ or | (or, indeed, ~|) in the middle.
Output from sed -E -f script.sed data2:
That still won't handle a field like tilde~~|~. Using -E is correct for BSD (Mac OS X) sed; it enables extended regular expressions. The equivalent option for GNU sed is -r.

sed: remove digits after word

I have a simple sed question.
I have data like this:
2600,Sale,"Approved 911973",244.72
2601,Sale,"Approved 04735C",490.51
2602,Sale,"Approved 581068",52.82
2603,Sale,"Approved 009275",88.10
How do I make it like this:
Notice the numbers after approved are gone as well as the quotes. I can remove quotes with:
sed 's/,$//gn' file
but I don't know how to remove the spaces and digits.
sed "s/\"Approved[^,]*/Approved/g"
It finds the quoted "Approved" followed by any non-comma character, up until the first comma encountered, and replaces it with Approved (no quotes)
Using extended regex with sed:
sed -r 's/"([^[:space:]]*)[^"]*"/\1/g' file
The above regex targets for any quoted string. If you want to target the string Approved, then:
sed -r 's/"(Approved)[^"]*"/\1/g' file
With basic regex:
sed 's/"\(Approved\)[^"]*"/\1/g' file
To target any quoted string, change Approved to [^[:space:]]*
One way using awk(only if the other columns does not contain multiple words as in your sample):
awk -F"[ ,]" '{gsub("\"","");$1=$1}1' OFS=, file
awk -F'[," ]' '{OFS=","; print $1,$2,$4,$7}' file
I suppose there is no other whitespace.
