office-ui-fabric-react: loadTheme to change global CSS? - css

I'm using office-ui-fabric-react for my app, and I'm using the loadTheme to customize the color palette of my app.
Using loadTheme does change how my components behave but it doesn't affect the page's global CSS, like page background etc...
Given the fact that I also import the office-ui-fabric dist CSS, I would expect the CSS to be changed too, maybe through some CSS3 variables.
Is this not how it's supposed to work? should I set CSS manually on every loadTheme call?

I answered this on our Github page, but wanted to toss it in here too:
loadTheme only updates the theme object passed down to each component. It doesn't add any css to the page. This is very intentional.


Angular: Change colors of Angular components

I use ready-made Angular components in my project. Some of the components use colors (see picture) that don't fit my project.
Instead of the purple, I want to use another color. I couldn't find anything in the Angular documentation to change the color.
I also didn't see a property in Chrome's Inspecter Tool to change the color.
How can I use a different color instead of the purple?
It would be best if you only have to change it in one place, as I use many other Angular components.
If you check the CSS for the placeholder text in the browser inspector, you should see the associated CSS that you should be able to copy to your code and change. Below is what I copied when I went to and inspected (and even changed). If you decided to add this CSS as is to your Angular app, be sure to change the encapsulation option to ViewEncapsulation.None to see the effect. This is if you're using Angular Material v15; otherwise, inspect and see the associated CSS.
.mdc-text-field:not(.mdc-text-field--disabled) .mdc-floating-label {
color: orange;

Gatsby.js: I set up a css rule for body for a template but it works throughout the entire app

I set up a background image with css (background-image) in the body tag of the template so that only shows in the pages generated with it, however that's affecting all 'body's in the entire gatsby.js website.
This is normal behavior. It's not a Gatsby issue. It's how React's templating/code-splitting works.
You are defining a CSS rule in your isolated CSS but it's bundled when the project is compiled (because of webpack) and because of the specificity, it affects all body tag. In the end, your template will be also injected into the output HTML so all the imports in it will also merge in the final output.
The easiest and most straightforward solution I think is to define a <section> (or another tag) just as a direct child of the body for each template/page you want to customize and give a specific class name to apply the CSS only to that template/page. Increasing the specificity is the easiest way to apply.
Soon, in the new Chromium version (99) we will be able to define layered components in order to enhance the specificity and improve that kind of behaviors you've described.

How to change less variables color theme dynamically as per users choice

I am using Angular-material-6. I am using an angular-material stylesheet and my own custom less stylesheet as a master stylesheet. I have a select box in header which shows theme color name like Red, Green, Blue etc. Now my task is to change a less variable as per user choice theme.
for example, by default my application primary color is red and if a user changes it to blue from header select box then it will automatically change my primary variable color to red.
I tried simple way solution like CSS switching from index.html using javascript but I am not sure how to do it with less and less variables.
Thanks in advance.
Less can compile at run-time and is one of the few CSS processors (If not the only one) that can do this and modify CSS vars programmatically at run time.
Check out this SO post: How to use less in Angular component without CLI
Less is a CSS preprocessor which means that it produces CSS at compile-time, not runtime. Therefore you can't do what you are aiming to do.
You can have a look at css variables if you want to dynamically override it. You can also use a CSS in JS or make smart use of the CSS cascading model.

How do I customize the styles within an Angular Material Input?

I am working with a freelance client on the side that wants to utilize Angular Material throughout the project. However, they do not like the way that the underline looks in the angular material input. I have tried a variety of approaches to change this, but I haven't found any success yet.
To be honest, I haven't even been able to find the tag in the DOM that would let me alter that border.
Here are the Angular Material docs, as you can see all of the available options have at least some form of a bottom border.
Some approaches I've tried:
This one is from the old angular material and no longer works for the new angular material
The accepted answer here is for the new angular material, but I was not able to get it to work. I implemented exactly as described and no styling changed.
This approach looked like it would work. Unfortunately, I could not get it to work either.
Any help or input on this topic would be appreciated.
For reference, the client said that any changes that deviated from the desired design would be denied. So I have to get this to work. I believe I could maybe, possibly lobby to build a custom input component as a solution, but I know that they are dead set on Angular Material.
Edit. Added a pic of desired look:
this little code did it for me. I didn't want to display it and just set height and width to 0.
::ng-deep .mat-form-field-underline{
height:0 !important;
width:0 !important;
However I think its kinda hard to style the Angular Material Components and for me its sometimes better to built my own.
First of all, you'll need a .scss to be imported either within the default theme.scss or after the import of the material stylesheet in main.scss.
Now, Material offers you the option of customising colours and some of the styles by overriding their #mixins found somewhere in the Material folder ( I don't have the folder in front of me.. very sorry for the vague pointing... ).
Back to the newly added file; You can override material's default styling by checking the DOM for certain classes and then adding them in said file with the desired changes. Because the file is loaded after Material's, the default styling in overridden. Same thing applies for the #mixin you chose to override. Just have a look in the file, copy-paste the whole #mixin and change accordingly.
Now if you wish to go even further, my colleagues and I have a custom library that uses Material BUT the whole styling is stripped off leaving you with the bear input within the mat-form-group and then using a <input disabled/> with a position:absolute over it. That way you get to benefit from material without using their style.

GWT overriding theme CSS

I have a PopupPanel, and I want to override some of the styles from the default theme. Eclipse gave me a .css in the doc root, and I put the styles I want to override in there. Inspection from the browser at runtime shows my styles being overridden by the GWT theme.
It's hard to believe that this is the default setup for a new project - an application .css that is loaded after the stock css?
I tried loading my css in my module XML (using stylesheet tag), but that has no effect, it's not loaded at all. The GWT docs say this is deprecated, so I suspect it's just been removed. Regardless, I don't want to use a deprecated interface.
To be clear, this is an ordering problem. I've verified my css is loaded correctly by inspecting the DOM. I can see my styles applied to the element in question, and I can see them overridden by the GWT theme css (dark.css in this case). Adding the !important flag does get my styles applied, but that's obvsiously not the right solution.
The popup is instantiated in the click handler of an anchor that's defined in a UI widget. The popup itself isn't defined in the template, I simply instantiate it and call show(). I'm not sure if that's relevant.
Can someone describe to me how this should be accomplished? If this is any harder than "put line XXX in file YYY", I'm going to seriously lose my faith in GWT.
GWT just generates some HTML to which CSS is applied. It looks complicated but there isn't any magic going on in the final output. Just HTML, CSS and some JS.
If your PopupPanel is picking up the wrong style it's because the browser isn't seeing your style, or the style in the standard theme (which is standard.css) is taking precedence.
If you have a DOM editor:
Inspect the element and see what styles it has against it.
Verify your style sheet is being included
Verify your style rules are being applied to the element as well.
Most likely it's a simple CSS error of some kind and GWT is the red herring. However if you can't see the error you can consider:
Give your element an id or its own additional style and use a rule to override the default behaviour.
Completely override .gwt-popupPanel with the style you want to apply everywhere
Subclass PopupPanel. Call the super
constructor but then strip out the
gwt-popupPanel style and replace it
with your own style instead. Or
augment the gwt-popupPanel and add
an extra style of your own.
Copy the entire default theme and rename it as something else and use that in your project.
The best option is probably the simplest which would be 1)
