Generated Request Medium? - http

I got a doubt that is there any way to figure out at server end that by which medium the Http request is generated by client. Either it is Postman,
Browser or an Android or IOS app.
And if there is a way can someone tell me how can I figure it out?
Maybe someone has already answered it but I couldn't found it please help


Can Service Workers receive pushes when not installed on mobile?

I think I know the answer to this question from my experiments, but I haven't been able to find a definitive answer when doing research.
Is is possible to send notifications to a PWA when it is opened in Chrome on mobile, but isn't installed?
Once it is installed I can receive notifications, but I can't before.
I'm having a hard time getting remote debugging working for my mobile so it's difficult to tell if the push event is even firing.
The docs, don't specify the need to install the pwa to be able to use the notification feature. However what I suspect is happening in your case is that Chrome is not giving priority to notify to the notification that you are sending without installing. What I mean is that you might receive your notification on the regular wakeup cycle of Chrome, and not as a background task. (But this is just a speculation)
Another common scenario that happens a lot, trust me :-), is that you forgot to give permission to send notifications in the first place.
Regarding remote debugging, refer the docs, to get it setup on Android. As a lot of the online tutorials are a bit out of date.
Note: I found an article online that shows a notification received without installing on Android, here is its link, it might not be very helpful for your case but check it out you might figure something out.
Yes they can.
The problem was that I had notifications enabled for my site, but disabled for Chrome itself.

Intent Redirection Vulnerability Android

My application has been reject by google for 1 week for this reason. The information written on what exactly should I do is not clear. Has anyone encountered this situation before, please help?
Best wishes

Cloud Vision Sample app failed to make API request

I am having trouble getting the Google Vision Sample App to have a successful API request.
I made sure the billing, API-key, were correct. I even tried using a browser key and service key, but had no luck.
The error coming back is:
failed to make API request because of other IOException Unable to
resolve host "": No address associated with
If you have any ideas, I would surely appreciate it.
Something was wrong with the Wifi on my phone. I think it was suffering from being off. I also changed the API-Key to Browser which is not the ideal solution, but will do for now.

rerouting a normal phone call to skype

I am a mobile/web developer but Im trying to see if there is any way this is possible:
Rerouting an incoming telephone call to skype or any other voice chat application?
Can anyone explain what technologies/ APIs are available to do something like this?
Apologize if this question is broad or out of context here. Please let me know where to post if so.
Take a look at SipToSis. This will not only solve the problem (GPL licensed out-of-the-box working product), but most of all studying it will help you understand the APIs used.

ASP.NET Issues with Safari

I'm tracking customer issues with our contractor website. I've had quite a few customers complain that they are unable to access their account (on a secure server). Users will get a server error. When I ask them to try on a different browser the issue goes away.
I don't know where to begin to look for the reason Safari has issues with our servers. The site is built using ASP.NET. I know next to nothing about Safari issues and how Safari handles data transmission. I don't know if Safari doesn't like the way we save cookies, if it's a validation issue, or what.
The "login" button seems to be sending the request to the server, because our contractor is getting the error logs. (They are not sending us these error logs, unfortunately, so I can't really review them myself. Contractors don't like it when you ask to see their logs.)
Does anyone have the vaguest form of advice? Have you had any similar errors or kinky issues with Safari?
