Event category with Unique Pageview - google-analytics

When I tried to make a custom report having "Event Category" as dimensions and "Unique Pageviews" as metrics,
I could not add "Unique Pageviews".
I found in GA explorer that "Unique Pageviews" and "Event Category" is invalid combination.
But does anyone have a idea why "Unique Pageviews" doesn't work with "Event Category"?

The "Unique Pageviews" metric is only incremented when a specific page is viewed for the first time in the session. Your event may not happen when user was viewing the page for the first time.
Unique Pageviews are generated by the same user during the same
session. A unique pageview represents the number of sessions during
which that page was viewed one or more times.
In other words, Unique Pageviews is a session count which included this specific page.
It is better explained here:
Pageviews, and Unique Pageviews in Analytics


Events and Goal completions don't work together?

I have a goal completion when user visit the specific page. Also I'm sending event from this page to count how many times user visited this page during the session (and for some other info).
Now I'm trying to make a custom report (flat table) that have info about:
Session ID (custom dimension),
Event Category (secondary dimension),
Goal completion (metric)
and Pages/Session metric.
In this case I see that Goal completion is zero for every session although I see events from the page (and I know that goal was completed in every session cause it's testing site).
If I remove Event category from custom report then Goal completion equals 1 for each session (that is true info).
And if I'm trying to use Event category in filter it is the same situation - I don't see Goal completed.
'Event Category' is a hit-level dimension, but other dimensions and metrics have session-level. It's invalid dimension-metric combination.
Try to use custom segment with conditions: include sessions where 'Event Category' = [your value].
Good explanation of scope in GA: https://www.bounteous.com/insights/2016/11/30/understanding-scope-google-analytics-reporting/

Separate form submissions by campaign in analytics

I have to campaigns running in google analytics at the same time, and, in my website, i have a contact form.
Is there any way that i can see from which of the campaigns came the message that was send to me?
For example, John has clicked in the campaign-one and send me a message, and Mario has clicked in the campaign-two and send me a message. I want to know that John came from the campaign-one and Mario from the campaign-two.
I have already been mapping events in my site, but i can't figure it out how to separate if the form came from campaign-one or campaign-two.
Thanks a lot! :-)
If you've set your campaign-one and campaign-two values to the utm_campaign parameter in your campaign tagging, it will show up in the Campaign dimension in Google Analytics.
I'm assuming by "I have already been mapping events", you mean that you have implemented event tracking on your site for these form submissions.
You can either build a custom report in Google Analytics that includes the Campaign dimension and the event dimensions (Event Category, Event Action, Event Label), or you can add Campaign as a secondary dimension to an events report. For example, in the Behavior > Events > Top Events report, choose "Secondary Dimension" and then select the "Campaign" dimension. That would break up the event numbers by which campaign the session was acquired from.
Similarly, you can look at the Acquisition > Campaigns > All Campaigns report and add one of the event dimensions as a secondary dimension there, to see campaigns broken down by events that they resulted in.

Working with event stat in google analytics api

I have the website where merchants sell some stuff. Each item has stats like unique views during last 24 hours, a week and a month and a number of visitors that clicked on "show contacts" button. Uniqueness based on IP. This works, there're huge tables that collects all (IP,item_id) pairs during the last month, and there're a lot of updates.
Today I dig into google analytics api, I would like to know if it's possible to use it instead of my system.
The fact is all this stat is private, available only for merchant, so I don't need to have all stat at a time (it's not compared etc.). So it might be requested on demand for the specific item.
I created service account, connected it to analytics data and it seems export works (based on this example). Then enabled event tracking for "show contacts" button.
For example, when user click on "show contacts" where should I add item_id? Is it eventLabel or eventValue? So, for item_id=1234 it should be
ga("send","event","Contacts","show","",1234) or ga("send","event","Contacts","show",1234)?
I'm confused with eventValue column in Top Events report (it seems that eventValue keeps a sum of all eventValues and even caculates Avg.Value). Does it mean item_id should be stored in eventLabel as string?
I added second, nonInteraction event for collecting item views, ga("send","event","Data","show","1234",1,{nonInteraction:true}). It count all events, but I need only unique ones (performed by unique visitors) in specified period of time (day, week, month). Is it possible?
1) The parameters are category, action, label and value. "Value" is a metric and is expected to be an integer. Since it's a metric it will be added up. So if you do
you will increment a metric by 1234, not store an id. You do not want this (especially if you have a linked adwords account, since this will be used to calculate your "return on advertising spent").
You want to use your item_id as label, however label is a string. So what you need to do is:
i.e. wrap the value for your label in quotes.
2) Is there anything wrong with ga:uniqueEvents for your purposes ?

Google Analytics - events as secondary dimension

In Universal Analytics, when you in web interface open a report (let's say New vs. Returning Users) and you use Event Label as a secondary dimension, it shows no data in the Conversions section, although there are conversions.
The conversion is URL based. Event is a click on a button, correctly implemented, in Events reports I can see events.
Does anyone have an idea, why is that?
Event Label is a dimension that is only set on hits with type "event", whereas conversions based on URLs are coming from "pageview" hits, so they most likely have "(not set)" as Event Label dimension.

"Sessions with Event" metric in GA is wierd

I'm using GA Android SDK v3 to track app utilization.
I found the metric "Sessions with Event" is wierd.
For example, userA report following hits in one session:
1. appview(screen1)
2. appview(screen2)
3. event(category=goto_store)
4. event(category=purchase)
I saw the custom report shows:
dimens="event category", metrics="sessions with event"
goto_store, 1
purchase, 0
It looks like it count the "sessions with event" to the 1st event in session.
It is reasonable??
I would like to know how many sessions with purchase event
When I create a custom report with dimem=appname, metric=session with event and filter 'event_category exact match "purchase"', I got metric of session with event equal to be zero....
This metric is not intuitive...
Kevin Kuei
Sessions With Event is hit-level data that only fires once for any event, within a session. In your example, getting 0 means that you have triggered some other (possibly unrelated) event in the same session.
To get sessions with Purchase event, you will probably need to create a custom segment. See here for [a good explanation of Sessions With Event]
