Separate form submissions by campaign in analytics - google-analytics

I have to campaigns running in google analytics at the same time, and, in my website, i have a contact form.
Is there any way that i can see from which of the campaigns came the message that was send to me?
For example, John has clicked in the campaign-one and send me a message, and Mario has clicked in the campaign-two and send me a message. I want to know that John came from the campaign-one and Mario from the campaign-two.
I have already been mapping events in my site, but i can't figure it out how to separate if the form came from campaign-one or campaign-two.
Thanks a lot! :-)

If you've set your campaign-one and campaign-two values to the utm_campaign parameter in your campaign tagging, it will show up in the Campaign dimension in Google Analytics.
I'm assuming by "I have already been mapping events", you mean that you have implemented event tracking on your site for these form submissions.
You can either build a custom report in Google Analytics that includes the Campaign dimension and the event dimensions (Event Category, Event Action, Event Label), or you can add Campaign as a secondary dimension to an events report. For example, in the Behavior > Events > Top Events report, choose "Secondary Dimension" and then select the "Campaign" dimension. That would break up the event numbers by which campaign the session was acquired from.
Similarly, you can look at the Acquisition > Campaigns > All Campaigns report and add one of the event dimensions as a secondary dimension there, to see campaigns broken down by events that they resulted in.


Google Analytics 4 Event Parameters

We have GA4 Enhanced Ecommerce working via GTM on our website. We are tracking all events mentioned in Google's documentation (e.g add_to_cart, begin_checkout, view_item_list).
With events such as 'view_item_list', 'begin_checkout' and 'purchase', we can see them in both 'Realtime' and the GA DebugView (they even show the 'Items' tab with all items within these events), and our dataLayer has no issues:
But when we try to view any of this data in Engagement > Events > 'view_item_list' (for example), the only data displayed is the standard Event Count:
As you can see from the screenshot, there are no parameters for 'view_item_list'. We are not sure how to get the actual data such as 'item_name' or 'item_list_name' to display.
Any help is much appreciated.
We have now added these item-scoped parameters as custom dimensions:
However, it's been over 36 hours since we added these, some of these dimensions/parameters have generated cards but nothing is being generated by the 'Items' parameter.
Any help is still much appreciated. Thanks.
Item Names should be available in the "Ecommerce purchases" Report. You do not need to register the parameter as a custom definition for the "item_name" parameter. For example if you upload the "purchase" event in this example, then the item_name of 'jeggings' will be available in the Ecommerce purchases report:
What do you see in the Ecommerce purchases report?

Google Analytics: Unable to use a custom dimension as a secondary dimension in reports

We track search terms (e.g. michael kors handbags) entered on our site as an event (i.e. captured in eventLabel). We have a custom dimension that parse the list of product ids returned on a search page.
'michael kors handbag' returned 5 products on search page. Custom Dimension 1 parses a list of product ids: '12345, 23456, 34567, 45678, 56789'. On an event report, when I use this custom dimension 1 as a secondary dimension, no data is returned. I am seeing the two tags fired (i.e. one as an event hit and the other as a pageview hit) - I am not able to figure out why the custom dimension 1 cannot be used as a secondary dimension.
Any insight is helpful.
Thank you.
The dimension needs to be scoped at Session level, so it's available for all the hits within a session.
Probably the dimension is set at hit level, so the information doesn't persist, when you try to relate it to the event, GA cannot do it.

What happens when pushing variable to dataLayer multiple times

Lets say for instance I have a web game on a page and the code is set so that every time the player completes a level it pushes the current level to the dataLayer:
dataLayer.push({'level': currentLevelNumber});
Does this then mean I will be able to create segment in GA to see how many people made it to each level? i.e. segment1(level = 1), segment2(level = 2) etc..
Also, what are limits of this? GA has a 500 event limit per session. Is pushing a variable part of this limit or does it have its own limit?
I tried to find this information in documentation but couldn't see it.
Essentially, you're trying to report on the levels that your users are on for a particular game.
To do this, you will need to create a user-scoped custom dimension within GA.
Then you would want to push to the datalayer whenever the user moves to another level something like:
'level': currentLevelNumber,
'event': 'user-lvl-update',
Then in GTM, create datalayer variable to capture "level" and create a custom event trigger for the "user-lvl-update" event.
Then in GTM, create a GA tag for the event "Level Update" and configure it normally, but this time, check the "Enable overriding settings" checkbox, under "More settings > Custom Dimensions" click on "Add custom dimension", enter in the index number of the custom dimension you created earlier and for dimension value, put in the variable where you captured level. Trigger this tag using the "user-lvl-update" trigger.
There is a limit of 500 hits per session. A hit is a pageview, event, etc. whenever you're sending data to GA. Pushing to the datalayer doesn't count towards that

Google Analytics - events as secondary dimension

In Universal Analytics, when you in web interface open a report (let's say New vs. Returning Users) and you use Event Label as a secondary dimension, it shows no data in the Conversions section, although there are conversions.
The conversion is URL based. Event is a click on a button, correctly implemented, in Events reports I can see events.
Does anyone have an idea, why is that?
Event Label is a dimension that is only set on hits with type "event", whereas conversions based on URLs are coming from "pageview" hits, so they most likely have "(not set)" as Event Label dimension.

Google Analytics Funnel is Not Reporting

I'm having a problem with Google Analytics with the funnel report. Currently I'm tracking transactions but my funnel report is showing that no one is entering the funnel. I have a tricky set up.
1) We are using a third party vendor to run our shopping cart and ordering process they want their tracking code on the site and we want ours.
For example:
['_setAccount', 'UA-10187XXX-1'], // GA property ID
['_setDomainName', ''],
['_setAllowLinker', true],
['_setAllowHash', false],
['_trackPageview', '/customer_shopping_cart_funnel/personal_info_customer.html'],
['b._setAccount', 'UA-12670XXX-3'] // vendors GA property ID
, ['b._trackPageview', '/customer_shopping_cart_funnel/personal_info_customer.html']
2) Once someone enters the ordering process some of the urls do not change. I tried using _trackPageView like this:
// example for each step
['_trackPageview', '/customer_shopping_cart_funnel/step1.html']
['_trackPageview', '/customer_shopping_cart_funnel/step2.html']
['_trackPageview', '/customer_shopping_cart_funnel/step3.html']
['_trackPageview', '/customer_shopping_cart_funnel/order_confirmation.html']
3) This is how the funnel should go:
User lands on page to chose country for ordering process
User enters shopping cart
User selects products (User is able to visit multiple products)
User enters in buying information
User reviews order and submits order
Order confirmation page
The problem I have is that we need to track from the page that shows the flags, but within the shopping experience they can move around to several pages.
With the funnel, from what I understand, you need to specifically list all of the steps. What I did is assigned each product page the same _trackPageView value so the step was always the same.
What can I do here to get the funnel to report correctly?
Are you able to track these pages in other reports? If so, I imagine the problem is with how your goal funnel is set up.
Ensure the URL's you've set for each step are correct, and match just as they are listed in your reports. If you're using a profile filter to change how URL's are shown in your reports, make sure to take that into account. It might also be a good idea to mark the flag page as being a required step, as well.
As for specifically listing all of the steps of a funnel, the pageviews that take place during the visits do not have to match the exact sequence of the funnel to count towards the funnel and goal.
As an example, lets say your funnel is step1 > step2 > step3 > order_confirmation.
A sequence of page views including additional pages not specified in the funnel, such as, step1 > step2 > step3 > contact_us > order_confirmation, will still count toward the goal funnel.
Additionally, as long as the first page of the funnel was viewed prior to reaching the goal, Google Analytics will artificially backfill the missed pages to have at least as many views as subsequent ones.
Using the same example funnel as above, visiting the pages step1 > step3 > order_confirmation will still count as meeting the funnel goal, even though step2 was skipped. And, step2 will be "backfilled" as having been viewed even though it wasn't.
Thus, Google Analytics will display any visit that includes a pageview of step1 prior to a pageview of order_confirmation as matching every step of every funnel that has step1 as the first step and order_confirmation as the Goal URL. This means that assigning each product page the same _trackPageView value is unnecessary for the goal funnel to track properly.
