Why I can't upload my data to r - r

I’m new in R and try to use it for the GCA/SCA analysis using North Carolina design 2 under agricolae (function: Carolina). I created a small dataset, named as ncd2 and used read to upload. After that I used head(ncd2) to check and everything looked fine.
However, if I use data(ncd2), it gives me the following error message
Warning message:
In data(ncd2) : data set ‘ncd2’ not found
Because of it, I can’t use carolina2 for my analysis. Any help? Thanks. Mack


Using speech to text with googlelanguageR produces NULL transcripts

I'm using the R package 'googleLanguageR' to transcribe various 30 second audio files (over 500 so want to automatize this). I've followed all the steps in the googleLanguageR tutorials, got my key, and authenticated through R.
I'm able to transcribe the test audio (.wav) that comes with the package, but whenever I apply the same function to my files (.mp3), I get NULL for both transcript and timings.
This is the code provided in tutorials:
# get the sample source file
test_audio <- system.file("woman1_wb.wav", package = "googleLanguageR")
If I use the same for my file, I get an empty element, so I've tried the following with no luck:
test_audio <- "/audio_location/filename.mp3"
Has anybody encountered a similar problem with this package or have any suspicions of why it produces NULL transcripts?

Plotting GTFS object routes with tidytransit in R

I need to plot General transit Feed Specification (GTFS) object routes and their frequencies. For this purpose I have run the following code from the package manual https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidytransit/tidytransit.pdf
to get some practice. But although the code is taken from the manual, I do get the error below. Is there anyone who can clarify this issue and show me an alternative way to perform spatial analysis?
local_gtfs_path <- system.file("extdata",
package = "tidytransit")
nyc <- read_gtfs(local_gtfs_path,
Error in UseMethod("inner_join") :
no applicable method for 'inner_join' applied to an object of class "NULL"
thanks for posting this!
this happened because we made a change in the API and I think the docs you were looking at were out of sync. they should be up to date now. see http://tidytransit.r-transit.org/articles/introduction.html
also, we made a change so that the plot() function will work as specified in the old docs and in the new docs.

How to recognize a column in R

I have merged two data sets (data1.csv and data2.csv) and created a data file to run the analyses on. But, when I do the analysis, R cannot recognize some of my columns (variables). My analysis is a multinational logit one.
The code for analysis is:
mlogit<- multinom(groupadmit~mid_pop, tot_male10, tot_female10, male16,
tot_female16, agemean10, agemean16, IMD_score, IMD_score2, data =
and the error is:
Error in model.frame.default(formula = groupadmit ~ mid_pop, data =
admitqof10_16, :
object 'male16' not found
I tried a couple of ways to solve the problem. For example, I use ls() to see whether the created data.table is in the R or not and it was there. I changed the name of the variable, but again it does not work. I exported the created data and imported it again. But, I have failed.
May someone please help me know why this problem happens and what I can do to resolve it?
Thanks in advance

problems with multiDiv in paleotree package

I am trying to use the package paleotree to build LTT plots, but I get the following error when I try to input my trees.
a=read.tree(file.choose()) # to choose newick/nexus file
Error in multiDiv(a) : Data of Unknown Type
Does paleotools only take objects of class 'multiphylo' ? I converted the imput tree to class multiphylo, but it still gives the same error. Can anyone suggest how to go about it?
I'm the author of package paleotree. I think what is going on here is that you are passing a single tree to multiDiv, which is setup for analyzing lists of objects, each of which are converted to a diversity curve. You probably want phyloDiv() instead. I can't be certain without know more about your data.

How to find object 'corhelp' in r

I'm having trouble locating the packages for corhelp in R. This is what I get.
# Error: object 'corhelp' not found
Assuming you're following the code from YEAST
Gene Co-expression Network Analysis R Tutorial, corhelp is a variable defined in the code
just search that page for corhelp to find it.
