How to find object 'corhelp' in r - r

I'm having trouble locating the packages for corhelp in R. This is what I get.
# Error: object 'corhelp' not found

Assuming you're following the code from YEAST
Gene Co-expression Network Analysis R Tutorial, corhelp is a variable defined in the code
just search that page for corhelp to find it.


Why I can't upload my data to r

I’m new in R and try to use it for the GCA/SCA analysis using North Carolina design 2 under agricolae (function: Carolina). I created a small dataset, named as ncd2 and used read to upload. After that I used head(ncd2) to check and everything looked fine.
However, if I use data(ncd2), it gives me the following error message
Warning message:
In data(ncd2) : data set ‘ncd2’ not found
Because of it, I can’t use carolina2 for my analysis. Any help? Thanks. Mack

Error : could not find function "ImportMethodFrom"

I tried to run the code in Chapter 7 Data mining with R learning with case study book but I got an error in following line:
rankWorkflows(svm, maxs = TRUE)
The error was:
Error in as.character.default(X[[i]], ...) : no method for coercing
this S4 class to a vector
Then I searched on the internet and found following solution:
and again again I got a new error:
Error: could not find function "importMethodFrom"
I searched a lot but I got nothing :(
You can try using library(sos) to find the packages where your function is located.
Based on the answer of #Bea, there does not seem to be a importMethodsFrom anywhere in R. My guess is you found the call in a NAMESPACE file. Those files have different syntax than normal R scripts.
If you want to load a specific function from an R package (rather than all functions from a package), you can use libraryname::functionname instad of functionname in your code. In your case, replace with
If this does not work (for example because you don't have anywhere in your code), you can also load the whole GenomicRanges library with library(GenomicRanges)

problems with multiDiv in paleotree package

I am trying to use the package paleotree to build LTT plots, but I get the following error when I try to input my trees.
a=read.tree(file.choose()) # to choose newick/nexus file
Error in multiDiv(a) : Data of Unknown Type
Does paleotools only take objects of class 'multiphylo' ? I converted the imput tree to class multiphylo, but it still gives the same error. Can anyone suggest how to go about it?
I'm the author of package paleotree. I think what is going on here is that you are passing a single tree to multiDiv, which is setup for analyzing lists of objects, each of which are converted to a diversity curve. You probably want phyloDiv() instead. I can't be certain without know more about your data.

R object not found

I'm trying to duplicate a text mining example on text mining Twitter data using R programming language found in
Section 10.2 of Yanchang Zhao's paper R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies. Zhoa includes a Twitter data sample rmdTweets.RData so the user doesn't have to get the Twitter data directly from Twitter website.
Zhoa's Twitter sample "rmdTweets.RData" is downloaded to my computer; the required R packages 'tm' and 'twitteR' have been loaded without error; and the working directory has been set to the directory containing "rmdTweets.RData", i.e. setwd("F:/R/Test tm/Twitter_Data/") .
When running this command from Zhoa's paper
df <-"rbind", lapply(rdmTweets,
I get the error:
Error in lapply(rdmTweets, : object 'rdmTweets' not found
Can you help me with this error?
Also, I'm new to R and am having trouble finding help on the function written in 'beginner' language, so I can understand "rbind" and lapply
You need to load the data file in first.

Error in exprs(eset)

I am trying to read probes from a dat file, put them in a vector then put the vector into a subset to be able to concatenate more data to it and write it in a CSV file. Here my piece of code:
affys <- read.csv("address of my dat file")
affys_vec <- as.vector(affys)[,1]
exprs(eset)[affys_vec,] -> sub.set
However when I reach to the : exprs(eset)[affys_vec,] -> sub.set
I get the following error message:
** Error in exprs(eset) :
error in evaluating the argument object' in selecting a method for function 'exprs':
Error: object 'eset' not found **
Are there any suggestions please?
See the vignette An introduction to Biobase and ExpressionSets available on your computer, once Biobase is installed, as
vignette(package="Biobase", "ExpressionSetIntroduction")
But the idea is that you have created eset by pre-processing some CEL or other vendor-specific files. How you pre-process those depends on what your files are, maybe with affy or oligo or lumi, or from a public repository using a package like ArrayExpress or GEOquery Or perhaps you're using limma and have no need for an expression set.
The Bioconductor web site and mailing list provides a lot more information.
