Xamarin.Forms Call to message center increases in number each time - firebase

I've a problem where I send message once and Subscriber is called once but next time it is called twice and so on... Here's my code.
This is message sender
public void OnSuccess(Java.Lang.Object result)
UploadTask.TaskSnapshot taskSnapShot = (UploadTask.TaskSnapshot)result;
string downloadURL = taskSnapShot.DownloadUrl.ToString();
string fileName = taskSnapShot.Metadata.Name;
GBPaperReceipt.Model.ImageFile imageFile = new Model.ImageFile
FileName = fileName,
FilePath = downloadURL
MessagingCenter.Send((App)Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current, MessageStrings.ImageUploadEvent, imageFile);
//save this live storage image url in receipt table
//MessagingCenter.Send<Xamarin.Forms.Application, string>((Xamarin.Forms.Application)Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current, ChatModuleConstant.UploadMediaEvent, downloadURL);
This is message receiver
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<App, ImageFile>((App)Application.Current, MessageStrings.ImageUploadEvent,async (a, imageFile) =>
_viewModel.Receipt.ImagePath = imageFile.FilePath;
_viewModel.Receipt.ImageName = imageFile.FileName;
await DependencyService.Get<IReceiptService>().SaveReceipt(_viewModel.Receipt);
catch (Exception ex)
await DisplayAlert(
"Error!", ex.Message, "OK");
Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new DashboardPage());
protected override void OnDisappearing()
MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<App, string>((App)Application.Current, MessageStrings.ErrorEvent);
MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<App, string>((App)Application.Current, MessageStrings.ImageUploadEvent);

Especially when using your page inside a navigationpage, your subscription event will be added whenever the page comes into view. If you navigate back and forward a couple of times, your subscription to the messagingcenter will be added several times causing your event to double fire.
The safest way is to subscribe in the page constructor and even in that case it can be necessary to unsubscribefirst and then subscribe.
Your Appearing/Disappearing approach might work as well, however I am not entirely sure if the Appearing/Disappearing methods give you any guarantee to fire.
However, you also might try moving your unsubscriptions in front of base.OnDisappearing(), since you should unsubscribe before calling the base class to do the internal dismantling of your page.
If that doesn't work, subscribe in the constructor.


Unity: Receive Firebase Short Dynamic Link in DynamicLinkReceived callback event

I would like to use Firebase Dynamic Links for Unity (Android/iOS) so users can invite friends and be rewarded with.
Each user gets a different Short Dynamic Link in the form of https://test.page.link/abcd
The user can share this Short DynamicLink with friends.
When the invited friend comes into the app, this callback is called.
private void OnDynamicLink(object sender, EventArgs args) {
var dynamicLinkEventArgs = args as ReceivedDynamicLinkEventArgs;
Debug.LogFormat("Received dynamic link {0}",
Unfortunately, I only get back the base link that was necessary to create the short dynamic link.
Received dynamic link https://www.example.com/referral?xxxxxxxxxx
I get an additional native output in my iOS app:
IOSNative::Native->Unity callback data:
2020-01-14 15:30:20.455009+0100 ambassador[315:8406]
IOSNative::Native->Unity callback data:
Now my question is how do I get the generated short dynamic link that I have shared with a friend in OnDynamicLink callback( https://test.page.link/abcd)?
I need the value behind the parameter "&_osl" as seen in additional native output. But I only get the Base Url back in Unity (https://www.example.com/referral?xxxxxxxxxx).
My solution at the end was to shorten the BaseLink with the help of DynamicLinks.GetShortLinkAsync.
//unescape url
baseLink = UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.UnEscapeURL(baseLink);
var components = new DynamicLinkComponents(
// The base Link.
new Uri(baseLink),
// The dynamic link URI prefix.
domainUriPrefix) {
IOSParameters = new IOSParameters(PackageName) {
AppStoreId = "XXXXXXXXX"
AndroidParameters = new AndroidParameters(PackeName)
string inviteLink = string.Empty;
await DynamicLinks.GetShortLinkAsync(components, options).ContinueWith((task) => {
if (task.IsCanceled) {
Debug.LogError("GetShortLinkAsync was canceled.");
if (task.IsFaulted) {
Debug.LogError("GetShortLinkAsync encountered an error: " + task.Exception);
// Short Link has been created.
inviteLink = task.Result.Url.ToString();

MessagingCenter.Subscribe in not listening to outsider messages?

I'm loading the page's data in the OnAppearing method, but this causes loading data in situations where it doesn't change, like calling PopupAsync() from another page. so I thought the messaging center would help. I made a flag field in the page, and subscribed to any message coming from outside to decide whether to update data or not,
for example this from the MenuViewModel (when the user first opens the page, so I need to load data):
var p = new FeedbackListPage();
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "loadData", "1");
await Navigation.PushAsync(p);
and in the FeedbackListPage's constructor:
BindingContext = vm = new FeedbackViewModel(Navigation);
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<string>(this, "loadData", ( _loadData) =>
loadDataStr = _loadData;
and in the OnAppearing:
protected override void OnAppearing()
if (loadDataStr=="1")
the problem is that the Subscribe's action is never called!
The API for MessagingCenter:
1.Subscribe<TSender> (object subscriber, string message, Action<TSender> callback, TSender source = null)
2.Subscribe<TSender, TArgs> (object subscriber, string message,Action<TSender, TArgs> callback, TSender source = null)
So, if you want to pass an Argument using MessageCenter, you should define both Sender and Args:
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MainPage,string>(this, "loadData", (sender,_loadData) =>
loadDataStr = _loadData;
Refer: messaging-center
You can try the following:
use MessagingCenter.Send to send the signal when you want to update the data from any page and then in your ViewModel's constructor use MessagingCenter.Subscribe to perform the needed action
MessagingCenter.Send<namespace.App>((namespace.App)Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current, "update");
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<namespace.App>((namespace.App)Application.Current, "update", (sender) => {
// update - get data

Dial a number and come back to the application

I am trying to make an when where I provide a list of numbers and then it starts calling them one by one. So, the flow should be something like this:
for each number in list
ask user if they want to call. If yes:
open dialer
call number
come back to the app
If no:
break the loop
I have tried this:
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
List<string> numbers = new List<string>();
//Consider the list is already filled with different numbers
public MainPage()
private async Task Button_ClickedAsync(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool answer = false;
foreach(var number in numbers)
answer = await DisplayAlert("Question?", $"Call {number}?", "Yes", "No");
if (answer)
var phoneDialer = CrossMessaging.Current.PhoneDialer;
I am using the Messaging Plugin to make the call. The problem is that when I click the button that calls the Button_ClickedAsync method, I get to call the first number in my list, after that when I end the call and return to the app, the loop doesn't continue after that. So, I have to click the button again and the loop starts over from the very first number in the list (As expected). How can I make it continue the list when I return to my app so I don't have to click the button each time?
I have also tried with Intents but I get the same result:
private async Task Button_ClickedAsync(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool answer = false;
foreach(var number in numbers)
answer = await DisplayAlert("Question?", $"Call {number}?", "Yes", "No");
if (answer)
var uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse($"tel:{number}");
var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionDial, uri);
While calling your application is getting to the background and is resumed when you hang up the call. If you don't save your state when the app is pushed to the background it will just start it like it's a fresh start.
In the Application class there are methods to override which you can use to save the state and check the state on resume. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/xamarin/xamarin-forms/app-fundamentals/app-lifecycle
So my suggestion would be to store the state of the current phone number you're calling and on the resume check if there was a previous number called and continue from that number in your list.

OidcClient2 - Closing IBrowser while waiting for LoginAsync

Currently I am developing a Xamarin App which is using IdentityModel.OidcClient to authenticate against my server, and it is being done using the automatic mode presented on the documentation (https://github.com/IdentityModel/IdentityModel.OidcClient2). Everything is working just fine as var result = await client.LoginAsync();
is returning the LoginResult with the AccessToken, etc.
What I am trying to figure out is how the backbutton, the recent apps button (both on android) and the close button on ChromeCustomTabsBrowser should be handled since these three actions close the Ibrowser attached to the oidcClient without returning a response and will keep me stuck awaiting for a response preventing me to process with the rest of the code validations.
private async Task SignInAsync() {
IsBusy = true;
await Task.Delay(500);
try {
LoginResult result = await IdentityService.LoginAsync(new LoginRequest());
if (result == null) {
IsBusy = false;
if (result.IsError) {
} else {
string userName = result.User.Claims.Where(claim => claim.Type == userNameClaimType).Select(claim => claim.Value).SingleOrDefault();
_UserToken = IdentityService.CreateOrUpdateUserToken(userName, result);
if (_UserToken != null) {
await NavigationService.NavigateToAsync<LockScreenViewModel>();
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
IsBusy = false;
In the previous block of code I can't reach if (result == null) if those buttons where clicked which in turn will prevent me from removing the ActivityIndicator in the loginView and provide the login button to the user so he can try login again.
This happens because your IdentityService.LoginAsync() task is actually still waiting in the background for the custom tabs activity callback to happen, regardless of the fact that the custom tabs browser is no longer visible. Because the user closed before completing the login roundtrip, no callback will be triggered until the user completes the roundtrip in a future attempt. Each login attempt will create a new awaiting task, so the collection of waiting tasks will grow each time the user closes the custom tabs window prematurely.
At the time the user actually finishes a login roundtrip it becomes clear that the tasks are all still waiting, because they all at once unfreeze when the long awaited callback finally occurs. This poses another issue to handle, because all but the last task will result in an 'invalid state' oidc error result.
I resolved this by canceling the previous task just before starting a new login attempt. I added a TryCancel method to ChromeCustomTabsBrowser on a custom interface IBrowserExtra. In the ChromeCustomTabsBrowser.InvokeAsync implementation, a reference is kept to the TaskCompletionSource to be returned.
The next time the user clicks the sign in button, TryCancel is first invoked before ChromeCustomTabsBrowser.LoginAsync to unlock the previous login attempt still awaiting, using the kept reference.
To make this work, IsBusy=True should be postponed until after the custom tabs callback (custom tabs browser will be on top anyway), to keep the gui interactive in case the custom tabs close button was clicked. Otherwise the user will never be able to reattempt login.
Update: added sample code as requested.
public interface IBrowserExtra
void TryCancel();
public class ChromeCustomTabsBrowser : IBrowser, IBrowserExtra, IBrowserFallback
private readonly Activity _context;
private readonly CustomTabsActivityManager _manager;
private TaskCompletionSource<BrowserResult> _task;
private Action<string> _callback;
public ChromeCustomTabsBrowser()
_context = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity;
_manager = new CustomTabsActivityManager(_context);
public Task<BrowserResult> InvokeAsync(BrowserOptions options)
var builder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder(_manager.Session)
.SetToolbarColor(Color.Argb(255, 0, 0, 0))
.SetStartAnimations(_context, Android.Resource.Animation.SlideInLeft, Android.Resource.Animation.SlideOutRight)
.SetExitAnimations(_context, Android.Resource.Animation.SlideInLeft, Android.Resource.Animation.SlideOutRight);
var customTabsIntent = builder.Build();
// ensures the intent is not kept in the history stack, which makes
// sure navigating away from it will close it
_callback = null;
_callback = url =>
_task.TrySetResult(new BrowserResult()
Response = url
// Keep track of this task to be able to refer it from TryCancel later
_task = new TaskCompletionSource<BrowserResult>();
customTabsIntent.LaunchUrl(_context, Android.Net.Uri.Parse(options.StartUrl));
return _task.Task;
private void SubscribeToCallback()
OidcCallbackActivity.Callbacks += _callback;
private void UnsubscribeFromCallback()
OidcCallbackActivity.Callbacks -= _callback;
_callback = null;
void IBrowserExtra.TryCancel()
if (_callback != null)
if (_task != null)
_task = null;
public class LoginService
private static OidcClient s_loginClient;
private Task<LoginResult> _loginChallengeTask;
private readonly IBrowser _browser;
private readonly IAppInfo _appInfo;
public LoginService(
IBrowser secureBrowser,
IBrowserFallback fallbackBrowser,
IAppInfo appInfo)
_appInfo = appInfo;
_browser = ChooseBrowser(appInfo, secureBrowser, fallbackBrowser);
private IBrowser ChooseBrowser(IAppInfo appInfo, IBrowser secureBrowser, IBrowserFallback fallbackBrowser)
return appInfo.PlatformSupportsSecureBrowserSession ? secureBrowser : fallbackBrowser as IBrowser;
public async Task<bool> StartLoginChallenge()
// Cancel any pending browser invocation task
s_loginClient = OpenIdConnect.CreateOidcClient(_browser, _appInfo);
_loginChallengeTask = s_loginClient.LoginAsync(new LoginRequest()
FrontChannelExtraParameters = OpenIdConnectConfiguration.LoginExtraParams
// This triggers the custom tabs browser login session
var oidcResult = await _loginChallengeTask;
if (_loginChallengeTask.IsCanceled)
// task can be cancelled if a second login attempt was completed while the first
// was cancelled prematurely even before the browser view appeared.
return false;
// at this point we returned from the browser login session
if (oidcResult?.IsError ?? throw new LoginException("oidcResult is null."))
if (oidcResult.Error == "UserCancel")
// Graceful exit: user canceled using the close button on the browser view.
return false;
throw new LoginException(oidcResult.Error);
// we get here if browser session just popped and navigation is back at customer page
return true;
catch (TaskCanceledException)
// swallow cancel exception.
// this can occur when user canceled browser session and restarted.
// Previous session is forcefully canceled at start of ExecuteLoginChallenge cauing this exception.
LogHelper.Debug($"'Login attempt was via browser roundtrip canceled.");
return false;
private void EnsureNoLoginChallengeActive()
if (IsLoginSessionStarted)
(_browser as IBrowserExtra)?.TryCancel();
private static bool IsLoginSessionStarted => s_loginClient != null;

Async calls in WP7

I have been experimenting with WP7 apps today and have hit a bit of a wall.
I like to have seperation between the UI and the main app code but Ive hit a wall.
I have succesfully implemented a webclient request and gotten a result, but because the call is async I dont know how to pass this backup to the UI level. I cannot seem to hack in a wait for response to complete or anything.
I must be doing something wrong.
(this is the xbox360Voice library that I have for download on my website: http://www.jamesstuddart.co.uk/Projects/ASP.Net/Xbox_Feeds/ which I am porting to WP7 as a test)
here is the backend code snippet:
internal const string BaseUrlFormat = "http://www.360voice.com/api/gamertag-profile.asp?tag={0}";
internal static string ResponseXml { get; set; }
internal static WebClient Client = new WebClient();
public static XboxGamer? GetGamer(string gamerTag)
var url = string.Format(BaseUrlFormat, gamerTag);
var response = GetResponse(url, null, null);
return SerializeResponse(response);
internal static XboxGamer? SerializeResponse(string response)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
return null;
var tempGamer = new XboxGamer();
var gamer = (XboxGamer)SerializationMethods.Deserialize(tempGamer, response);
return gamer;
internal static string GetResponse(string url, string userName, string password)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
Client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, password);
Client.DownloadStringCompleted += ClientDownloadStringCompleted;
Client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url));
return ResponseXml;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
internal static void ClientDownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
ResponseXml = e.Result;
and this is the front end code:
public void GetGamerDetails()
var xboxManager = XboxFactory.GetXboxManager("DarkV1p3r");
var xboxGamer = xboxManager.GetGamer();
if (xboxGamer.HasValue)
var profile = xboxGamer.Value.Profile[0];
imgAvatar.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(profile.ProfilePictureMiniUrl));
txtUserName.Text = profile.GamerTag;
txtGamerScore.Text = int.Parse(profile.GamerScore).ToString("G 0,000");
txtZone.Text = profile.PlayerZone;
txtUserName.Text = "Failed to load data";
Now I understand I need to place something in ClientDownloadStringCompleted but I am unsure what.
The problem you have is that as soon as an asynchronous operation is introduced in to the code path the entire code path needs to become asynchronous.
Because GetResponse calls DownloadStringAsync it must become asynchronous, it can't return a string, it can only do that on a callback
Because GetGamer calls GetResponse which is now asynchronous it can't return a XboxGamer, it can only do that on a callback
Because GetGamerDetails calls GetGamer which is now asynchronous it can't continue with its code following the call, it can only do that after it has received a call back from GetGamer.
Because GetGamerDetails is now asynchronous anything call it must also acknowledge this behaviour.
.... this continues all the way up to the top of the chain where a user event will have occured.
Here is some air code that knocks some asynchronicity in to the code.
public static void GetGamer(string gamerTag, Action<XboxGamer?> completed)
var url = string.Format(BaseUrlFormat, gamerTag);
var response = GetResponse(url, null, null, (response) =>
internal static string GetResponse(string url, string userName, string password, Action<string> completed)
WebClient client = new WebClient();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, password);
client.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, args) =>
// Messy error handling needed here, out of scope
client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url));
public void GetGamerDetails()
var xboxManager = XboxFactory.GetXboxManager("DarkV1p3r");
xboxManager.GetGamer( (xboxGamer) =>
// Need to move to the main UI thread.
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action<XboxGamer?>(DisplayGamerDetails), xboxGamer);
void DisplayGamerDetails(XboxGamer? xboxGamer)
if (xboxGamer.HasValue)
var profile = xboxGamer.Value.Profile[0];
imgAvatar.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(profile.ProfilePictureMiniUrl));
txtUserName.Text = profile.GamerTag;
txtGamerScore.Text = int.Parse(profile.GamerScore).ToString("G 0,000");
txtZone.Text = profile.PlayerZone;
txtUserName.Text = "Failed to load data";
As you can see async programming can get realy messy.
You generally have 2 options. Either you expose your backend code as an async API as well, or you need to wait for the call to complete in GetResponse.
Doing it the async way would mean starting the process one place, then return, and have the UI update when data is available. This is generally the preferred way, since calling a blocking method on the UI thread will make your app seem unresponsive as long as the method is running.
I think the "Silverlight Way" would be to use databinding. Your XboxGamer object should implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. When you call GetGamer() it returns immediately with an "empty" XboxGamer object (maybe with GamerTag=="Loading..." or something). In your ClientDownloadStringCompleted handler you should deserialize the returned XML and then fire the INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event.
If you look at the "Windows Phone Databound Application" project template in the SDK, the ItemViewModel class is implemented this way.
Here is how you can expose asynchronous features to any type on WP7.
