Angular Firebase hiding navbar at login screen - angular2-routing

Can someone help me understand the best way to hide the navbar on this login screen while I'm not logged in. once I login it is persistent for my app(for some reason my logins are not working in stackblitz, but it works fine on my localhost). my navbar is generated from app.component.html and then upon successful login routes calls dashboard.component.html. i neeed to hide navbar on the login screen... and if anyone knows why my google, twitter, and email auth are not working on Snackblitz, that would's a great platform for helping understand coding. Thanks for any help!
All the code is here on this StackBlitz.
Hiding navbar on the login screen

use *ngIf=!authenticate(this will be true only if user is logged in)


NavigationService won't navigate after going there via absolute Navigation

I am currently working on a Xamarin.Forms application that is targeting UWP, iOS and android.
After implementing a login dialog I am navigating a logged in user to a SomeContentPage, which I now want to be enclosed into a NavigationPage (and perhaps later on inside a MasterDetailPage).
I am trying to reset the navigation stack by using a /-prefix for a absolute navigation route, which will bring the user to the desired page and clear the stack:
await NavigationService.NavigateAsync("/NavigationPage/SomeContentPage");
Following, from this page there is no more relative navigation possible:
var navigationResult = await NavigationService.NavigateAsync("AnotherContentPage")
It seems like that there is everything going well "inside" the navigation system (navigationResult.Success is true) but the app is not navigating to the AnotherContentPage at all.
If I navigate without the /-Prefix, the upcoming navigation calls work as expected:
await NavigationService.NavigateAsync("NavigationPage/SomeContentPage");
I am really concerned and I already investigated very hard on this.
I don't know if I am just not understanding something properly in the Prism.Forms NavigationService concept or if I am trying something impossible here.
I re-read the Prism.Forms documentation, watched several YouTube-tutorials and read many blog posts about navigation in Prism.Forms.
I am near to desparation right now.
I really feel bad asking this and I am really questioning my internet-research-skills at this moment, but it would be great, if someone of you could give me some advice, how to handle this.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

LinkedIn embeddable follow widget has stopped working

Over the past month the Follow widget have stopped working in major browsers.
I'm able to replicate and I have another user able to replicate, however for some users it works fine.
I've setup a test here:
Neither of these buttons are clickable for me when logged into LinkedIn:
When logged out I see the Login Prompt just fine:
As soon as I login the buttons disappear:
Refreshing I can see them, but they won't click.
There's some console errors: Browsers tested: Latest Chrome OSX and Latest Safari (no plugins enabled)
You can just replicate the issue here:
Type in Nike under Company/Page Name Click Follow Nothing happens on any browser for me, once logged in.
Anyone from LinkedIn able to fix it? Anyone else able to suggest workarounds?
This is part of the LinkedIn experience.
Inspired from:
"You're holding it wrong" - Read More

Social Media Follow/Share Button not Load properly in firefox

i m trying below code for displaying my twitter follow button on wordpress site and in firefox browser not displaying that button while in all other browsers its working perfect...
Follow #mytwitter
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}
my site dont have SSL so because of that is that getting problem to load properly in firefox...?? and google+ also not displaying properly...
this problem only in Firefox Browser..
The easier way for generating your Twitter social media button is to first
'Log In' to your Twitter account. Then go to the following link to generate your button: [link]
Otherwise, if you have not logged in, copy the code where you want your social media button to appear and add your unique Twitter name inside the code

animation on link click

Alright I have no idea how to phrase, and I'm new to StackExchange so I hope this is in the right place.
Anyway, I'm working on a mobile HTML5 app right now, one that uses Phonegap/Cordova (and Bootstrap), and I wanted to have an animation whenever a user clicks on a link.
So when a user clicks the link, there will be a page transition to the left, and the linked page pops up.
How could I do this in CSS/JS?
Welcome to Stack Overflow,
To design an HTML5 mobile app, i will strongly recommand using a front framework, like jquery mobile, ionic or onsenui.
Here is how you can simply do the swipe transition with jquery mobile :
Hope this help

Orchard CMS Confirmation message appears on desktop but not on mobile or tablets. Trying to fix so it works on all

I have a custom form module installed for a contact us page.
When on a desktop the form will give a confirmation message either that your form was accepted or denied. However this is only working on a desktop
I'm trying to figure out whats causing it to stop working on other devices. I have the ResponsiveThemeMachine theme installed but I looked through the css files and saw nothing about the class .message-Information (which is what the confirmation message uses)
I'm not sure where else to look as to why it wouldn't work on anything but a desktop.
I partially solved this if anyone has the same problem. I had to add a widget in the message field so what I did was created an HTML widget and set the title to not appear and left the body blank and set it to only appear on the contact page. It did push the content down a little bit but now my message works on all devices
