Firebase real time database transaction while offline - firebase

I am using react-native-firebase package in a react native application and am trying to understand how transactions work in offline. I am trying to write a transaction using the following code
firebase.database().ref('locations').transaction(locations => {
... my location modification logic,
return locations
However, if I go offline before writing the transaction and have not accessed the reference previously and therefore have no cached data, locations is null.
There is this small tidbit in Firebase's official documentation
Note: Because your update function is called multiple times, it must
be able to handle null data. Even if there is existing data in your
remote database, it may not be locally cached when the transaction
function is run, resulting in null for the initial value.
Which leads me to believe I should wrap the entire transaction logic inside
if (locations) {
... my location modification logic
But I still don't fully understand this. Is the following assumption correct?
Submit transaction
If offline and cached data exists, apply transaction against cached data, then apply towards current data in remote when connectivity resumes
If offline and no cached data exists, do not apply transaction. Once connectivity resumes, apply transaction to current data in remote
If online, immediately apply transaction
If these assumptions are correct, then the user will not immediately see their change in case #3, but in case #2 it will 'optimistically' update their cached data and the user will feel like their action immediately took place. Is this how offline transactions work? What am I missing?

Firebase Realtime Database (and Firestore) don't support offline transactions at all. This is because a transaction must absolutely round trip with the server at least once in order to safely commit the changes to the data, while also avoiding collisions with other clients that could be trying to change the same data.
If you're wondering why the SDK doesn't just persist the callback that handles the transaction, all that can be said is that persisting an instance of an object (and all of its dependent state, such as the values of all variables in scope) is actually very difficult, and is not even possible in all environments. So, you can expect that transaction only work while the client app is online and able to communicate with the server.


Does Firebase Realtime Database guarantees FCFS order when serving requests?

This is rather just a straight forward question.
Does Firebase Realtime Database guarantees to follow 'First come first serve' rule when handling requests?
But when there is a write-request, and then instantaneously followed by a read-request, is the read-request will fetch updated data?
When there is a write-read-write sequence of requests, does for sure read-request fetch the data written by first write?
Suppose there is a write-request, which was unable to perform (due to some connection issues). As firebase can work even in offline, that change will be saved locally. Now from somewhere else another write-request was made and it completed successfully. After this, if the first device comes online, does it modify the values(since it arrived latest)? or not(since it was initiated prior to the latest changes)?
There are a lot of questions in your post, and many of them depend on how you implement the functionality. So it's not nearly as straightforward as you may think.
The best I can do is explain a bit of how the database works in the scenarios you mention. If you run into more questions from there, I recommend implementing the use-case and posting back with an MCVE for each specific question.
Writes from a single client are handled in the order in which that client makes them.
But writes from different clients are handled with a last-write-wins logic. If your use-case requires something else, include a client-side timestamp in the write and use security rules to reject writes that are older than the current state.
Firebase synchronizes state to the listeners, and not necessarily all (write) events that led to this state. So it is possible (and fairly common) for listeners to not get all state changes that happened, for example if multiple changes to the same state happened while they were offline.
A read of data on a client that this client itself has changed, will always see the state including its own changes.

Firebase Realtime Database Cache behaviour on Flutter

I'm trying to understand how Firebase Realtime Database uses cache. The documentation doesn't clarify some cases about cache handling. Especially for Flutter, there is no documentation and online sources are not enough. There are two different scenarios that I'm confused.
First of all, I start with setting the cache for both scenarios:
await FirebaseDatabase.instance.setPersistenceEnabled(true);
await FirebaseDatabase.instance.setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes(10000000);
Scenario 1: I listen to the value of a specific user. I want to donwload user data for once. Then, always use cache and download only updates if there is any:
final stream = FirebaseDatabase().reference().child("users").child("some_id").onValue();
It's my understanding that Firebase will download the node first and use the cache later if there is no update. This won't change even if the app restarts.
Scenario 2: I want to query the posts that are created only after the date:
final date = DateTime(2020,6,20);
final data = await FirebaseDatabase().reference().child("posts").orderByChild("createdAt").startAt(date).once();
Here for Scenario 2, I'm not sure how cache will be done. If Firebase Realtime Database caches the query, will it download everything when a new post created after the date? Or it will download only the new post and get others from the cache?
If there is a change to a location/query that you have a listener on, Firebase performs a so-called delta-sync on that data. In this delta-sync, the client calculates hashes on subtrees of its internal version of the data, and sends those to the server. The server compares those hashes with those of its own subtrees and only sends back the subtrees where the hashes are different. This is usually quite a bit smaller than the full data, but not necessarily the minimal delta.
Note that Firebase will always perform a delta sync between the data it has in memory already for the query/location and the data on the server, regardless of whether you enable disk persistence. Having disk persistence enabled just means the in-memory copy will initially be populated from disk, but after that the delta-sync works the same for both cases.

Firebase Persistent database on first installation

My current application developed in Unity uses Firebase Realtime Database with database persistence enabled. This works great for offline use of the application (such as in areas of no signal).
However, if a new user runs the application for the first time without an internet connection - the application freezes. I am guessing, it's because it needs to pull down the database for the first time in order for persistence to work.
I am aware of threads such as: 'Detect if Firebase connection is lost/regained' that talk about handling database disconnection from Firebase.
However, is there anyway I can check to see if it is the users first time using the application (eg via presence of the persistent database?). I can then inform them they must go online for 'first time setup'?
In addition to #frank-van-puffelen's answer, I do not believe that Firebase RTDB should itself cause your game to lock up until a network connection occurs. If your game is playable on first launch without a network connect (ie: your logic itself doesn't require some initial state from the network), you may want to check the following issues:
Make sure you can handle null. If your game logic is in a Coroutine, Unity may decide to silently stop it rather than fully failing out.
If you're interacting with the database via Transactions, generally assume that it will run twice (once against your local cache then again when the cache is synced with the server if the value is different). This means that the first time you perform a change via a transaction, you'll likely have a null previous state.
If you can, prefer to listen to ValueChanged over GetValueAsync. You'll always get this callback on your main Unity thread, you'll always get the callback once on registration with the data in your local cache, and the data will be periodically updated as the server updates. Further, if you see #frank-van-puffelen answer elsewhere, if you're using GetValueAsync you may not get the data you expect (including a null if the user is offline). If your game is frozen because it's waiting on a ContinueWithOnMainThread (always prefer this to ContinueWith in Unity unless you have a reason not to) or an await statement, this could ValueChanged may work around this as well (I don't think this should be the case).
Double check your object lifetimes. There are a ton of reasons that an application may freeze, but when dealing with asynchronous logic definitely make sure you're aware of the differences between Unity's GameObject lifecycle and C#'s typical object lifecycle (see this post and my own on interacting with asynchronous logic with Unity and Firebase). If an objects OnDestroy is invoked before await, ContinueWith[OnMainThread], or ValueChanged is invoked, you're in danger of running into null references in your own code. This can happen if a scene changes, the frame after Destroy is called, or immediately following a DestroyImmediate.
Finally, many Firebase functions have an Async and synchronous variant (ex: CheckDependencies and CheckDependenciesAsync). I don't think there are any to call out for Realtime Database proper, but if you use the non async variant of a function (or if you spinlock on the task completing, including forgetting to yield in a coroutine), the game will definitely freeze for a bit. Remember that any cloud product is i/o bound by nature, and will typically run slower than your game's update loop (although Firebase does its best to be as fast as possible).
I hope this helps!
There is nothing in the Firebase Database API to detect whether its offline cache was populated.
But you can detect when you make a connection to the database, for example by listening to the .info/connected node. And then when that first is set to true, you can set a local flag in the local storage, for example in PlayerPrefs.
With this code in place, you can then detect if the flag is set in the PlayerPrefs, and if not, show a message to the user that they need to have a network connection for you to download the initial data.

Message guarantees on rapidly updated entities in Firebase

I'd like to understand how Firebase and listening Clients behave in the situation where a large number of updates are made to an entity in a short amount of time, and a client is listening to 'value' changes on that entity.
Say I have an entity in firebase with some simple data.
"entity": 1
And the value of that "entity" was updated very rapidly. Something like the below code that writes 1000 integers.
//pseudo-code for making 1000 writes as quickly as possible
for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
Ignoring transient issues, would a listening client using the 'on' API in a browser receive ALL 1000 notifications containing 0-999, or does Firebase have throttles in place?
First off, it's important to note that the Firebase realtime database is a state synchronization service, and is not a pub/sub service.
If you have a location that is updating rapidly, the service guarantees that eventually the state will be consistent across all clients, but not that all intermittent states will be surfaced. At most one event will fire for every update, but the server is free to 'squash' successive updates to the same location into one.
On the client making the updates, I think the current behavior is that every change propagates a local event, but I could be wrong and this is a notable exception.
In order to achieve guaranteed delivery of every intermediate state, it's possible to push (childByAutoId in Objective-C) onto a list of events at a database location instead of simply updating the value directly. Check out for the Firebase REST API docs on saving lists of data

Would real world Meteor application use server side Methods almost exclusively?

I'm learning Meteor and fundamentally enjoy how fast I can build data driven applications however as I went through the Creating Posts chapter in the Discover Meteor book I learned about using server side Methods. Specifically the primary reason (and there are a number of very valid reasons to use these) was because of the timestamp. You wouldn't want to rely on the client date/time, you'd want to use the server date/time.
Makes sense except that in almost every application I've ever built we store date/time of row create/update in a column. Effectively every single create or update to the database records date/time which in Meteor now looks like I would need to use server side Methods to ensure data integrity.
If I'm understanding correctly that pretty much eliminates the ease of use and real-time nature of a client side Collection because I'll need to use Methods for almost every single update and create to our databases.
Just wanted to check and see how everyone else is doing this in the real world. Are you just querying a server side Method that just returns the date/time and then using client side Collection or something else?
The short answer to this question is that yes, every operation that affects the server's database will go through a server-side method. The only difference is whether you are defining this method explicitly or not.
When you are just getting started with Meteor, you will probably do insert/update/remove operations directly on client collections using validators, which check for whether the operation is allowed. This usage is actually calling predefined methods on both the server and client: (for a collection named foo the you have /foo/insert, for example) which simply checks the specified validators before doing the operation. As you become more familiar with Meteor you will probably override these default methods, for reasons you described (among others.)
When using your own methods, you will typically want to define a method both on the server and the client, just as the default collection functions do for you. This is because of Meteor's latency compensation, which allows most client operations to be reflected immediately in the browser without any noticeable lag, as long as they are permitted. Meteor does this by first simulating the effect of a method call in the client, updating the client's cached data temporarily, then sending the actual method call to the server. If the server's method causes a different set of changes than the client's simulation, the client's cache will be updated to reflect this when the server method returns. This also means that if the client's method would have done the same as the server, we've basically allowed for an instant operation from the perspective of the client.
By defining your own methods on the server and client, you can extend this to fill your own needs. For example, if you want to insert timestamps on updates, have the client insert whatever timestamp in the simulation method. The server will insert an authoritative timestamp, which will replace the client's timestamp when the method returns. From the client's perspective, the insert operation will be instant, except for an update to the timestamp if the client's time happens to be way off. (By the way, you may want to check out my timesync package for displaying relative server time accurately on the client.)
A final note: it's good to understand what scope you are doing collection operations in, as this was one of the this that originally confused me about Meteor. For example, if you have a collection instance in the client Foo, Foo.insert() in normal client code will call the default pair of client/server methods. However, Foo.insert() in a client method will run only in a simulation and will never call server code - so you will need to define the same method on the server and make sure you do Foo.insert() there as well, for the method to work properly.
A good rule of thumb for moving forward is to replace groups of validated collection operations with your own methods that do the same operations, and then adding specific extra features on the server and client respectively.
In short— yes!
Publications exist to send out a 'live', and dynamic, subset of the database to the client, sending DDP added messages for existing records, followed by a ready, and then added, changed, and deleted messages to keep the client's cache consistent.
Methods exist to- directly, or indirectly— cause Mongo Updates, and like it was mentioned by Andrew, they are always in use.
But truly, because of Meteor's publication architecture, any edits to collections that are currently being published to at least one client, will be published via DDP - regardless of the source of the change to Mongo - even an outside process.
