404 GET error message MathJax - jupyter-notebook

404 GET /static/components/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML-full,Safe&delayStartupUntil=configured
I can't open a notebook because I continually receive this error message. I just installed Fedora in my laptop, installing things from scratch and have been failing with jupyter notebook installation, my main resource for work. I tried looking it up, spent hours trying to find a solution (reinstalled jupyter, made a virtual machine,tried a different browser, edited the jupyter-notebook-config.py file) and nothing seems to work. I have zero clue on how to interpret this error message. Can someone please help???

sudo dnf install mathjax fixed the issue for me in Fedora 28 rpm package install (there are guides on how to do it at https://fedoralovespython.org/). They should have made mathjax a dependency in sudo dnf install python3-notebook.


nvm installation on Mac M1

I've been fighting this issue for months now. I can't successfully install node on my Mac M1. I recently bumped into this detailed guide that fortunately is made exactly for my machine, which apparently has something that prevents the correct installation of node: https://gist.github.com/LeZuse/bf838718ff2689c5fc035c5a6825a11c
I tried following the guide, but when I get to point 2 and I insert the command 'nvm install lts/fermium' I get 'zsh: command not found: nvm'.
I also tried entering the command 'arch -x86_64 nvm install lts/fermium' but also in that case I get 'arch: Can't find nvm in PATH'.
What can I do differently?

Cannot open rstudio from command line though installation worked

I can't start rstudio from my linux terminal. It always shows me this message:
Unable to determine real path of R script /home/remi/anaconda3/bin/R (system error 2 (No such file or directory))
I have Kubuntu 18 and anaconda installed on it.
I had trouble with installing curl and other libraries that need curl.
Since it was maybe due to a problem of paths, I removed R and RStudio from my conda environment in order to work only on the R and RStudio installed in Kubuntu. Something must have gone wrong.
I have tried to remove and reinstall both R and RStudio but it didn't work.
Weirdly, I can launch RStudio from my application launcher and I was able to install all the libraries I needed.
I would like to be able to launch RStudio from the terminal without any problem.
Does someone know what the problem is ?
Thank you !

Running Jupyter notebook on fedora

I've installed Jupyter Notebook on a Fedora 28 machine, using anaconda.
I am experiencing the most peculiar of problems: everything goes pretty smoothly, the notebook starts fine on my browser, but my kernels are not running, i.e. ipynb files give me a blank page. I do get a warning:
404 GET /static/components/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML-full,Safe&delayStartupUntil=configured
I've read the article 'Jupyter can’t start a kernel' on the official documentation and followed their instructions, from this link:
But, it doesn't seem to fix the problem, although I think the problem must reside somewhere around there.
I have installed Jupyter Notebooks on several other machines with no problem whatsoever.
Cheers, you guys!
sudo dnf install mathjax fixed the issue for me in Fedora 28 package install (there are guides on how to do it at https://fedoralovespython.org/). They should have made mathjax a dependency in sudo dnf install python3-notebook.

Unable to install Anaconda

I am trying to install Anaconda (Anaconda2-5.0.1-Windows-x86_64) but I could not install it. I am using windows 10 64 bits. As I tried to install I got error saying "Error opening file for writing". Please see uploaded image for reference
When I downloaded and Installed Anaconda3
My FIREWALL or ANTI-VIRUS is turn off
If you have any, try to disabled it then reboot/restart your computer
and then try again. Here some link for downloading anaconda3 and some repo steps for installing properly the anaconda3, chillax and find another suitable answer for your question.

Atom-editor beautify gives php-cs-fixer error

I'm pretty much new to Atom editor, but setup some nice packages like Atom Beautify. After using it in a html / php file I'm getting the error "Could not find 'php-cs-fixer' . The program may not be installed. The strange thing is, I did install the package php-cs-fixer but nothing happens.
Anyone got an idea how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance,
OK, for the not programmers here:
I installed php-cs-fixer via Brew for mac . Brew enables (wget) command lines via terminal. After installing brew, type brew install homebrew/php/php-cs-fixer in terminal and it will install the PHP-CS-Fixer .
