Atom-editor beautify gives php-cs-fixer error - atom-editor

I'm pretty much new to Atom editor, but setup some nice packages like Atom Beautify. After using it in a html / php file I'm getting the error "Could not find 'php-cs-fixer' . The program may not be installed. The strange thing is, I did install the package php-cs-fixer but nothing happens.
Anyone got an idea how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance,

OK, for the not programmers here:
I installed php-cs-fixer via Brew for mac . Brew enables (wget) command lines via terminal. After installing brew, type brew install homebrew/php/php-cs-fixer in terminal and it will install the PHP-CS-Fixer .


404 GET error message MathJax

404 GET /static/components/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML-full,Safe&delayStartupUntil=configured
I can't open a notebook because I continually receive this error message. I just installed Fedora in my laptop, installing things from scratch and have been failing with jupyter notebook installation, my main resource for work. I tried looking it up, spent hours trying to find a solution (reinstalled jupyter, made a virtual machine,tried a different browser, edited the file) and nothing seems to work. I have zero clue on how to interpret this error message. Can someone please help???
sudo dnf install mathjax fixed the issue for me in Fedora 28 rpm package install (there are guides on how to do it at They should have made mathjax a dependency in sudo dnf install python3-notebook.

Unable to install Anaconda

I am trying to install Anaconda (Anaconda2-5.0.1-Windows-x86_64) but I could not install it. I am using windows 10 64 bits. As I tried to install I got error saying "Error opening file for writing". Please see uploaded image for reference
When I downloaded and Installed Anaconda3
My FIREWALL or ANTI-VIRUS is turn off
If you have any, try to disabled it then reboot/restart your computer
and then try again. Here some link for downloading anaconda3 and some repo steps for installing properly the anaconda3, chillax and find another suitable answer for your question.

How do I install pyQt on MacOs, Python 3.5.1?

I already tried installing it with 'brew install pyqt' and the command did it's thing, but I still get an importing error.
You can try to follow this guide:

inconsolata missing to build R vignette

On ubuntu 14.04 with texlive, checking an R package, for example with devtools check() would return :
LaTeX errors found:
! LaTeX Error: File `inconsolata.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
! Emergency stop.
<read *>
l.276 ^^M
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Installing texlive-fonts-extra should take care of it.
You can also (though probably not recommented) tell Rd not to use inconsolata. Just change:
in your Rd.sty file. On my installation it is at :
but a
locate Rd.sty
should find it on any system.
I'm on macOS using Homebrew and this worked for me:
# LaTeX tools like pdflatex
brew cask install basictex
# Install texlive packages needed to build R package vignettes
sudo tlmgr update --self
sudo tlmgr update --all
sudo tlmgr install titling framed inconsolata
sudo tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
If you are using the Travis Continuous Integration
service, your problem could be related to the CTAN
mirrors having yet to update.
The issue appears in the Travis R community forum:
might be related to the recent switch to TexLive-2019 as the LaTeX package manager seems to fail finding inconsolata in the repository.
It looks to me like the mirror chosen was has not updated to 2019, so I think this will resolve itself naturally when the mirrors catch up. If not I can look into it.
In the meantime, I solved it by forcing a previous version of TeXLive with a downgrade to OSX 10.12 in .travis.yml:
# macOS 10.12 version
osx_image: xcode9.2
See this Travis page for the correspondence between XCode and OSX versions and the original thread in DevOps StackExchange.
In Debian, instead of installing the huge texlive-fonts-extra package, run this at your shell:
tlmgr install inconsolata
I have Mac OSx and the accepted solution didn't work to me.
This was the solution in my case, to install mactex:
tlmgr gave me a warning about a checksum. However this worked
get from
cd /usr/share/texmf/
sudo unzip
sudo mktexlsr
I have had this problem every time I upgrade R. I agree the 1.7GB texlive-fonts-extra is ridiculous for a small file, although I understand that it does give you a choice of several Klingon fonts
this is for texLive on Ubuntu

Octave Installation Failing on Mac OS X Yosemite

I am trying to install octave through brew on mac (10.10.5 Yosemite). The command used is brew install octave . While installing, the process tries to install qt (version 4.8.7) which is essentially failing with the below error
Error : 'File already exists. /usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.8.7'.
When I check the file at this particular location, I don`t see any such directory, though the directory does appear and is created during the installation (probably getting removed later when the task fails).
Could someone please point out what I need to do exactly? Is Qt really required for Octave installation? If not then any way to skip it?
