How to find url of all Public instances Magnolia CMS - magnolia

I have a inherit project, with 3 public instances.
I can access the author instance from this url:
The first public instance from this url:
But I'm not able to login into another public instances. Is there a way to check somewhere in the code, how can I access them?
Thanks in advance.


How to get current base url in register route class?

I'm developing plugin for nopcommerce shopping cart(ASP.NET Core 2.1).
Before registering routes in RouteProvider class,i need to access current domain name in order to some validation checks but when using IHttpContextAccessor to get Httpcontext and get current domain, Httpcontext is null.
Is there any solution to access current domain name in route provider class?
public void RegisterRoutes(IRouteBuilder routes)
var httpContextAccessor = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var domainName = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Host.Value.ToString();
var pluginValidtyChecker = new PluginValidityChecker.ValidityChecker();
if (pluginValidtyChecker.CheckIsValid(domainName))
//Register routes
In the application developed by me users first enter the domain name the plugin should work on and then buy plugin.After purchasing we generate a license key that's mapped with domain name and users must be entered this license key in plugin settings.
Because plugin override some main route of nopcommerce i need first check that license key and domain name that's plugin currently work on, is valid or not.
This route must be registered on compile time.
It’s not easy to ensure, that the domain name is always available, because it’s up to the programmers to define it either in a configuration-file, or as Environment-Variable.
Furthermore, if the application runs in an AWS-container, the configuration is a bit more complicated, because the configuration-file has a different structure.
There is an Nuget-Package available the easy up things, but still not everybody uses it.
So what you want can’t be ensured in a bulletproof way.
If anybody can correct me. I would be quite happy, because I had a similar issue, which I could solve for my own application, but I‘m not glad with my solution yet.

How to get NTID in a service layer from IIS in .Net Core 2.0

Some background, I built my first .Net Core 2.0 API app that is hosted in a company intranet and used only by internal employees. The app needs to know who the user is on all pages, to work properly, but we don't want to add login/logout/authentication/sessions since the information doesn't need to be secured, it's only to personalize the user's data. I have enabled Windows Authentication successfully and I'm seeing the username (DOMAIN/USERNAME) displayed to the screen when I use the following in a controller:
However, I wanted to get the same username (NTID) in my UserService instead, so that anytime the username is needed, any of the Services can call UserService to get the username.
I have tried all of the following in my UserService, but none of them provide the NTID from IIS:
return WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
return System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.ToString();
return Environment.UserName;
Since this is a REST API, I won't be using Views (I'm aware you can get the username in the View).
Is there an easy approach to get the username outside of the controller? I have found multiple examples online but they are all for < .Net Core 2.0.
In core, HttpContext is injected now, instead of being a thread static. That means the old style of using a static accessor like what you're trying won't work.
To access the HttpContext in something it is not automatically injected into (like a controller), you need to inject IHttpContextAccessor. For example:
public class UserService
protected readonly IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor;
public UserService(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
this.httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
Then, as long as you register your service via the ASP.NET Core DI container, an instance will be injected automatically into your service. You can then simply do:
var username = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

What's wrong with my spring-social ConnectController?

I'm trying to make a Spring Boot app that will connect to Fitbit's api using spring-social. I've (half-way) implemented a ConnectionFactory and it's dependencies for Fitbit, and am trying to consume it from my app. Part of this involves starting up a ConnectController to handle the OAuth2 "dance".
When I try to hit the ConnectController through my browser at http://localhost:8080/connect or http://localhost:8080/connect/fitbit I get redirected to the whitelable error page with the message:
There was an unexpected error (type=Method Not Allowed, status=405).
Request method 'GET' not supported
I don't really understand what I'm seeing, but when I set DEBUG level logging and use some breakpoints it looks like hitting /connect from the browser results in Spring trying to find something called connect/status and hitting /connect/fitbit result in spring trying to find something named /connect/fitbitConnect and then trying to internally make a GET request to /connect/connect/fitbitConnect.
In both cases it looks like the methods on ConnectController corresponding to /connect and /connect/{providerId} get called fine, and then Spring bombs when it goes looking for all that other stuff.
Here is the SocialConfigurer implementation I'm using which creates the ConnectController bean:
public class SpringSocialConfig implements SocialConfigurer{
public void addConnectionFactories(ConnectionFactoryConfigurer connectionFactoryConfigurer, Environment environment) {
connectionFactoryConfigurer.addConnectionFactory(new FitbitConnectionFactory(
public UserIdSource getUserIdSource() {
return new SessionUserIdSource();
public UsersConnectionRepository getUsersConnectionRepository(ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator) {
return new InMemoryUsersConnectionRepository(connectionFactoryLocator);
public ConnectController connectController(ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator, ConnectionRepository connectionRepository) {
return new ConnectController(connectionFactoryLocator, connectionRepository);
What on earth is going on here? What am I doing wrong?
I believe this to be related to your question regarding GET vs. POST in ConnectController, so you may have already answered this for yourself. Nonetheless, let me clarify why it's looking for connect/status and connect/fitbitConnect.
Those are view names. When you do a GET for /connect, you're asking ConnectController to fetch connection status for all providers and to place it in the model, after which it will forward that model to a view whose logical name is "connect/status". Usually this is a JSP at the path "/connect/status.jsp" or maybe a Thymeleaf template at "/connect/status.html", but it can be any view following the rules of whatever Spring MVC view resolvers are in play.
Likewise, a GET request for /connect/fitbit is asking ConnectController to fetch connection status for the "fitbit" provider and to place that information in the model and forward it on to a view whose name is "/connect/fitbitConnect" (if there isn't a connection) or "/connect/fitbitConnected" (if there is a connection).
Aside from answering your question, may I also request that you tell me more about your FitBit Spring Social provider project? Is it modeled after other community-led Spring Social projects? In other words, is it a standalone extension to Spring Social that others may use? If so, tell me where it is in GitHub and I'll be happy to add it to the "Community Projects" section at

ASP.NET Web API private controllers

I have an ASP.NET Web API project with two controllers, one of which I want to be publicly addressable over the internet and the other which I only want to be called internally over the network.
The best solution that I can come up with so far is to have a route template for public controllers and a template for internal: -
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}"
routeTemplate: "privateapi/{controller}/{id}"
That way I can configure IIS to block requests to the ‘privateapi’ route.
Is that the best way to handle this scenario?
The problem with controlling access MVC and WebAPI in IIS is that routing can sometimes make it difficult to see exactly which routes are ending up at your controller. It is perfectly valid (and in many cases preferred) to restrict access in the code as well.
To do this in code, you can do something like the following which uses a custom AuthorizeAttribute to filter out unauthorized users.
public class InternalAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext.Request.Properties.ContainsKey("MS_HttpContext"))
var ipAddress =
((HttpContextWrapper) actionContext.Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"]).Request.UserHostAddress;
if (IsPrivateAddress(ipAddress))
actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "Forbidden");
private bool IsPrivateAddress(string ipAddress)
// todo: verify ip address is in internal or otherwise whitelisted
You can then annotate your controller and have the filter applied on all actions in your controller.
public class PrivateController : ApiController
Note: if the information/actions from this controller is particularly sensitive, you may want to deploy a version of your application that exposes this private api and blocks all traffic non from your whitelist rather than relying on application logic to keep bad guys out.
Use the Authorize Attribute:
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public class MyPrivateDataController :ApiController
You can't do this!
What you are doing is just creating another route for your controllers.
If they are deployed online they are accessible.
Now what you need is to deploy 2 different API's one at an external machine and another at an internal machine.

What is the most unobtrusive way to add a layer of security for a private beta of website?

Let's say I have an ASP.NET site (MVC in this case) that uses Forms authentication and a typical membership system. The site allows both authenticated and anonymous users.
When I release the site as a private beta I want to add another layer of security on top of the application, like superuser's simple password system, for example. Once a user has passed this layer of security, I still want my forms authentication/membership system in place so beta testers can view the site as authenticated or anonymous users.
What's the most unobtrusive way to achieve this? I'm looking for the easiest solution that will require the least amount of new or modified code. E.g. I don't want to modify every controller to check for a special cookie. There must be a better way...
There's a very similar question here, but it seems the site in question (once public) will only serve anonymous requests, so it doesn't necessarily compare to my situation. This answer suggests ServerFault used some cookie system, but there are no further details about how it might have been implemented.
Implement security at server level, in IIS and add the accounts/passwords in Active Directory of Windows running the IIS server.
You won't need to change any of the code.
Well, I know you don't want to modify your current controllers but here's what I did for a similar behaviour.
I've created a custom ActionFilterAttribute that I've given to every controller that requires to have that specific access check. You can have something like this :
public class CheckBetaAccess : ActionFilterAttribute {
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
if (!canAccess) {
filterContext.Controller.ViewData["someViewData"] = "some text";
filterContext.Result = new ViewResult {
ViewName = "the-view-anonymous-users-should-see",
ViewData = filterContext.Controller.ViewData
Then I decorated my controllers :
public class SomeController : Controller {
