How to use putIfAbsent for when action returns Future - dictionary

In my class I'm loading some files, and for efficiency I wanted to make a thread safe cache. I see in the map class that there is a putIfAbsent method, but it doesn't accept async types. Also not sure if this structure in general is safe to use.
This is the style of what I'm trying to do:
final Map<String, String> _cache = new Map();
Future<String> parse(final String name) async {
_cache.putIfAbsent(name, () async { // this async is not allowed
return await new File(name).readAsString();
return _cache[name];
Since I can use async on the parameter I've opted to use locks instead, but it makes the code far more verbose..
final Lock _lock = new Lock();
final Map<String, String> _cache = new Map();
Future<String> parse(final String name) async {
if (!_cache.containsKey(name)) {
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
if (!_cache.containsKey(name)) {
_cache[name] = await new File(name).readAsString();
return _cache[name];
Does anyone know how I can simplify this code, or if there are better libraries I can use for thread safe cache?

What do you mean by "this async is not allowed"? I see no particular issue with the putIfAbsent code, and I believe it should work.
The one probelem I see is that the cache is not caching futures, but strings. Since your function is returning a future anyway, you might as well store the future in the cache.
I would write it as:
final Map<String, Future<String>> _cache = new Map();
Future<String> parse(final String name) =>
_cache.putIfAbsent(name, () => File(name).readAsString());
but apart from fixing the _cache map type, that is effectively the same, it's just avoiding creating and waiting for a couple of extra futures.

I've created an extension to support an asynchronous action for putIfAbsent:
extension MapUtils<K, V> on Map<K, V> {
Future<V> putIfAbsentAsync(K key, FutureOr<V> Function() action) async {
final V? previous = this[key];
final V current;
if (previous == null) {
current = await action();
this[key] = current;
} else {
current = previous;
return current;
You can use like this:
final Map<String, String> _cache = {};
Future<String> parse(final String name) async {
return await _cache.putIfAbsentAsync(
() async => await File(name).readAsString(),
// ^^^^^ this `async` is now allowed


How to sequentially call the Getx controllers

My Task is :
I have an list of orders in firebase in users collection ,
I want to get information of those orders which is in orders collection,
And moment a list of order is updated in the firebase users collection.
The orders list should be automatically updated to get the latest information from the orders collection.
But for that i have to wait until list of orders is fetched from the users collection and only then i can query from orders collection about those orders..
I am stuck here,
And i want to actually understand Getx's bindStream , ever(), and observable variables,and Obx() is used in widget , But what if it is normal variable and i want to listen to it's changes ,how to do that, because Obx() can be only used while you use Widget
So far my code:
UtilityController utilityController = UtilityController.instance;
CartController cartController = CartController.instance;
OrderController orderController = OrderController.instance;
class UserModel {
String? uid;
String? email;
String? name;
bool? isAdmin;
String? password;
List<CartItemModel>? cart;
String? token;
List<String>? orders;
UserModel({this.uid,,, this.isAdmin, this.password, this.cart, this.token, this.orders});
UserModel.fromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot snapshot) {
uid =;
name = snapshot['name'];
token = snapshot['token'];
cart = _convertCartItems(snapshot['cart'] ?? []);
orders = new List<String>.from(snapshot['orders']);
List<CartItemModel> _convertCartItems(List cartFomDb) {
List<CartItemModel> _result = [];
if (cartFomDb.length > 0) {
cartFomDb.forEach((element) {
return _result;
class UtilityController extends GetxController {
static UtilityController instance = Get.find();
Rx<UserModel> userModel = UserModel().obs;
void onReady() {
Stream<UserModel> listenToUser() {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance
.map((snapshot) => UserModel.fromSnapshot(snapshot));
class OrderController extends GetxController {
static OrderController instance = Get.find();
RxList<OrderModel> orders = RxList<OrderModel>([]);
void onReady() {
ever(utilityController.userModel, function); --> I am using this , but i know this is not the correct way
function(UserModel userModel) {
Stream<List<OrderModel>> getAllOrders() {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where(FieldPath.documentId, whereIn: utilityController.userModel.value.orders)
.map((query) => => OrderModel.fromMap(,;
The utilityController.userModel.value.orders is null !!! it's not yet loaded, so all the orders are fetched :(
And even if the orders are changed... But new orders are not fetched from the orders collection
How to get over this?
Consider using like this.
class OrderController extends GetxController {
static OrderController instance = Get.find();
final isLoading = true.obs;
final isDone = false.obs;
var orders = OrderModel([]).obs;
void onInit() async {
await listenForOrders();
Future listenForOrders() async {
isLoading.value = true;
isDone.value = false;
Stream<QuerySnapshot> _userOrders;
_userOrders = getAllOrders();
_userOrders.listen((QuerySnapshot query) {
if ( { {
orders.addIf(!orders.contains(element), OrderModel.fromDocumentSnapshot(element));
} else {
isDone.value = true;
isLoading.value = false;
Stream<QuerySnapshot> getAllOrders() {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where(FieldPath.documentId, whereIn: utilityController.userModel.value.orders)
The best approach is to use the worker functions provided by getx controller like:
ever - is called every time the Rx variable emits a new value.
everAll - Much like ever , but it takes a List of Rx values Called every time its variable is changed. That's it.
once - is called only the first time the variable has been changed.

Wait for stream inside a Future: Flutter

I want to check if the Firebase DB is connected or not, so I have to use a Future to return a boolean
Have a check at my code..
Future<bool> isAvailable() async {
bool ret = false;
await firebaseInstance.reference().child('.info/connected').onValue.listen((event) {
ret = event.snapshot.value;
return ret;
the firebaseInstace.reference is a StreamSubscription type and does not wait for the future to return me a result.
please help.
If you only need to know the current value, use once().then instead of onValue.listen
Future<bool> isAvailable() async {
var snapshot = await firebaseInstance.reference().child('.info/connected').once();
return snapshot.value;
Instead of awaiting the end of the stream subscription (it never ends), just take the first value:
Future<bool> isAvailable() => firebaseInstance.reference().child('.info/connected').onValue.first;
You can put the StreamSubcription in a variable
StreamSubscription subscription = someDOMElement.onSubmit.listen((data) {
// you code here
if (someCondition == true) {
More can be found here is there any way to cancel a dart Future?
You can do the following:
Future<bool> isAvailable() async {
bool ret = false;
Stream<Event> events =
await for (var value in events) {
ret = value.snapshot.value;
return ret;
onValue returns a Stream<Event> and then you can use await for to iterate inside the Stream and get the data, and then it will return.

How to execute a dynamic list of async functions in a sequential way?

I have refactored a Web API to rely on async/await in ASP.NET Core 3.1 and I have the following scenario: a statistics method is sequentially computing a list of indicators which are defined in a list.
readonly Dictionary<StatisticItemEnum, Func<Task<SimpleStatisticItemApiModel>>> simpleItemActionMap =
new Dictionary<StatisticItemEnum, Func<Task<SimpleStatisticItemApiModel>>>();
private void InitSimpleStatisticFunctionsMap()
simpleItemActionMap.Add(StatisticItemEnum.AllQuestionCount, GetAllQuestionCountApiModel);
simpleItemActionMap.Add(StatisticItemEnum.AllAnswerCount, GetAllAnswerCountApiModel);
simpleItemActionMap.Add(StatisticItemEnum.AverageAnswer, GetAverageAnswer);
// other mappings here
private async Task<SimpleStatisticItemApiModel> GetAllQuestionCountApiModel()
// await for database operation
private async Task<SimpleStatisticItemApiModel> GetAllAnswerCountApiModel()
// await for database operation
private async Task<SimpleStatisticItemApiModel> GetAverageAnswer()
// await for database operation
The code sequentially goes through each item and computes it and after the refactoring it is looking like this:
itemIds.ForEach(itemId =>
var itemEnumValue = (StatisticItemEnum) itemId;
if (simpleItemActionMap.ContainsKey(itemEnumValue))
var result = simpleItemActionMap[itemEnumValue]().Result;
I know that Task.Result might lead to deadlocks, but I could not find any other way to make this work.
Question: How to execute a dynamic list of async functions in a sequential way?
You should change the ForEach call to a regular foreach, and then you can use await:
foreach (var itemId in itemIds)
var itemEnumValue = (StatisticItemEnum) itemId;
if (simpleItemActionMap.ContainsKey(itemEnumValue))
var result = await simpleItemActionMap[itemEnumValue]();
Do not make the ForEach lambda async; that will result in an async void method, and you should avoid async void.
I think you can do this:
itemIds.ForEach(async itemId =>
var itemEnumValue = (StatisticItemEnum) itemId;
if (simpleItemActionMap.ContainsKey(itemEnumValue))
var result = await simpleItemActionMap[itemEnumValue]();

Flutter: Future.then() never getting invoked

I'm currently playing around with Futures in flutter. I've some async functions that return a Future object. I register a Listener on the Future object with then(), so that I can update the ui as soon as the value comes in.
But the result is empty, because then() returns before all notes are loaded from the file system.
Future<List<Note>> loadNotes() async {
NoteService().findAll().then((result) {
result.forEach((note) => print(note.title)); //not printing -> result is emtpty...
//NoteService class
Future<List<Note>> findAll() async {
return noteRepository.findAll();
//NoteRepository class
Future<List<Note>> findAll() async {
final Directory dir = await directory;
dir.list().toList().then((List<FileSystemEntity> list) async {
List<String> paths = List();
list.forEach((entity) => paths.add(entity.path));
List<File> _files = List();
paths.forEach((path) => _files.add(File(path)));
List<Note> notes = await _extractNotes(_files);
return Future.value(notes);
return Future.value(List());
Future<List<Note>> _extractNotes(List<File> _files) async {
List<Note> notes = List();
_files.forEach((file) {
String content = file.readAsStringSync();
print('content: ' + content); //this is getting printed correctly to the console
Map<String, dynamic> a = jsonDecode(content);
if(a.containsKey('codeSnippets')) {
} else {
return Future.value(notes);

Dart Component: How to return result of asynchronous callback?

Hey there I am quite new to Dart Futures and I have the following situation.
Whenever a user types a letter in the UI the addressChanged() method in my ui_component is called. This method calls the method getProposals() in my maps componenet which does an asynchronous request to the google maps API. As soon as the results are here I want to return them to the UI Component which is going to populate the propasals dropdown in the UI.
I am stuck with the last step: How (and whats the best way) to return the results of an asynchronous callback function to a parent component (while keeping an reusable maps component?).
This is what I have tried:
1) UI_Component:
// I get called if a user typed a new letter
Future addressChanged(dynamic event) async {
String id =;
String address =;
if(id=="pickup") {
this.pickup = address;
} else if(id=="destination") {
this.destination = address;
// this is where I call the subcomponent and want to get the address propasals
String proposals = await googleMap.getProposals(address,id);
2) Google Map component:
Future getProposals(String address,String id) async {
await _getProposals(address,id);
Future _getProposals(String address,String id) async {
if(address != "") {
new AutocompletionRequest()
..input = address
(predictions,status) {
List<String> result = [];
if(status == PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
(AutocompletePrediction prediction) =>
// HERE is the problem: How do I return this result from the callback as a result of the getProposals method?
return result;
This method doesn't return any data
Future getProposals(String address,String id) async {
await _getProposals(address,id);
Change it to
Future getProposals(String address,String id) {
return _getProposals(address,id);
This would also work, but here async and await is redunant
Future getProposals(String address,String id) async {
return await _getProposals(address,id);
For _getProposals you can use a Completer
Future _getProposals(String address,String id) async {
if(address != "") {
Completer completer = new Completer();
new AutocompletionRequest()
..input = address
(predictions,status) {
List<String> result = [];
if(status == PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
(AutocompletePrediction prediction) =>
// HERE is the problem: How do I return this result from the callback as a result of the getProposals method?
return completer.future;
return null;
