No Solution scaffolding or files added after adding MVVM Light - xamarin.forms

I am trying to add MVVMLight to a Xamarin Forms app. The previous app in which I added MVVMLight it did some scaffolding and added BaseViewModel,ViewModelLocator etc. which is not visible when I am adding it now. I have also tried adding MVVMLight
I am using Xamarin Forms Version="" ,MVVMLight V5.4.1
Can someone help ?


How to add tool tips for xamarin forms wpf application

I am working on xamarin forms wpf application. I have a requirement of showing tooltips when the user mouseover. Please suggest any idea on how to add tooltips to xamarin forms wpf application. Thank you.

cannot run prism xamarin with Xamarin.Forms or 4.0 pre2

been trying to play with the new stuff that will soon coming out from xamarin form
I create a new Prism xamarin app
I upgrade the nuget packages to point to xamarin 3.5 or 4.0
but I cannot get the solution to run.
It just hangs!!
It works when I do the same thing with a standard xamarin form template
I know its just preview but I would like to know if somebody has tried to compile and run any app using prism xamarin and the preview xam forms.
many thanks
As far as I am aware there should not be any issues with Prism when targeting Xamarin Forms 3.5+.
That said if you're wanting to target one of the pre-releases I would suggest either installing the current preview on NuGet which targets 4.0-pre1, or the latest CI build which targets 3.5-pre2 and has a number of great new features including a more robust API for IContainerRegistry as well as support for Tuples in INavigationService.

I need to sync google drive with my xamarin forms application

I need to connect google drive with my xamarin forms application.
I have tried this code==>
I take a reference project from github through this link
In the above link the code is related to "Shared Project" and I'm work with xamarin forms ".Net standard".
So please guide me, how could I apply google drive API in my xamarin forms project?
Ask me if anybody need further clarification.
You must know that Xamarin Components are no longer supported in Visual Studio, and should be replaced by NuGet packages.
You can follow the instructions to manually remove component references from your projects from this documentation.
For more info using Xamarin forms:
Xamarin Documentation
Xamarin.Google.Drive.Api.Android 1.2.12

Using Grial UIKit with Xamarin Forms

I am trying to use Grial UIkit with my existing Xamarin forms App, but I am facing some issues, can anyone tell me what steps I need to follow to use this kit with an existing project. Currently I am following this link
But I am getting this error
Field 'Xamarin.Forms.ContentPage.ContentProperty' not found.
I resolved this issue. This issue was coming because of the different versions of xamarin forms used in my project and Grial UI kit.

How to add to Xamarin Forms, on the native projects or on the PCL?

I'm developing an App with Xamarin Forms, I need to add to the project from Nugat (I think) do I need to do it on every native project or can I do it on the PCL project
Thanks Shimon
You should just need to add it to your core PCL project.
