Unable to delete uploaded XML file on Drupal 8.5 - drupal

I have created a media type that accepts XML files and saves them to a custom publicly accessible location on the server.
Ideally I would like the file to be overwritten when the exact same file is uploaded. This does not happen, instead it creates a new file and adds a number on the end. I have "Create new Revision" turned off.
To get around this issue I thought I could just delete the file via the CMS. The uploaded file has status of "Permanent" and is used 0 places. I know the cron job cleans up files for you, but when I run the cron the file in question is still there. I figure it's because the file is set to permanent, but I don't see a way to flip this to temporary.
Any help is much appeciated.

There is a setting nested away in the file system settings, which lets you configure it to remove (or not removed) orphaned files. If drush isn't removing them despite having no usages recorded, I'd check this option isn't ticked.
The temporary and permanent status are used for storing temporary files during the upload/save process, so I wouldn't tinker with those too much.
If you fancy making the form yourself using the form API, then you can save the file programmatically using the FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE parameter.


Save search from Dev Tools

I'm a new user to Kibana 5.3.
I'm working on a search in "Dev Tools" panel. When I'm done with the code of the search, how do I save this search so it becomes available later for visualizations etc.?
it saves in local storage, so as long as you don't clear your browser cache, you're OK. You CAN, however append something like ?load_from=http://my-app/assets/kibana.json to your kibana URL and specify a json file which you save your queries to. This way you can possibly version them as well.
For example, I keep my queries in an assets folder for the project I'm working on and make sure I sync the 2 in case I have to blow away my cache. Note that a JSON linter will complain about the CURL-esque statements if you copy & save to that file.

How to add push notification for a particular folder in google drive to get all updates that happen for all the file inside the folder

I want to set a push notification for a folder in google drive using google api such that any changed made to any file inside that folder than i get a call -back.
What I know is that its not possible at this moment. Instead of that you can create changes hook and get informed if ANY file on drive is changed. After theat run file search request to find all files within given folder by passing its ID, ie:
"'<folder_id>' in parents"
where <folder_id> is id of the folder where you want to look for changes. You can then look for last modified date and compare to your own cache, for example stored on your server in cache files. If file is newer than do with it whatever you want (and of course update cache).
please refer to:

How to add hash file to Exploit Scanner plugin for WordPress

While I have found the updated hash files to be added to WordPress, I have had a terrible time locating anything that gives specific direction as to where this file goes and exactly how to add it. Should it be added via a single file created with notepad, or should it be placed in a folder? I apologize if this sounds elementary, but this is a completely new adventure for me.
I found that the hash values for the files are provided but the file itself has to be created with the name of the file it says it is missing. Once that is created, move the file into the plugin itself and rerun the scan.

Checking Wordpress core files

Is there a script or something that can check if all core files are installed properly. I am installing a Wordpress site on clients hosting, and for some reason around 100 files were not transferred due to the connection time out. Now I am moving them one by one, but still I would like to check somehow, once I am done, that all files transferred are there and their size is more than 0b.
Since you are using Filezilla, drag and drop all files again into the folder.
Then when the file exists message shows up, pick Overwrite if different size and check apply to current queue only. Then only the ones with different sizes (or the ones that weren't transferred) will be overwritten/updated.
There's an easier way:
If you have access to some kind of control panel like cPanel, you can make a .zip file and upload it only via Filezilla.
Then on cPanel, go to File Explorer and unzip from there. Will be faster and you just have to upload one file (rather than opening tons of connections and giving you timeout).
Or if you have shell access, you can login with your key using Terminal(mac) or Putty(win), browse the folder and run the unzip command.

Handling file uploads in Drupal

I've been messing around a bit with various solutions to what I would see as a fairly common problem, but I've not yet been able to solve it in a satisfactory way.
What I wish to achieve is some kind of functionality where a user can upload new files, or select existing files to reuse them.
What I've been using so far is a combination of the filefield, filefield_sources, imce and ckeditor modules. I guess ckeditor isn't really important for the solution, but I need to be able to embed images from the archive somehow, and this is done with IMCE . Since I do not want everything to be accessible from the filebrowser I created a subdirectory and set full access to it in the IMCE settings, lets call it default/files/site
This worked fine as long as all filehanding was done through IMCE, but when I uploaded files directly from the filefield my files ended up in the default/files root, so I set up folders for my fields, for example default/files/site/movies in a field that allowed the .flv format. This worked fine to, as long as I didn't try to access the files through IMCE. It appears the folders created by filefield are not accessible from IMCE?
I'm also in a position where I need to support large uploads (200MB+), but from my experience in other projects, allowing file uploads through FTP is usually a life-saver, but from what I understand IMCE won't support files not uploaded through Drupal in some way, since they are not present in the database (giving the message: The selected file could not be used because the file does not exist in the database.)
I'm aware that I don't really have a clear question to my problem, but somehow I need to figure this out pretty fast. How would I preferably solve this? I'm aware that I'm not the first to have this problem, but I have not yet been able to find a nice and stable solution. What am I missing?
Also check this thread (http://drupal.org/node/438940) and the reference to John Locke's work at: http://www.freelock.com/blog/john-locke/2010-02/using-file-field-imported-files-drupal-drush-rescue
Well, I'm not personally familiar with IMCE off of the top of my head, but if you need files that have been uploaded via ftp to be added to the files tables, then my impulse would be to write a small module which would then allow the user to click a button and start off a batch process. (This is me assuming that you are using Drupal 6, as the batch api doesn't exist in 5.)
Said batch process would then iterate over all of the files in the appropriate directory, which I would assume you had uploaded the files to, use file_copy() (from Drupal's file API) to copy the files to default/files/site, and then would add said files to the files table, which is actually quite simple with drupal_write_record().
It might not even need to use the batch api - it somewhat matters if you're just uploading 10-30 really big files, or 200-300 MB files.
For using the batch api, I'd look at http://drupal.org/node/180528 - this has a fairly basic example of how the batch api works, which basically consists of telling the api that you want to keep calling function_a, and then inside of function_a setting your progress in the context array until you're done, at which time the batch process finishes. Then you just have whoever uploads the files via ftp to hit a button on the website to move and register the files.
