Add custom flow on member registration form in Wordpress website - wordpress

I have a Wordpress website and want to add custom flow of registration.
The current website has these pages but I am not sure if there is any plugin that has inbuilt such flow feature or how to add this feature.
Any help appreciated.

I had to do a similar modification.
Your case seems the same as mine, its a single form, split onto steps for helping users/validations.
I didn't found any plugin ready for all i needed (the steps thing), and mainly ... hooks to change registration form in wordpress just add extra fields to standard fields, i needed to completly remix the order, so I went the javascript way:
Added my custom css and JS to login/register pages with the action 'login_enqueue_scripts'
Added my custom fields to form using 'register_form' action
Added a class to login body with 'login_body_class' filter, to keep things hidden while JS magic happened;
I'm not sure what's your skill level in JS, but once you got those hooks ready you can make pretty much whatever you want with the register form.


Wordpress - Proper way to manage custom users

I have a site in Wordpress.
The functionality I need is such that, I can create 'users' of the site. These users have no purpose editing the Wordpress site in any way, and don't need to know we're even using the wordpress platform.
These users need to be able to edit their contact info and upload/view/swap out their own resume, using a page that I will build for them (not the wp-admin dashboard in any way). This resume will be PDFs and WordDocs.
At first I thought I'd just use the built in Wordpress Users and Roles that Wordpress offers. However, I'm not sure how I would attach resumes to that user, and let that user edit their own resume. I know I can use the 'user_contactmethods' hook to attach basic fields. However, I'd be trying to attach a link to a file that Wordpress hosts, and would need to be able to replace that file on a whim, in php. Also, my goal is to prevent them from ever using the Wordpress dashboard or editing tools.
Next, I thought I could create a custom post type for a 'SiteUser'. That would make it easy to manage a PDF/WordDoc attached to that post type. Also, that user wouldn't have any way to access the Wordpress stuff. Before I do that though, I wanted to ask on here if this really is the right way to do this.
This solution feels hacky.
Can I get some proposed solutions to this problem that could be perceived as 'the proper way'?
Here is a rough idea of what you are looking to do.
Step 1
Create the user role for these new users
Step 2
Set the permission for them and disable backend access and redirect all access of those roles to a custom page /account/
Step 3
Use Advance custom fields plugin to create some custom fields on the user meta. (text, file, image)
Step 4
Apply some login logic/form and Link to a /account/edit-info/ custom page with the acf frontend form.
Step 5
Use these info to display somewhere on the /account/ page
Using gravity forms instead to manage user data entry gives better control but requires more coding, and a better user experience.
Front-end Admin Steps
Repeat Step 1-2
Loop site user and list them and their custom field files Have a button that opens a Gravity form with the user ID text field pre-populated and hidden, and have a file uploader element.
Add backend hooks after validation directly replace the user meta
containing the file path or ID (however you choice to store it in
Advance custom fields)

Html forms in wordpress theme

I have a form in tpl files and called the tpl in wordpress now the form is submitted to the theme file.
Can anyone tell me which way is the proper way for wordpress?
1.Getting the post values and pass the value to custom plugin function to process the db functionality.
2.Getting the post values and Process the db functionality in theme itself .
3.form action directly to the custom plugin function.
Technically the best thing to do is to write a plugin that will also provide the template(you can of course allow the theme a way of overriding that - for instance by using locate_template( 'my-plugin-template.php' ) to check if the template exists in the current theme).
You should then process the form submission in your plugin - I would either check for the form values on the template_redirect action filter for instance(you can do it earlier as well - like on init for instance), or even right before loading the template if you don't need to do a redirect.
The idea behind using a plugin, vs putting all of the code in the theme is that if you decide to change your theme in the future, it would be more easy to keep the same functionality in the new theme as well.
I personally try to avoid calling plugin files directly(the third option you thought of) - not that it has any side-effects that I know of, but it's just my own preference.

Wordpress, alternative single post template

For a project of mine I need to define an alternative template for single posts.
To be more specific I need each post to be displayed as usual when the website is browsed but I need to create different single pages reachable from different URL to create a sort of a mini-website for each post.
(I'm actually using the WooCommerce plugin and what I need to do is to create a mini-website for each product. This needs to be something "outside" from the main website, with a complete different graphic template and is going to be reachable through a QR-code).
Hope it makes a bit of sense.
Thanks for your advices and/or suggestions.
I think the easiest way to do that is by registering a custom post type for the special posts that get this special "single.php" template. Then, you can simply write a new single template titled post-[custom post_type].php. Any post you register of this type will use that template.
If you don't actually need them to be posts, it's even easier if you publish them as pages. By default, pages let you assign a specific page template in the edit screen. So you could make any number of custom templates. Just make sure you add the special header:
/* Template Name: Custom Page */ WP knows it's a page template.

add a button to a block

I am very new to drupal and need some assistance. I created a view for a news blog. I want members to be able to be able to create news blogs, which would have to go through an approval process before being displayed. I wanted to add a button called "create" or whatnot to my view which would allow the user to submit a news blog entry that would go to an approval queue to allow a moderator to edit before publishing. This is not a regular blog (which don't need moderated). It is specific to a "news blog" which is how we are referring to it. What is the best way of accomplishing this work flow and how would I go about creating the button?
In Views, you have the option of adding a header and/or footer to your view. It gives you a textarea which you select what filter you want to use (Full HTML, PHP code, etc). I would suggest utilizing a header/footer and adding an image as a simple HTML link to the blog creation page.
As for your workflow, I would suggest taking a look at:
Content Moderation
Here is an example to get a workflow going with the Rules module:

One page wordpress template with subscription option

I'm new to wordpress. I have to create a one page template for my site and show a subscribe textbox on it with my own custom style. Later, I will use it to send monthly newsletters. What can be the simplest way to do that? I saw into some plugins like newsletter, subscribe2, but they are complicated and I don't know how to integrate them with my text box. They just provide some sort of widget to show on sidebar. Any tutorial or simple plugin? Please help!
You basically have three options:
a. Use a web-hosted syndication service as per the below. (Easiest to configure)
b. Install some sort of newsletter sending plugin for WordPress. (More control, but more configuration)
c. Use a web-hosted newsletter service like Constant Contact (Expensive and Ugh.).
Try using Feedburner with email subscriptions -- see: You sign up, supply your RSS feed's address, then copy-paste the resulting code where-ever in your template you like. Then, whenever you write a new post, your subscribers are sent an email.
Subscribe2 complicated?
You can do auto-download/install from the administration area, you literally only have to config a few options.
Maybe it's just me, but the screenshots certainly make the plugin appear to be very straight-forward.
If you are not heavy with subscription list. Then a good option can be using the MailChimp email subscription with its free option.
You can just install the plugin and place a function called mailchimpSF_signup_form() into your template's right place. And beautify it with your own CSS.
Or in Post or pages' HTML using the shortcode [mailchimpsf_form]
They also have widget to be added dynamically. How to use it?
Create a free account at MailChimp.
Create a list there.
Create an API key there
Go to your MailChimp options page http://yourwordpress.tld/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options
Insert the API key there.
Select the list you want this subscription to be linked to.
There you are!
