Use an attribute from an HTML-Tag in Polymer - css

I'm using Polymer and I am encountering a Problem. I think there is a good solution, but I still don't have the perfect understanding of polymer.
In my template I get a dom-repeat which gets me some _itemsas item. returns the name of the item, it works just fine. Now I want to use this name to display it in a tooltip, so I call the function on-mouseenter="_showTooltip".
My function looks like this:
_showTooltip: function(e) {
var item = Polymer.dom(e).rootTarget;
// I get Information out of my item to use it in my tooltip and display it
How can I transfer the information of my original item to this function?
Thanks in advance!

You did not mention or tag which version of Polymer you're using so I will point you to the docs for Polymer 2 because that's what I use, but I am guessing something similar must exist for Polymer 3 also.
Any event triggered from elements rendered inside a dom-repeat will get a model key added, under which you will have the context, so you will have your item from HTML there.
You can see that in the docs here.
To start you can try to:
_showTooltip: function(e) {
var item = Polymer.dom(e).rootTarget;
// I get Information out of my item to use it in my tooltip and display it
console.log(e.model); debugger;
and continue from there..


How can i use Custom attributes of html in Google tag manager to track clicks on lots of buttons

I have some long lists of buttons. For example, i have one single list of car models that all have the same custom data attribute of "modellist", while they have also another data attribute which is the name of that car model (Note that these buttons are NOT links).
the attached image
Now, without the need of creating a single tag for each and every one of these buttons, i need to find a faster way for this case using the google tag manager and GA4 (google analytics 4), so that i would be able to track clicks on these buttons. Does anyone know how can i do this?
I very highly appreciate your help & support here.
Here are the steps and how to do it.
1. Create a Custom JavaScript Variable;
Here is the Screenshot
The code is:
// Get the click element;
var clickElement = {{Click Element}};
// Check there is a closet parent element you want. If it doesn't then return false;
return false;
// Check the parent dom has the attribute you want.
// If it does, return the attribute value. Otherwise, return false;
var modelListDom = clickElement.closest("div.stepped-selection__list-item");
return modelListDom.getAttribute("data-trackervalue");
return false;
2. Create the trigger
Here is the screenshot:
First, using the click element > match css selector > To catch all the element inside the selector. You can modify it a bit to make it more suitable in your real case.
Second, the Variable we create in step1. It will return false if something not we expected. So we don't want to trigger the tag if the Variable is return false.
3. Create the Tag.
The Tag config is the easiest one.
Just use the Trigger in step2.
And give the event name and event parameter you would like.
Give the event parameter value as the Variable in Step1.

Can't get to dynamically style one item from a v-for vue 3

I am trying to get the active item from this menu list to display in a different style. When I reload the page, the style gets applied for a split second, then disappears and all items share the exact same style.
There is a similar thread saying the solution is to actually have the item available as a data property in that component. I have tried that too, and it would not work. It makes more sense to have all the data from a computed property since I am using Vuex for data storing.
The template:
<li class="topic"
v-for="topic in topics"
#click="selectTopic($event, topic)"
:class="{'active': topic === current}"
and the script:
computed: {
topics: function(){
return this.$store.state.topics
current: function() {
return this.$store.state.current_topic
The current_topic is updated with the selectTopic method in this component. It all works fine, except I can't get the current_topic to have a distinctive style.
Oh, on the styles I simply have {border:yellowgreen solid 0.5em;}. If I do topic:active then the style gets applied when I click but only for the time I am clicking (also if I hold), but it does not get applied when reload not even for a split second.
Any leads? thank you :-)
Just as a conclusion / closing of this thread. The code I presented is correct. The problem had to do with a getter which was converting the current_topic into a title. This is why topic and current did not match inside the class binding. I figure it is still worth leaving the thread since it might be helpful for somebody else dealing with class binding inside a v-for.

I need to access to input inside InputGroup BlueprintJs react component

The BluePrintJS React InputGroup component is great and convenient for modern user-interface. But unfortunately the React component do not allow access to the <input> element inside.
I need to access the input element for 2 main reasons :
if I have 50 InputGroups in my form, I don't want to write 50 OnChange() callbacks. When the user finishes all inputs, I want to get all InputGroup.value(), which is not possible (it is possible with regular input element thanks to HTMLInputElement.value, but InputGroup does not allow accessing internal input)
At form displaying, I need to focus on first field. InputGroup has no function focus(), while HTMLInputElement has one.
Briefly there are 2 functions missing in InputGroup : GetValue() and Focus() , and I cannot see why they are missing.
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
I found the way of getting the input ! with :
inputRef={(input:HTMLInputElement) => {
(didn't see it at first time).
Now I have the input object, I can set focus at "didmount", and I can get the value with logininput.value.
Slightly different variation but this works too:
inputRef:(input:HTMLInputElement | null) => {
// your code here
return input;
just be aware that code runs when you just render the component, depending on your usage, to me happens when I click the child control on a select.
In my case, I just wanted to modify an input that works for text search on a select.

jsView: How to get current element during "onBeforeChangeEvent"

I am wondering if there is a way that I can get the current element that is triggering the onBeforeChangeEvent function in jsViews. I want to get the current element that it is working on, to do some extra jQuery work on it.
A basic example is below:
onAfterChange: function (ev)
//want to get element instance right here as an example.....
if (!PageSettings.cancelUpsert && ev.type == "change")
//do somthing to element that is currently being processed.
I searched through the objects being returned, but could find a stable way to get to the element. Any ideas, or tips towards where to look would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!
If you are looking for a data-linked element, such as an input: <input data-link="..." />, whose change event triggered the change, you can get that from either this.linkCtx.elem or
More generally, the this pointer is the view object that is being changed.
There are a number of helper methods on the view object that you can use to access different elements within that view. For example this.contents("someSelector") will return a jQuery object that selects top-level elements in that view, and this.contents(true, "someSelector") will apply the selector to filter on all elements in the view (deep search not just top-level).
(You can use the selector "*" to get all elements)

How to find all dialogs in JQuery

I am trying to bind an event to all dialogs that have been created on a page using the JQuery UI Dialog function (whether they have been displayed or not). I can't seem to figure out a selector that will get me there. I've tried both .ui-dialog and .ui-dialog-content without success.
Since I'm trying to make a generic method, I won't know the IDs of the dialogs that may have been created.
I'm using the following code to test. It works if I specify a dialog's id (#mydialog), but in production, I won't know these.
$("div.ui-dialog").bind("dialogclose", function(event, ui) {
window.alert("close fired");
Do your dialogs have a common class that you can select them with? If they all have the "ui-dialog" class then this will work:
Your example of
Is asking to select all divs with a class of ui-dialog, which should probably also work as long as the class is given to a div element.
Your problem might be that you binding the dialog elements before they exist? You might want the .live() function instead so that it binds to any dialogs created at any point and not just the ones that exist when the function is called.
Posting an HTML snippet would help.
You can use this:
"enter your code here"
