How to find all dialogs in JQuery - jquery-ui-dialog

I am trying to bind an event to all dialogs that have been created on a page using the JQuery UI Dialog function (whether they have been displayed or not). I can't seem to figure out a selector that will get me there. I've tried both .ui-dialog and .ui-dialog-content without success.
Since I'm trying to make a generic method, I won't know the IDs of the dialogs that may have been created.
I'm using the following code to test. It works if I specify a dialog's id (#mydialog), but in production, I won't know these.
$("div.ui-dialog").bind("dialogclose", function(event, ui) {
window.alert("close fired");

Do your dialogs have a common class that you can select them with? If they all have the "ui-dialog" class then this will work:
Your example of
Is asking to select all divs with a class of ui-dialog, which should probably also work as long as the class is given to a div element.
Your problem might be that you binding the dialog elements before they exist? You might want the .live() function instead so that it binds to any dialogs created at any point and not just the ones that exist when the function is called.
Posting an HTML snippet would help.

You can use this:
"enter your code here"


Meteor JS Template rendered function called before template is rendered?

I'm trying to use the Buttonset widget in JQuery UI. I've got the package loaded and my template renders the radio buttons fine. I have a "rendered" function to call the JQ UI routine to setup the buttonset:
Template.teamList.rendered = function () {
But it looks like the rendered function is being called before the template is rendered! I stick a console.log in the function and it prints out to the console before there's anything on the screen. So none of the radio buttons are set up, therefore the .buttonset() call does nothing. If I make that call in the console after the page is rendered, JQuery UI does the right thing and my button set appears.
Isn't the .rendered function supposed to be called after everything's set up? Am I doing something wrong?
As an example, the same thing is seen in the leaderboard example.
If you add:
Template.leaderboard.rendered = function() {
When the page is displayed, it will show 0. This makes it difficult to access the DOM items if you need to add some JQuery events or, in this case, a JQuery UI element.
rendered only works for elements which will appear in the DOM the very first time the template is added to the page. Assume that subscription data takes infinitely long to arrive, then look at the template and see which elements would appear in the default state.
Using the leaderboard example, we can't assume that players are available when the leaderboard template renders (it depends on a subscription). To target a player, you should use the rendered callback on the player template.
It's hard to generalize a strategy for when to apply jQuery plugins, but here are some ideas:
Use the rendered callback if the element will always be added in the default state (e.g. the element is hard-coded and doesn't depend on a conditional).
Use the rendered callback of the most specific child template to target that child (e.g. the player template from above).
Consider using an event handler callback to target the element if it's appearance depends on an event (e.g. a button click).
Consider using a template autorun callback to target the element if it's appearance depends on reactive state. See this question for an example.

JQuery load() function disables links and :hover effects?

I'm trying to load content from a different file into a div element within the current file using the jQuery load() function. Nothing fancy, just loading it and that's it. However the links that are contained in the loaded file become "disabled", you cannot click them, and pseudo-classes like :hover seem to be left out as well. Is there a solution to this?
$(document).ready(function() {
let's say content.html contains just this line:
When it is loaded into the <div class="content"> the link is not clickable. It is colored according to the css, however the :hover effect doesn't work, and it behaves like normal text - not a link. This is a problem because the content I'm trying to load has a couple of links, and none of them work after being load()'ed.
I believe your issue is:
You use $('div.content').load('content.html') to send a request for content to (later) be inserted into the DOM.
You then run some code to specify handlers for nodes using $(document).click, $(document).bind etc - but this code runs before the new nodes have been added to the DOM.
New nodes are then added when the .load call completes.
The behaviour that you defined on all the origional nodes isn't being followed on the new nodes.
If that is the issue your're describing - then you need to add all the same bindings to the new nodes once they're created.
i.e. you need to provide a callback to add the bindings to the new elements:
function on_data_loaded() {
$('div.content ...').hover(.....);
// etc.
$('div.content').load('content.html', null, onloaded);
(note that's not a particularly clean way of doing it, but it should explain what needs to be done).

How to render checked checkboxes using CSS alone?

This is may be very noobish and a bit embarrassing but I am struggling to figure out how to make checkboxes 'checked' using CSS?
The case is that if a parent has a class setup (for example) I'd like to have all the checkboxes having setup as parent to be checked. I'm guessing this is not doable in pure CSS, correct? I don't mind using JS but am just very curious if I could toggle the state of the checkboxes along with that of their parent (by toggling the class).
Here's a fiddle to play around with.
A checkbox being "checked" is not a style. It's a state. CSS cannot control states. You can fake something by using background images of check marks and lists and what not, but that's not really what you're talking about.
The only way to change the state of a checkbox is serverside in the HTML or with Javascript.
Here's a fiddle of that pseduo code. The things is, it's rather pointless.
It means you need to adding a CSS class to an element on the server that you want to jQuery to "check". If you're doing that, you might as well add the actually element attribute while you're at it.
So, it makes me wonder if I'm just miss-understanding what you're talking about. I'm starting to think that there's a client side script changing states and you're looking to monitor for that?
Upon some reflection of the comments and some quick digging, if you want a JavaScript solution to checking a checkbox if there's some other JavaScript plugin that might change the an attribute value (something that doesn't have an event trigger), the only solution would be to do a simple "timeout" loop that continuously checks a group of elements for a given class and updates them.
All you'd have to do then is set how often you want this timeout to fire. In a sense, it's a form of "long polling" but without actually going out to the server for data updates. It's all client side. Which, I suppose, is what "timeout" is called. =P
Here's a tutorial I found on the subject:
I'll see if I can whip up a jQuery sample.
Here's a jsfiddle of a timeout listener to check for CSS classes being added to a checkbox and setting their state to "checked".
I added a second function to randomly add a "checked" class to a checkbox ever couple of seconds.
I hope that helps!
Not possible in pure css.
However, you could have a jQuery event which is attached to all elements of a class, thereby triggering the check or uncheck based on class assignments.
Perhaps like this:
function toggleCheck(className){
$("."+className).each( function() {
$(".checkedOn").each( function() {
$(this).checked = "checked";

drupal - jQuery, can't select any elements via jQuery

I have a form and I add a js file via drupal_add_js() in the init code of the module.
I see the first debug message, but I can't seem to select any items from the document. I just get the jQuery object returned.
But when I add the same line into the firebug, it works.
console.log('called => init()');
If you're trying to retrieve the value from your form element, try:
Getting the jQuery object as return is perfectly fine as methods like find actually return a jQuery object. You should check the length of the jQuery object that you are getting as return i.e. console.log(jQuery('#quiz-form').find('#edit-next').length);. If the length is zero, then of course the elements are not being found. In that case you should make sure that your JS code is being called after the DOM is ready i.e. you should either wrap your code with jQuery(document).ready or use Drupal behaviors.
I figured it out by chance. The jQuery object was trying to find the selected object before the page was initialized.
I was thinking drupal_add_js in the init module was enough.
BUt I had to wrap the jquery code in the Dom Ready function as well... as we always are supposed to do.

flex3:How to override function set label of a button

Flex 3 question:
I trying here to avoid having to bind resources to all my components labels ( ie a button) and find a way to have this automated.
It corrupts the layout in design mode to bind directly in the mxml label="{resourceManager.getString('myResources', 'submit')}" and makes the design view useless. but when declaring bindings elsewhere, in actionScript or via a bind tag, it is counter productive and prone to many errors and miss.
I would like to create my own button that automatically invoke resources to localize a button label. So the author puts "Submit" in the mxml description of my button, and when running it would take the value of the label ie "submit" and use resourceManager.getString('myResources', 'submit').
but I can't find the way to override the set label function, Is it possible if yes how? else how can I go about it?
Maybe I am missing an essential process here that would make the use of resources more elegant, as well as how to override such thing as a button's label.
Thanks for your advices.
Create a component called MyButton, extending Button. Then use this:
override public function set label(value:String):void {
super.label = resourceManager.getString('myResources', value) || value;
Assuming the resource manager returns "null" or "undefined" this will work, and will only replace the value if it exists in "myResources".
If you don't want to override every component you need to do this with, then you can add a FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE event on every component. Then use a single generic function to do your label localization.
