How to add HTTP/2 in G-WAN - http

I would like to know if it's possible to make G-WAN 100% compatible with HTTP/2 by using for example the solution nghttp2 (

Sorry for the late answer - for any reason Stackoverflow did not notify us this question and I have found it only because a more recent one was notified.
I have not looked at this library so I can't tell for sure if it can be used without modifications, but it could certainly be used as the basis of an event-based G-WAN protocol handler.
But, from a security point of view, there are severe issues with HTTP-2, and this is why we have not implemented it in G-WAN: HTTPS-2 lets different servers use the same TCP connection - even if they weren't listed in the original TLS certificate.
That may be handy for legit applications, but that's a problem for security: DOH (DNS over HTTP-2) prevents users from blocking (or even detecting) unwanted hosts at the traditionally used DNS requests level (the "hosts" file in various operating systems).
In facts, this new HTTP standard is defeating the purpose of SSL certificates, and defeating domain-name monitoring and blacklisting.
Is it purely a theoretical threat?
Google ads have been used in the past to inject malware designed to attack both the client and server sides.


Why all HTTPS communications are visible to other apps on a device? HTTP Toolkit

I noticed that using HTTP Toolkit, you can sniff all HTTPS communications in an unencrypted form, from browsers on Windows and Android OS, plus all applications on a rooted Android device or an emulator or via some workaround on a PC. All fields and data from headers, request bodies, and responses are intercepted without encryption.
I find this to be a significant security flaw as a hacker can easily analyze how an app communicates, thus gaining more knowledge on how the server communicates, plus seeing API keys in the headers.
In addition, installing some spyware to record entered credentials on his PC or a public PC, same way as HTTP Toolkit does.
Is there a reason this is allowed to happen in the first place? Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
It's explicitly allowed because it's extremely useful. It's how all kinds of debugging, testing, and profiling tools are implemented, as well as some kinds of ad blockers and other traffic modifiers.
It's possible because it cannot be prevented in the most general way. A user who fully controls a device can inspect all behavior and traffic on that device. That is what it means to control a device. Traffic is encrypted to protect the user, not to protect apps from their user. If seeing the API would significantly impact the security of the system, the system is already insecure.
Your concern that an attacker may take over a user's machine and observe them is valid, but is far deeper than this. An attacker who has administrative access to the system can observe all kinds of things; mostly commonly by installing a keylogger to watch what they type. There is no way to secure a device that an attacker has complete physical access to.
You can limit TLS sniffing using certificate pinning. Google does not recommend this because it's hard to manage. However, for some situations, it's worth the trouble. See also HTTP Toolkit's discussion on the topic.
You've found a good thing to study. I recommend digging into how HTTP Toolkit works. It will give you a much better understanding of what TLS does and doesn't provide.
I don't think that is too serious.
HTTP Toolkit can not intercept the your normal browser.
It only creates a guest profile of browser, open and intercept it.
This browser does not have related to your own browser and does not share between them.
The same thing happen in Selenium.
Selenium is used widely for automated testing and can be integrated with python, C# and so on.
This also opens their own browser with separated profile and communicate with it from your test code.
Anyway, they can not intercept your normal browser.
If you are serious about the security, then you must not explore the websites with sensitive data via browser that is opened by the HTTP Toolkit or Selenium.
Just use your normal browser.

http2 domain sharding without hurting performance

Most articles consider using domain sharding as hurting performance but it's actually not entirely true. A single connection can be reused for different domains at certain conditions:
they resolve to the same IP
in case of secure connection the same certificate should cover both domains
Is that correct? Is anyone using it?
And what about CDN? Can I have some guarantees that they direct a user to the same server (IP)?
Yup that’s one of the benefits of HTTP/2 and in theory allows you to keep sharding for HTTP/1.1 users and automatically unshard for HTTP/2 users.
The reality is a little more complicated as always - due mostly to implementation issues and servers resolving to different IP addresses as you state. This blog post is a few years old now but describes some of the issues: Maybe it’s improved since then, but would imagine issues still exist. Also new features like the ORIGIN frame should help but are not widely supported yet.
I think however it’s worth revisiting the assumption that sharding is actually good for HTTP/1.1. The costs of setting up new connections (DNS lookup, TCP setup, TLS handshake and then the actual sending HTTP messages) are not immaterial and studies have shown the 6 connection browser limit is really used never mind adding more by sharding. Concatenation, spriting and inlining are usually much better options and these can still be used for HTTP/2. Try it on your site and measure is the best way of being sure of this!
Incidentally it is for for these reasons (and security) that I’m less keen on using common libraries (e.g. jquery, bootstrap...etc.) from their CDNs instead of hosted locally. In my opinion the performance benefit of a user already having the version your site uses already cached is over stated.
With al these things, HTTP/1.1 will still work without sharded domains. It may (arguably) be slower but it won’t break. But most users are likely on HTTP/2 so is it really worth adding the complexity for the minority’s of users? Is this not a way of progressively enhancing your site for people on modern browsers (and encouraging those not, to upgrade)? For larger sites (e.g. Google, Facebook... etc.) the minority may still represent a large number of users and the complexity is worth it (and they have the resources and expertise to deal with it) for the rest of us, my recommendation is not to shard, to upgrade to new protocols like HTTP/2 when they become common (like it is now!) but otherwise to keep complexity down.

Varnish to be used for https

Here's the situation. I have clients over a secured network (https) that talk to multiple backends. Now, I wanted to establish a reverse proxy for majorly load balancing (based on header data or cookies) and a little caching. So, I thought varnish could be of use.
But, varnish does not support ssl-connection. As I've read at many places, quoting, "Varnish does not support SSL termination natively". But, I want every connection, ie. client-varnish and varnish-backend to be over https. I cannot have plaintext data anywhere throughout network (there are restrictions) so nothing else can be used as SSL-Terminator (or can be?).
So, here are the questions:
Firstly, what does this mean (if someone can explain in simple terms) that "Varnish does not support SSL termination natively".
Secondly, is this scenario good to implement using varnish?
and Finally, if varnish is not a good contender, should I switch to some other reverse proxy. If yes, then which will be suitable for the scenario? (HA, Nginx etc.)
what does this mean (if someone can explain in simple terms) that "Varnish does not support SSL termination natively"
It means Varnish has no built-in support for SSL. It can't operate in a path with SSL unless the SSL is handled by separate software.
This is an architectural decision by the author of Varnish, who discussed his contemplation of integrating SSL into Varnish back in 2011.
He based this on a number of factors, not the least of which was wanting to do it right if at all, while observing that the de facto standard library for SSL is openssl, which is a labyrinthine collection of over 300,000 lines of code, and he was neither confident in that code base, nor in the likelihood of a favorable cost/benefit ratio.
His conclusion at the time was, in a word, "no."
That is not one of the things I dreamt about doing as a kid and if I dream about it now I call it a nightmare.
He revisited the concept in 2015.
His conclusion, again, was "no."
Code is hard, crypto code is double-plus-hard, if not double-squared-hard, and the world really don't need another piece of code that does an half-assed job at cryptography.
When I look at something like Willy Tarreau's HAProxy I have a hard time to see any significant opportunity for improvement.
No, Varnish still won't add SSL/TLS support.
Instead in Varnish 4.1 we have added support for Willys PROXY protocol which makes it possible to communicate the extra details from a SSL-terminating proxy, such as HAProxy, to Varnish.
This enhancement could simplify integrating varnish into an environment with encryption requirements, because it provides another mechanism for preserving the original browser's identity in an offloaded SSL setup.
is this scenario good to implement using varnish?
If you need Varnish, use it, being aware that SSL must be handled separately. Note, though, that this does not necessarily mean that unencrypted traffic has to traverse your network... though that does make for a more complicated and CPU hungry setup.
nothing else can be used as SSL-Terminator (or can be?)
The SSL can be offloaded on the front side of Varnish, and re-established on the back side of Varnish, all on the same machine running Varnish, but by separate processes, using HAProxy or stunnel or nginx or other solutions, in front of and behind Varnish. Any traffic in the clear is operating within the confines of one host so is arguably not a point of vulnerability if the host itself is secure, since it never leaves the machine.
if varnish is not a good contender, should I switch to some other reverse proxy
This is entirely dependent on what you want and need in your stack, its cost/benefit to you, your level of expertise, the availability of resources, and other factors. Each option has its own set of capabilities and limitations, and it's certainly not unheard-of to use more than one in the same stack.

HTTPS instead of HTTP?

I'm new to web security.
Why would I want to use HTTP and then switch to HTTPS for some connections?
Why not stick with HTTPS all the way?
There are interesting configuration improvements that can make SSL/TLS less expensive, as described in this document (apparently based on work from a team from Google: Adam Langley, Nagendra Modadugu and Wan-Teh Chang):
If there's one point that we want to
communicate to the world, it's that
SSL/TLS is not computationally
expensive any more. Ten years ago it
might have been true, but it's just
not the case any more. You too can
afford to enable HTTPS for your users.
In January this year (2010), Gmail
switched to using HTTPS for everything
by default. Previously it had been
introduced as an option, but now all
of our users use HTTPS to secure their
email between their browsers and
Google, all the time. In order to do
this we had to deploy no additional
machines and no special hardware. On
our production frontend machines,
SSL/TLS accounts for less than 1% of
the CPU load, less than 10KB of memory
per connection and less than 2% of
network overhead. Many people believe
that SSL takes a lot of CPU time and
we hope the above numbers (public for
the first time) will help to dispel
If you stop reading now you only need
to remember one thing: SSL/TLS is not
computationally expensive any more.
One false sense of security when using HTTPS only for login pages is that you leave the door open to session hijacking (admittedly, it's better than sending the username/password in clear anyway); this has recently made easier to do (or more popular) using Firesheep for example (although the problem itself has been there for much longer).
Another problem that can slow down HTTPS is the fact that some browsers might not cache the content they retrieve over HTTPS, so they would have to download them again (e.g. background images for the sites you visit frequently).
This being said, if you don't need the transport security (preventing attackers for seeing or altering the data that's exchanged, either way), plain HTTP is fine.
If you're not transmitting data that needs to be secure, the overhead of HTTPS isn't necessary.
Check this SO thread for a very detailed discussion of the differences.
HTTP vs HTTPS performance
Mostly performance reasons. SSL requires extra (server) CPU time.
Edit: However, this overhead is becoming less of a problem these days, some big sites already switched to HTTPS-per-default (e.g. GMail - see Bruno's answer).
And not less important thing. The firewall, don't forget that usually HTTPS implemented on port 443.
In some organization such ports are not configured in firewall or transparent proxies.
HTTPS can be very slow, and unnecessary for things like images.

TCP Vs. Http Benchmark

I am having a Web application sitting on IIS, and talking with [remote]Service-Machine.
I am not sure whether to choose TCP or Http, as the main protocol.
more details:
i will have more than one service\endpoint
some of them will be one-way
the other will be two-ways
the web pages will work infront of the services
we are talking about hi-scale web-site
I know the difference pretty well, but I am looking for a good benchmark, that shows how much faster is the TCP?
HTTP is a layer built ontop of the TCP layer to some what standardize data transmission. So naturally using TCP sockets will be less heavy than using HTTP. If performance is the only thing you care about then plain TCP is the best solution for you.
You may want to consider HTTP because of its ease of use and simplicity which ultimately reduces development time. If you are doing something that might be directly consumed by a browser (through an AJAX call) then you should use HTTP. For a non-modern browser to directly consume TCP connections without HTTP you would have to use Flash or Silverlight and this normally happens for rich content such as video and/or audio. However, many modern browsers now (as of 2013) support API's to access network, audio, and video resources directly via JavaScript. The only thing to consider is the usage rate of modern web browsers among your users; see for the latest info regarding browser compatibility.
As for benchmarks, this is the only thing I found. See page 5, it has the performance graph. Note that it doesn't really compare apples to apples since it compares the TCP/Binary data option with the HTTP/XML data option. Which begs the question: what kind of data are your services outputting? binary (video, audio, files) or text (JSON, XML, HTML)?
In general performance oriented system like those in the military or financial sectors will probably use plain TCP connections. Where as general web focused companies will opt to use HTTP and use IIS or Apache to host their services.
The question you really need an answer for is "will TCP or HTTP be faster for my application". The answer is that it depends on the nature of your application, and on the way that you use TCP and/or HTTP in your application. A generic HTTP vs TCP benchmark won't answer your question, because the chances are that the benchmark won't match your application behaviour.
In theory, an optimally designed / implemented solution using TCP will be faster than one that uses HTTP. But it may also be considerably more work to implement ... depending on the details of your application.
There are other issues that might affect your choice. For example, you are less likely to run into firewall issues if you use HTTP than if you use TCP on some random port. Another is that HTTP would make it easier to implement a load balancer between the IIS server and the backend systems.
Finally, at the end of the day it is probably more important that your system is secure, reliable, maintainable and (maybe) scalable than it is fast. A sensible strategy is to implement the simple version first, but have plans in your head for how to make it faster ... if the simple solution is too slow.
You could always benchmark it.
In general, if what you want to accomplish can be easily done over HTTP (i.e. the only reason you would otherwise think about using raw TCP is for a possible performance boost) you should probably just use HTTP. Sure, you can do socket programming, but why bother? Lots of people have spent a lot of time and effort building HTTP client libraries and servers, and they have spent waaaaaay more time optimizing and testing that code than you will ever be able to possibly spend on your TCP sockets. There are simply so many possible errors that you would have to handle, edge cases, and optimizations that can be done, that it is usually easier and safer to use a library function for HTTP.
Plus, the HTTP specs define all kinds of features (and clients/servers implement, which you get to use "for free", i.e. no extra implementation work) which makes any third-party interoperability that much easier. "Here is my URL, here are the rules for what you send, here are the rules for what I return..."
I have a Self Hosted Windows native C++ server application that I use the Casablanca C++ REST SDK code in. I can use any client C#, JavaScript, C++, cURL, basically anything that can send a POST, GET, PUT, DEL message can be used to send request messages to this self hosted windows app. Also I can use a plain browser address bar to do GET related requests using various parameters. Currently I only run this system on a private intranet so it is very fast - I haven't benchmark it against just doing raw TCP, but on a private intranet I doubt there would be even a few microseconds difference? For the convenience and ease of development and ability to expand to full blown internet app it's a dream come true. It is a dedicated system with a private protocol using small JSON packets so not certain if that fits your application needs or not? Another nice thing is this Windows application native C++ code could be ported fairly easily to run on Linux/MacOS as the Casablanca REST SDK is portable to those OSes.
