#OPENCL#clBuildProgram failed with error code -5 - opencl

I met a problem when using clBuildProgram() on GTX 750. The kernel failed to build with error code -5(CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES) and an empty build log.
There is a possible solution, which is adding '-cl-nv-verbose' as input option to clBuildProgram(). However, it doesn't work for all kernels.
Based on that, I tried another optimization option which is '-cl-opt-disable'. It also works for some kernels.
Then I got confused.
I cannot find the real reason for causing the error;
Why do different build-options make sense for some kernels?
The error seems like architecture independent.Since the same Opencl code is executed successfully on GTX 750, while failed on Tesla P100.
Does anyone has ideas?

Possible reasons I can think of:
Running out of registers. This happens if you have a lot of (private) variables in your kernel code, especially arrays. Each core only has a certain amount of registers available (architecture dependent), and it may not be possible for the compiler to "spill" them to global memory. If this is the problem, you can try to rearrange your code so your variables have more limited scope, or you can try to move some arrays to local memory (bearing in mind this is shared between work items in a group, and also limited in size). A good GPU profiler/code analysis tool should be able to tell you how much register pressure there is, so if you've got the kernel working on some hardware, you should be able to find out register pressure for that, and draw conclusions for other hardware too.
Code size itself. I didn't think this should be much of a problem anymore on modern GPUs, but it might be possible if you have truly gigantic kernels.


Limit GPU Memory in Julia using CuArrays

I'm fairly new to julia and I'm currently trying out some deep convolution networks with recurrent structures. I'm training the networks on a GPU using
CuArrays(CUDA Version 9.0).
Having two separate GPU's, I started two instances with different datasets.
Soon after some training both julia instances allocated all available Memory (2 x 11GB) and I couldn't even start another instance on my own using CuArrays (Memory allocation error). This became quite a problem, since this is running on a Server which is shared among many people.
I'm assuming that this is a normal behavior to use all available memory to train as fast as possible. But, under these circumstances I would like to limit the memory which can be allocated to run two instances at the same time and don't block me or other people from using the GPU.
To my surprise I found only very, very little information about this.
I'm aware of the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES Option but this does not help since I want to train simultaneously on both devices.
Another one suggested to call GC.gc() and CuArrays.clearpool()
The second call throws an unknown function error and seems not to be within the CuArray Package anymore. The first one I'm currently testing but not exactly what I need. Is there any possibilty to limit the allocation of RAM on a GPU using CuArrays and Julia?
Thanks in advance
My Batchsize is 100 and one batch should have less than 1MB...
There is currently no such functionality. I quickly whipped something up, see https://github.com/JuliaGPU/CuArrays.jl/pull/379, you can use it to define CUARRAYS_MEMORY_LIMIT and set it to an amount of bytes that the allocator will not go beyond. Note that this might significantly increase memory pressure, a situation for which the CuArrays.jl memory allocator is currently not optimized (though it is one of my top priorities for the Julia GPU infrastructure).

Changing the number of PE at run time in MPI

I was wondering if it is possible to change the number of PE's at run time in MPI fortran using Intel Compilers.
My problem is very specific and I would like to know if I can reduce the number of PE after I reach some point in my computation.
My case is as follow:
I have a code that crunches a lot of number. To solve huge problems I need around 128 PE's. But, when I finish my computation and I start printing the solution, the other 127 PE stay idle and this is a huge waste of resources.
Is it possible to "deallocate" those 127 PE's when I am done with my computation and I still printing the solution?
I do not think there is a straightforward way to achieve this.
A relatively simple option is to start your MPI app with one task, then MPI_Comm_spawn() 127 PEs, do your computation, terminates the 127 PEs and continue the serial part.
Generally speaking, such a 128 PE job is started via a resource manager, and imho, the real issue is whether the batch manager can support job shrink (iirc, SLURM does), and whether this is without any impact on MPI (this is a desired feature and PMIx has plans for that, but i have no idea whether SLURM supports this).
My best advice is to do things differently, and use MPI-IO to print your solution in parallel.

How to detect type unstable functions in Julia

Setup: Let's say I have a reasonably detailed piece of software (in Julia), involving the interaction of several modules. I feel like it is running slower than it should. Typically the first culprit to check for is type unstable functions, i.e. functions where the compiler is unable to determine ahead of time what the output type will be.
Question: How can I detect these type unstable functions?
What I currently do: I use the profiling tools, e.g. the ProfileView.jl package of #tholy, to detect bottlenecks, under the assumption that type unstable functions will show up here (due to their excessive run-time). But what would be really nice is some sort of debugging tool that, after a routine is run, will spit out a list of functions where the compiler was unable to determine the output type ahead of time. Is this possible?
You could try TypeCheck.jl on bits the profiler say are slow.
Julia 0.4 has #code_warntype as well.
In addition to the excellent suggestions of IainDunning, running julia with --track-allocation=user and analyzing the results with analyze_malloc from the Coverage package is a good way to quickly get a high-level overview. The principle is that type-instability triggers memory allocation, so looking for lines of code that have unexpected, large allocations is a good way to find the most egregious instances of type instability.
You can find more information about track-allocation in the manual, and even more performance-analysis options described.

Shipping reliable OpenCL applications - Tools/Techniques/Tips?

I want to ship OpenCL code that should work on all OpenCL 1.1 compatible GPUs. Rather than buying a bunch of GPUs and testing on them, are there any tools that can help ensure reliability?
If anyone has experience shipping OpenCL applications to a wide hardware base, I'd be interested in knowing about any other methods for testing reliability.
I've a bit of knowledge on this. Unfortunately, the answer is: depends on what the kernel is doing.
My biggest gripe is with NVIDIA and OpenCL, since they don't seem to support: vectors (float2, 4, etc) and global offsets. Kind of obnoxious. Intel and ATI are both solid, but even then vector sizes can differ. The above doesn't really matter if you are doing image convolution.
It matters if you want to run AMD FFT on an NVIDIA card, are doing matrix math, etc. To address the vector issue, you can write multiple kernels that each have a different vector size and call the right one: MatrixMult_float4(...).
You can check whether your code compiles by using the AMD KernelAnalyzer2, although this does need some component of the Catalyst drivers so it only works for me on PCs with AMD GPUs. There is also the Intel Kernel Builder, which works for devices with Intel OpenCL SDK support. Nvidia's implementation has bugs in it, especially on newer GPUs in my experience so there the best is to test one GPU from each generation.
To avoid extensions and validate CL language versions, one could try to test compile the code using the LLVM, or just getting the grammar for validation, e.g. as BNF.
There's a promising open source project, which probably contains useful stuff: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pocl/pocl/master/files/head:/lib/CL/
However, the problems I encountered were:
Newline characters caused build breakers on certain implementations (CR, LF, CRLF) in OpenCL source files. Specifying one of these as the only valid line ending would be just stupid. If one is editing source files on different platforms in conjunction with an SCM, it could get inconvenient. So I remove comments and clean up line breaks before compilation.
Performance: Feeding the GPU efficiently using multithreading; different hardware constellations have different bottlenecks. Here I needed a client side pipeline with multiple dispatcher threads. Of course, the amount of work that remains for the CPU depends on the task or capabilities, amount and resources of computing devices. Things that needed serialized execution or dynamic loop counts have been such candidates.

Just in Time compilation always faster?

Greetings to all the compiler designers here on Stack Overflow.
I am currently working on a project, which focuses on developing a new scripting language for use with high-performance computing. The source code is first compiled into a byte code representation. The byte code is then loaded by the runtime, which performs aggressive (and possibly time consuming) optimizations on it (which go much further, than what even most "ahead-of-time" compilers do, after all that's the whole point in the project). Keep in mind the result of this process is still byte code.
The byte code is then run on a virtual machine. Currently, this virtual machine is implemented using a straight-forward jump table and a message pump. The virtual machine runs over the byte code with a pointer, loads the instruction under the pointer, looks up an instruction handler in the jump table and jumps into it. The instruction handler carries out the appropriate actions and finally returns control to the message loop. The virtual machine's instruction pointer is incremented and the whole process starts over again. The performance I am able to achieve with this approach is actually quite amazing. Of course, the code of the actual instruction handlers is again fine-tuned by hand.
Now most "professional" run-time environments (like Java, .NET, etc.) use Just-in-Time compilation to translate the byte code into native code before execution. A VM using a JIT does usually have much better performance than a byte code interpreter. Now the question is, since all an interpreter basically does is load an instruction and look up a jump target in a jump table (remember the instruction handler itself is statically compiled into the interpreter, so it is already native code), will the use of Just-in-Time compilation result in a performance gain or will it actually degrade performance? I cannot really imagine the jump table of the interpreter to degrade performance that much to make up the time that was spent on compiling that code using a JITer. I understand that a JITer can perform additional optimization on the code, but in my case very aggressive optimization is already performed on the byte code level prior to execution. Do you think I could gain more speed by replacing the interpreter by a JIT compiler? If so, why?
I understand that implementing both approaches and benchmarking will provide the most accurate answer to this question, but it might not be worth the time if there is a clear-cut answer.
The answer lies in the ratio of single-byte-code-instruction complexity to jump table overheads. If you're modelling high level operations like large matrix multiplications, then a little overhead will be insignificant. If you're incrementing a single integer, then of course that's being dramatically impacted by the jump table. Overall, the balance will depend upon the nature of the more time-critical tasks the language is used for. If it's meant to be a general purpose language, then it's more useful for everything to have minimal overhead as you don't know what will be used in a tight loop. To quickly quantify the potential improvement, simply benchmark some nested loops doing some simple operations (but ones that can't be optimised away) versus an equivalent C or C++ program.
When you use an interpreter, the code cache in your processor caches the interpreter code; not the byte code (which may be cached in the data cache). Since code caches are 2 to 3 times faster than data caches, IIRC; you may see a performance boost if you JIT compile. Also, the native, real code you are executing is probably PIC; something which can be avoided for JITted code.
Everything else depends on how optimized the byte code is, IMHO.
JIT can theoretically optimize better, since it has information not available at compile time (especially about typical runtime behavior). So it can for example do better branch prediction, roll out loops as needed, et.c.
I am sure your jumptable approach is OK, but I still think it would perform rather poor compared to straight C code, don't you think?
