Does mongodb-stitch support push notification for ionic? - push-notification

I am following this tutorial in mongodb stitch.
However it looks like this one is for android app only. I am developing an ionic app using mongodb stitch. Do you think mongodb stitch supports push notification for my ionic 3 app?

Following your link reveals that MongoDB cloud services actually do not provide a complete standalone solution for push notifications. They suggest to setup Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for this and you can configure stitch to trigger a push notification via FCM. You would need to setup firebase (free tier) for that and stitch separately. I do not know if that scales well and is at the time of my answer a big downside of MongoDB services.
Yeah, they just provide an example via Android, but I think using it on client side is very straight forward. The most part is configuring the backends.
I hope that helps.


Device-to-device messages with FCM and XMPP

I'm setting up a React Native app to, essentially, send messages between devices (it's not a chat app in practice but technically that's what it's doing). I've decided to use Firebase and the RN Firebase library to manage this.
I've finally got my iPhone receiving notifications from the Firebase notification composer. But it's saying I need an XMPP server in order to send messages from devices.
I do see the example in the RN Firebase docs but I'm hoping to do this app severless, just using Firebase for messaging, db, what have you.
I'm going through docs on Firebase (searching their site for XMPP) but it's not quickly clear, so I'm posting here to see if anyone can point me to instructions to quickly set this up in Firebase itself without running my own server (or that someone would know whether it's possible).

Local notifications with Unity (Firebase?)

Is there an easy way to implement local notifications from the Unity client?
I'm using Firebase for handling our push notifications (which are sent from our server), but I was wondering if there is an easy way to support local notifications?
I found this question: Firebase local notifications
But it is specifically to iOS.
I was wondering if there is a solution for Unity (without the need to write some iOS and Android plugins) where I can schedule local notifications from the client side.
It seems that for iOS you can do it directly from Unity, without iOS native code (like presented here).
For Android, you can use an existing plugin, like this, or this

push notifications ionic 2 for android

I need to configure push notifications for an Ionic 2 application for android devices.
I read here that in order to do that you need to login to Firebase console, create a project and so on...
So my question is, do I really need to log into Firebase to do this? I'm not using firebase in my app, so I donĀ“t get why I need to create a project to get a SERVER_ID and SERVER_KEY. What if I delete that project in Firebase afterwards, then my push notifications will stop working?
Yes, you do need an account to use Firebase Cloud Messaging because you'll need a key to send pushs.
You need the key to use device-to-device push via HTTP and you need a project to send notifications to a group or topics.
I don't think that there's a way to use push without creating an account in any service.
You don't need a Firebase account.
You can use azure notifications hub or amazon aws or google cloud service, ionic cloud, etc.
Any cloud services that provides a notification hub which is basically a server for receiving and redistributing to the registered parties to the specific platforms.
Please note that some of these are specifically mobile oriented meaning you wont have to write any server side code and others aren't.

Push notifications: Why use Amazon SNS over Google's GCM/FCM?

I have created a mobile app for Android and iOS using Phonegap Build. Last year I had nearly finished writing code to use GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) for remote push notifications - which can go out via Apple's APNS too - but the project was shelved.
This year the project is resurrected and I find Google has changed everything to Firebase (FCM). I then read some enticing things about Amazon SNS handling notifications. Just when I started to think SNS might be a better option, I noticed you still have to set up GCM/FCM anyway, and pass all those details to SNS.
So is there any benefit to using SNS when I've got to do the full FCM setup as well?! Both services seem to offer the same features: interact with APNS if required, subscribe to topics, provide you with a nice API/SDK, etc. The app code, and the server-side code would be no simpler, as far as I can see. Why add another layer (SNS) on top of FCM?
(I'm trying not to let this be an opinion-based question: I want to know whether SNS is saving me any effort, giving me any advantage, or adding any features that FCM does not have.)
Just some thoughts.
If you are already using some mobile AWS SDK, then it's more convenient to use it for SNS too.
That also helps keep your app smaller.
And you're happier as a developer since API calls are somewhat unified.
If your backend is hosted on AWS infrastructure you can use IAM roles for EC2 instances (also Lambdas etc.) to make those call without access key/secret key.
You get metrics in your CloudWatch.
But Firebase Cloud Messaging is free :)
Let's answer a few questions first.
1.Do you want to develop, maintain and run the code to talk to GCM?
2.Do you wish to do the same for another platform (iOS, Kindle Fire), if you choose to develop your app for other mobile platforms.
3.Do you want to manage change of registration_id's by yourself?
4.Do you care if a notification is delivered to your users a few milliseconds later?
If you answered NO to any of the questions above, I recommend using SNS to deliver push notifications to iOS, Android and Kindle Fire devices.
SNS talks to GCM to deliver notifications to android devices. Here is what SNS can offer you.
Simple API to send notification to heterogeneous platforms.
Manages application registration_ids. As a developer you don't have to worry about change of registration_ids.
Scales really well. You don't have to worry about managing infrastructure if your app becomes super popular.
Can tolerate GCM downtime & throttling.

How to create a topic in Firebase using Ionic 2 rc.0?

I would like to subscribe to certain topics in Firebase for my Ionic 2 app, so I want to know how to create them in Ionic 2. An example code for demonstration would be great.Thanks in advance.
There is no direct way to subscribe to topics using the Firebase Cloud Messaging for Web API.
However, you can use the GCM REST API to subscribe to the topic as described here: GCM: How do you subscribe a device to a topic?. Last time I checked, these subscriptions made in this way were delivered to the device correctly.
Also see my answer here: Is it possible to broadcast messages in a production PWA using FCM for Web without having a dedicated XMPP server?
