I'm adding a onKeyTyped event to a textfield in javafx but the event keyCode won't equal the ENTER keyCode. I have tested that it registers the correct key typed.
public void button1Enter(KeyEvent event){
if(event.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER){
The code for KEY_TYPED events is always UNDEFINED. The only way to get info about the key is stored inside the character property. (On windows it contains "\r" but on a different OS it may contain "\n").
Alternatively you could want to use a EventHandler for the onAction event or use the KEY_RELEASED event.
I have a problem with Xamarin.Forms.EntryCell. I want to know how to trigger an event if the text of the EntryCell has changed. Not the event 'Completed', it is just triggered when I press Enter after inputting anything.
Label="User Id"
Obviously there is no event that is fired when the text is changed (see the docs). Anyway, this does not mean that you can't achieve what you want, by means of Text property. Since you are using the event I do not assume that you use MVVM (you should really give it a try, though), hence we'll have to create a property we will bind the EntryCell.Text to in your view (I'm assuming a view, but for a page it would be quite similar)
In your code behind add a property Text that calls HandleTextChanged from its setter:
class MyView : ContentView
string _text;
public string Text
get => _text;
_text = value;
private void HandleTextChange()
// do whatever you need to do
You can bind this property to EntryCell.Text from your XAML
Now MyView.Text will be set every time the text in your EntryCell changes.
Suppose a JavaFX CustomControl node that contains, say, two TextFields.
If any of these TextFields has the focus, then CustomControl.isFocused() should return true. If none of them has focus, then CustomControl.isFocused() should return false.
How do I do that?
As your CustomControl uses composition, you can delegate to the focus properties of each TextField. Given two instances,
private final TextField tf1 = new TextField("One");
private final TextField tf2 = new TextField("Two");
The implementation of an instance method isFocused() is then straightforward:
private boolean isFocused() {
return tf1.isFocused() | tf2.isFocused();
Add focus listeners as shown here to see the effect.
tf1.focusedProperty().addListener((Observable o) -> {
tf2.focusedProperty().addListener((Observable o) -> {
This can't be done. The whole problem is that isFocused() is final in Node.
It seems you wanted to override isFocused() in CustomControl, but that is not possible for a final method and it would violate the notion of a single component having focus. As CustomControl is a composite, you'll need to manage focus internally. You may want to use a custom FocusModel as seen in ListView.
Try one line solution:
public BooleanBinding aggregatedFocusProperty() {
return Bindings.or(field1.focusedProperty(), field2.focusedProperty());
Now on a client side you may listen this aggregated focus property.
A am using QComboBox derived class to show my items. My combo box is read only. But how can I catch the event when popup view of combo box closes?.For example, when user clicks a mouse button somewhere out of my combo box?
Thank you very much in advance.
What for do you want this event? If the QComboBox closes without selection nothing changed. The signals given will only be activated when a selection has been made.
If you insist on reading a "close-event", you could subclass focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*) or use an event handler for the focus out event and emit a custom signal. Eventually you want to have a boolean flag set on hadEditFocus() before, so you can see if the dropdown would be opened.
Eventually it would be easier to subclass and reimplement showPopup() and hidePopup() as:
void MyClass::showPopup()
emit signalPopupShown();
void MyClass::hidePopup()
emit signalPopupHidden();
but I am not sure if hidePopup() gets called on focus-loose.
I created a simple QListView added a QStringListModel that allow items to be added and their text edited. But I don't want to allow empty fields to be added and I partially achieved this by using the dataChanged signal from the model which is emitted if the list item loses focus without text inserted or the user presses the Enter key without adding text.
However if you press the Esc key, the field remains empty and no dataChanged signal is emitted. How can I get notified if the field was left empty without overloading the QListView class which would be tedious(I used the designer to create the form)?
Is there another signal that is emitted or method I can use to achieve that?
Use event filters in your main GUI class:
void GUI::GUI()
bool GUI::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
if (object == ui->mListView && event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(event);
if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
// special Esc handling here
return false;
It's simple to use your custom widgets in Qt Designer. Right click on the QListView and choose Promote to ... there add a new class and apply it to the widget.
I need to programmatically remove an alert.
This is why:
My application uses BrowserManager to enable deep linking based off of the content in the #hash part of the url. If an alert is currently up, and the user hits the back button, the application will revert back to its previous state. But the Alert will still be up, and in many cases irrelevant at that point.
So is there a way to programmatically remove the Alert? so when the hash fragment changes I can remove it.
It turns out the Alert.show function returns an Alert reference and then just uses PopUpManager to add it to the display list. so if you capture the return reference when you call Alert.show you can tell PopUpManager to remove it. :)
You can do this by keeping the Alert object as member data, and then setting its visible property to false when you're done with it. Next time you need to show an Alert, don't create a new one - grab the one you've already created and set its properties, then set visible to true again.
private var myAlert : Alert;
public void showAlert( message: String, title : String ) : void
myAlert = Alert.show( message, title, Alert.OK | Alert.NONMODAL );
public void hideAlert() : void
if( myAlert != null && myAlert.visible ) {
myAlert.visible = false;
I don't think that is possible.
You can create your own alert component subclassing TitleWindow and then use PopupManager to show/hide them.