Swap name and content of a (lookup) vector in an one liner / library function - r

In my code I use lookup tables quite often, for example to have more verbose versions of column names in a data frame. For instance:
lkp <- c(speed = "Speed in mph", dist = "Stopping Distance in ft")
makePlot <- function(x = names(cars)) {
x <- match.arg(x)
hist(cars[[x]], xlab = lkp[[x]])
Now it happens that I want to reverse the lookup vector [*], which is easily done by
setNames(names(lkp), lkp)
If lkp is a bit more complicated, this becomes quite a lot of typing:
setNames(names(c(firstLkp, secondLkp, thirdLkp, youGotTheIdea)),
c(firstLkp, secondLkp, thirdLkp, youGotTheIdea))
with a lot of redundant code. Of course I could create a temporary variable
fullLkp <- c(firstLkp, secondLkp, thirdLkp, youGotTheIdea)
setNames(names(fullLkp), fullLkp)
Or even write a simple function doing it for me
swap_names_content <- function(x) setNames(names(x), x)
However, since this seems to me to be such a common task, I was wondering whether there is already a function in one of the popular packages doing the same?
[*] A common use case for me is the use of shiny's selectInput for instance:
List of values to select from. If elements of the list are named, then that name rather than the value is displayed to the user.
That is, it is exactly the reverse of my typical lookup table.


Creating a simple for loop in R

I have a tibble called 'Volume' in which I store some data (10 columns - the first 2 columns are characters, 30 rows).
Now I want to calculate the relative Volume of every column that corresponds to Column 3 of my tibble.
My current solution looks like this:
rel.Volume_unmod = tibble(
"Volume_OD" = Volume[[3]] / Volume[[3]],
"Volume_Imp" = Volume[[4]] / Volume[[3]],
"Volume_OD_1" = Volume[[5]] / Volume[[3]],
"Volume_WS_1" = Volume[[6]] / Volume[[3]],
"Volume_OD_2" = Volume[[7]] / Volume[[3]],
"Volume_WS_2" = Volume[[8]] / Volume[[3]],
"Volume_OD_3" = Volume[[9]] / Volume[[3]],
"Volume_WS_3" = Volume[[10]] / Volume[[3]])
I would like to keep the tibble structure and the labels. I am sure there is a better solution for this, but I am relative new to R so I it's not obvious to me. What I tried is something like this, but I can't actually run this:
rel.Volume = NULL
for(i in Volume[,3:10]){
rel.Volume[i] = tibble(Volume = Volume[[i]] / Volume[[3]])
Mockup Data
Since you did not provide some data, I've followed the description you provided to create some mockup data. Here:
Volume <- data.frame(ID = sample(letters, 30, TRUE),
GR = sample(LETTERS, 30, TRUE))
Volume[3:10] <- rnorm(30*8)
Solution with Dplyr
# rename columns [brute force]
cols <- c("Volume_OD","Volume_Imp","Volume_OD_1","Volume_WS_1","Volume_OD_2","Volume_WS_2","Volume_OD_3","Volume_WS_3")
colnames(Volume)[3:10] <- cols
# divide by Volumn_OD
rel.Volume_unmod <- Volume %>%
mutate(across(all_of(cols), ~ . / Volume_OD))
# result
I don't know the names of your columns. Probably, the names correspond to the names of the columns you intended to create in rel.Volume_unmod. Anyhow, to avoid any problem I renamed the columns (kinda brutally). You can do it with dplyr::rename if you wan to.
There are many ways to select the columns you want to mutate. mutate is a verb from dplyr that allows you to create new columns or perform operations or functions on columns.
across is an adverb from dplyr. Let's simplify by saying that it's a function that allows you to perform a function over multiple columns. In this case I want to perform a division by Volum_OD.
~ is a tidyverse way to create anonymous functions. ~ . / Volum_OD is equivalent to function(x) x / Volumn_OD
all_of is necessary because in this specific case I'm providing across with a vector of characters. Without it, it will work anyway, but you will receive a warning because it's ambiguous and it may work incorrectly in same cases.
More info
Check out this book to learn more about data manipulation with tidyverse (which dplyr is part of).
Solution with Base-R
rel.Volume_unmod <- Volume
# rename columns
cols <- c("Volume_OD","Volume_Imp","Volume_OD_1","Volume_WS_1","Volume_OD_2","Volume_WS_2","Volume_OD_3","Volume_WS_3")
colnames(rel.Volume_unmod)[3:10] <- cols
# divide by columns 3
rel.Volume_unmod[3:10] <- lapply(rel.Volume_unmod[3:10], `/`, rel.Volume_unmod[3])
lapply is a base R function that allows you to apply a function to every item of a list or a "listable" object.
in this case rel.Volume_unmod is a listable object: a dataframe is just a list of vectors with the same length. Therefore, lapply takes one column [= one item] a time and applies a function.
the function is /. You usually see / used like this: A / B, but actually / is a Primitive function. You could write the same thing in this way:
`/`(A, B) # same as A / B
lapply can be provided with additional parameters that are passed directly to the function that is being applied over the list (in this case /). Therefore, we are writing rel.Volume_unmod[3] as additional parameter.
lapply always returns a list. But, since we are assigning the result of lapply to a "fraction of a dataframe", we will just edit the columns of the dataframe and, as a result, we will have a dataframe instead of a list. Let me rephrase in a more technical way. When you are assigning rel.Volume_unmod[3:10] <- lapply(...), you are not simply assigning a list to rel.Volume_unmod[3:10]. You are technically using this assigning function: [<-. This is a function that allows to edit the items in a list/vector/dataframe. Specifically, [<- allows you to assign new items without modifying the attributes of the list/vector/dataframe. As I said before, a dataframe is just a list with specific attributes. Then when you use [<- you modify the columns, but you leave the attributes (the class data.frame in this case) untouched. That's why the magic works.
Whithout a minimal working example it's hard to guess what the Variable Volume actually refers to. Apart from that there seems to be a problem with your for-loop:
for(i in Volume[,3:10]){
Assuming Volume refers to a data.frame or tibble, this causes the actual column-vectors with indices between 3 and 10 to be assigned to i successively. You can verify this by putting print(i) inside the loop. But inside the loop it seems like you actually want to use i as a variable containing just the index of the current column as a number (not the column itself):
rel.Volume[i] = tibble(Volume = Volume[[i]] / Volume[[3]])
Also, two brackets are usually used with lists, not data.frames or tibbles. (You can, however, do so, because data.frames are special cases of lists.)
Last but not least, initialising the variable rel.Volume with NULL will result in an error, when trying to reassign to that variable, since you haven't told R, what rel.Volume should be.
Try this, if you like (thanks #Edo for example data):
Volume <- data.frame(ID = sample(letters, 30, TRUE),
GR = sample(LETTERS, 30, TRUE),
Vol1 = rnorm(30),
Vol2 = rnorm(30),
Vol3 = rnorm(30))
rel.Volume <- Volume[1:2] # Assuming you want to keep the IDs.
# Your data.frame will need to have the correct number of rows here already.
for (i in 3:ncol(Volume)){ # ncol gives the total number of columns in data.frame
rel.Volume[i] = Volume[i]/Volume[3]
A more R-like approach would be to avoid using a for-loop altogether, since R's strength is implicit vectorization. These expressions will produce the same result without a loop:
# OK, this one messes up variable names...
rel.V.2 <- data.frame(sapply(X = Volume[3:5], FUN = function(x) x/Volume[3]))
rel.V.3 <- data.frame(Map(`/`, Volume[3:5], Volume[3]))
Since you said you were new to R, frankly I would recommend avoiding the Tidyverse-packages while you are still learing the basics. From my experience, in the long run you're better off learning base-R first and adding the "sugar" when you're more familiar with the core language. You can still learn to use Tidyverse-functions later (but then, why would anybody? ;-) ).

R: Passing list of assignment statements to be executed and assignment variables stored

Given some sample data for reference:
V12001,broken ego,2018-12-07 15:58:33
V12002,batt overheat,2018-10-11 22:33:51
V12003,batt overheat,2018-10-26 15:02:51
V12004,broken ego,2018-09-28 15:44:46
V12005,cognitive meltdown,2018-12-31 02:30:04
V12006,won't turn on,2018-12-14 02:05:41
V12007,won't turn on,2018-12-02 21:14:29
V12008,bad system board,2018-11-02 16:30:57
V12009,petulant child operator,2018-09-06 14:53:25
V12010,leaky pump,2018-11-05 14:41:48
V12011,leaky pump,2018-11-04 18:05:11
V12012,petulant child operator,2018-11-23 16:34:54
V12013,cognitive meltdown,2018-09-11 18:07:50
V12014,cognitive meltdown,2018-10-26 22:55:32
V12015,leaky pump,2018-09-19 14:05:29
V12016,no alarm,2018-11-05 23:44:08
V12017,petulant child operator,2018-12-18 14:02:34
V12018,leaky pump,2018-10-08 04:13:41
V12019,bad system board,2018-09-03 02:28:16
V12020,leaky pump,2018-11-10 07:10:50
I create a data.table called ts_vars from the above.
I then want to isolate the unique list of fail_types and get time-series event data based for each unique fail_type.
# get unique list
ft_list <- unique(ts_vars$fail_type)
# clean up unnecessary punctuation
ft_list <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", " ", ft_list)
The next thing I wish to do is create a list of expressions that can be executed row-by-row, and the assignments stored in memory as I will use them for plotting (yep, alot of them). I know, I know, I'm using a for loop, and apply/plyr'ish methods are better, but putting this out there as a quick/dirty MWE.
cmdvec <- function() {
for (i in (1:length(ft_list))) {
# name a variable, ts_var, with a numeric suffix
nam <- paste("ts_var",i, sep="")
# stitch together an assignment statement which will store a vector of
events by fail_type, allowing a separate plot for each
sub <- paste("subset(ts_vars,ts_vars$fail_type==",ft_list[i], sep="'", ")")
ts_cmd[i] <- paste(nam,sub,sep=" <- ")
# parse each statement to be evaluated and store in a vector for execution
ts_cmd2 <- as.vector(eval(parse(text = ts_cmd[i]), envir = new.env()))
# print(ts_cmd2)
As-is, nothing really happens. I see no results from execution nor new stored vectors (ts_var1 through ts_var187). If I substitute ts_cmd for print(ts_cmd), the statements are evaluated and I get results in the console, but none of the assignments are stored.
I've tried eval'ing the last statement, calling it (but I can't fathom what parameters I would add), converting the character list to expressions - but I'm missing some critical points here, and I think I've hit all docs in base R on this and picked some ideas from other tangential SO questions. I'm stumped now. In sum, I just can't seem to pass a simple list of statements as bona-fide commands to be processed one-by-one AND have the assignment variable be stored for downstream use (plots, other independent analyses, etc).
Any thoughts?

R: Logical from 2 vectors on pattern match

Trying to clean up some dirty data (for work), my data frame has a column for customer information (for our example lets say store and product) in a long weird string, as well as a column for store and a column for product. I can parse the store and the product from the string. Here is where I arrive at my problem.
let's say (consider these vectors part of a larger dataframe, appended with data$ if that helps, I was just working with them as vectors thinking it may speed up the code not having to pull the whole dataframe):
WeirdString <- c("fname: john; lname:smith; store:Amazon Inc.; product:Echo", "fname: cindy; lname:smith; store:BestBuy; product:Ps-4","fname: jon; lname:smith; store:WALMART; product:Pants")
so I parse this to be:
WS_Store <- c("Amazon Inc.", "BestBuy", "WALMART")
WS_Prod <- c("Echo", "Ps-4", "Pants")
What's in the tables (i.e. the non-parsed columns) is:
DB_Store <- c("Amazon", "BEST BUY", "Other")
DB_Prod <- c("ECHO", "PS4", "Jeans")
I currently am using a for loop to loop through i to grepl the "true" string from the parsed string. This takes forever, and I know R was designed to use vectorized code, So my question is, how do I eliminate the loop and use something like lapply (which I tried, and failed at, because I'm not savvy enough with lapply), or some other vectorized thing?
My current code:
for(i in 1:nrow(data)){ # could be i in length(DB_prod) or whatever, all vectors are the same length)
Diff_Store[i] <- !grepl(DB_Store[i], WS_Store[i], ignore.case=T)
Diff_Prod[i] <- !grepl(DB_Prod[i] , WS_Prod[i] , ignore.case=T)
I intend to append those columns back into the dataframe, as the true goal is to diagnose why the database has this problem.
If there's a better way than this, rather than trying to vectorize it, I'm open to it. The data in the DB_Store is restricted to a specific number of "stores" (in the table it comes from) but in the string, it seems to be open, which is why I use the DB as the pattern, not the x. Product is similar, but not as restricted, this is why some have dashes and some don't. I would love to match "close things" like Ps-4 vs. PS4, but I will probably just build a table of matches once I see how weird the string gets. To be true though, the string may not match, which is represented by the Pants/Jeans thing. The dataset is 2.5 million records, and there are many different "stores" and "products", and I do want to make sure they match on the same line, not "is it in the database" (which is what previous questions seem to ask, can I see if a string is in a list of strings, rather than a 1:1 comparison, and the last question did end in a loop, which takes minutes and hours to run)
Please check if this works for you:
check <- function(vec_a, vec_b){
mat <- cbind(vec_a, vec_b)
diff <- apply(mat, 1, function(x) !grepl(pattern = x[1], x = x[2], ignore.case = TRUE))
Use your different vectors for stores (or products) in the arguments vec_a and vec_b, respectively (example: diff_stores <- check(DB_Store, WS_Store) ). This function will return a logical vector with TRUE values referring to items that weren't a match in the two original vectors. Is this what you wanted?

R add to a list in a loop, using conditions

I have a data.frame dim = (200,500)
I want to do a shaprio.test on each column of my dataframe and append to a list. This is what I'm trying:
colstoremove <- list();
for (i in range(dim(I.df.nocov)[2])) {
x <- shapiro.test(I.df.nocov[1:200,i])
colstoremove[[i]] <- x[2]
However this is failing. Some pointers? (background is mainly python, not much of an R user)
Consider lapply() as any data frame passed into it runs operations on columns and the returned list will be equal to number of columns:
colstoremove <- lapply(I.df.noconv, function(col) shapiro.test(col)[2])
Here is what happens in
for (i in range(dim(I.df.nocov)[2]))
For the sake of example, I assume that I.df.nocov contains 100 rows and 5 columns.
dim(I.df.nocov) is the vector of I.df.nocov dimensions, i.e. c(100, 5)
dim(I.df.nocov)[2] is the 2nd dimension of I.df.nocov, i.e. 5
range(x)is a 2-element vector which contains minimal and maximal values of x. For example, range(c(4,10,1)) is c(1,10). So range(dim(I.df.nocov)[2]) is c(5,5).
Therefore, the loop iterate twice: first time with i=5, and second time also with i=5. Not surprising that it fails!
The problem is that R's function range and Python's function with the same name do completely different things. The equivalent of Python's range is called seq. For example, seq(5)=c(1,2,3,4,5), while seq(3,5)=c(3,4,5), and seq(1,10,2)=c(1,3,5,7,9). You may also write 1:n, it is the same as seq(n), and m:n is same as seq(m,n) (but the priority of ':' is very high, so 1:2*x is interpreted as (1:2)*x.
Generally, if something does not work in R, you should print the subexpressions from the innerwise to the outerwise. If some subexpression is too big to be printed, use str(x) (str means "structure"). And never assume that functions in Python and R are same! If there is a function with same name, it usually does a different thing.
On a side note, instead of dim(I.df.nocov)[2] you could just write ncol(I.df.nocov) (there is also a function nrow).

Porting set operations from R's data frames to data tables: How to identify duplicated rows?

[Update 1: As Matthew Dowle noted, I'm using data.table version 1.6.7 on R-Forge, not CRAN. You won't see the same behavior with an earlier version of data.table.]
As background: I am porting some little utility functions to do set operations on rows of a data frame or pairs of data frames (i.e. each row is an element in a set), e.g. unique - to create a set from a list, union, intersection, set difference, etc. These mimic Matlab's intersect(...,'rows'), setdiff(...,'rows'), etc., which don't appear to have counterparts in R (R's set operations are limited to vectors and lists, but not rows of matrices or data frames). Examples of these little functions are below. If this functionality for data frames already exists in some package or base R, I'm open to suggestions.
I have been migrating these to data tables and one necessary step in the current approach is to find duplicated rows. When duplicated() is executed an error is returned stating that data tables must have keys. This is an unfortunate roadblock - other than setting keys, which isn't a universal solution and adds to computational costs, is there some other way to find duplicated objects?
Here is a reproducible example:
x <- as.data.table(matrix(sample(2, 100, replace = TRUE), ncol = 4))
y <- as.data.table(matrix(sample(2, 100, replace = TRUE), ncol = 4))
res3 <- dt_intersect(x,y)
Yielding this error message:
Error in duplicated.data.table(z_rbind) : data table must have keys
The code works as-is for data frames, though I've named each function with the pattern dt_operation.
Is there some way to get around this issue? Setting keys only works for integers, which is a constraint I can't assume for the input data. So, perhaps I'm missing a clever way to use data tables?
Example set operation functions, where the elements of the sets are rows of data:
dt_unique <- function(x){
dt_union <- function(x,y){
z_rbind <- rbind(x,y)
z_unique <- dt_unique(z_rbind)
dt_intersect <- function(x,y){
zx <- dt_unique(x)
zy <- dt_unique(y)
z_rbind <- rbind(zy,zx)
ixDupe <- which(duplicated(z_rbind))
z <- z_rbind[ixDupe,]
dt_setdiff <- function(x,y){
zx <- dt_unique(x)
zy <- dt_unique(y)
z_rbind <- rbind(zy,zx)
ixRangeX <- (nrow(zy) + 1):nrow(z_rbind)
ixNotDupe <- which(!duplicated(z_rbind))
ixDiff <- intersect(ixNotDupe, ixRangeX)
diffX <- z_rbind[ixDiff,]
Note 1: One intended use for these helper functions is to find rows where key values in x are not among the key values in y. This way, I can find where NAs may appear when calculating x[y] or y[x]. Although this usage allows for setting of keys for the z_rbind object, I'd prefer not to constrain myself to just this use case.
Note 2: For related posts, here is a post on running unique on data frames, with excellent results for running it with the updated data.table package.
And this is an earlier post on running unique on data tables.
duplicated.data.table needs the same fix unique.data.table got [EDIT: Now done in v1.7.2]. Please raise another bug report: bug.report(package="data.table"). For the benefit of others watching, you're already using v1.6.7 from R-Forge, not 1.6.6 on CRAN.
But, on Note 1, there's a 'not join' idiom :
See also FR#1384 (New 'not' and 'whichna' arguments?) to make that easier for users, and that links to the keys that don't match thread which goes into more detail.
Update. Now in v1.8.3, not-join has been implemented.
DT[-DT["a",which=TRUE,nomatch=0],...] # old idiom
DT[!"a",...] # same result, now preferred.
