Hiding Bitmap Layers on Pebble Watchface - pebble-sdk

I've been building a pretty basic watch face that includes mute & bluetooth indicator icons. I've been trying to use layer_set_hidden() to hide the layers depending on the connection and mute state but I've run in to some trouble. The layer_set_hidden() command works in the init() function but not in main_window_load(). It causes the app to crash on load and nothing is visible. The logs are showing:
[ERROR] ault_handling.c:97: App fault! {77b4b888-5c9a-40b4-9dca-54f0eb498831} PC: 0x80a5204 LR: 0x441
I've been developing on CloudPebble and the Github is here. I've put in some obnoxious comments showing the 2 lines that are causing the crash as well as the layer_set_hidden() call in init() that works fine.
One other less critical issue is setting the background colour of a transparent png on a bitmap layer is not changing. I the default is black but I want my black icons to show up on a white background. Those outlines have also been outlined with big comments.
Any help would be appreciated!


Incorrect Ikonli icons displayed

I am having problems using the Ikonli icon packs. I am creating FontIcon objects and then using those to set the graphics on buttons. Icons taken from the FontAwesome5 pack work great. Icons taken from the Material2 pack seem to shift somehow - for example, I try to get mdal-6_ft_apart but what actually gets displayed is mdal-loyalty. And no matter which Icon I load from MaterialDesign2, all I see is an empty box.
I'm running this through Eclipse, and everything looks fine when stepping through with the debugger. This is the value of the button graphic:
ObjectProperty [bean: mdal-6_ft_apart:15:0xffffffff, name: iconCode, value: MDAL_6_FT_APART]
and yet, on the screen, it's something completely different.
This is a Maven project using OpenJDK 16 and JavaFX 16. I've tried loading just a single icon pack instead of all 3, but no difference. Also, there are never any errors retrieving the icons. The ServiceProviders are all found, and the icons are available.
I made a small Hello World program and everything runs fine, so it's definitely an issue with my program and not the library. But I have no idea what the problem is, and I've been staring at this for almost 2 hours. Has anyone come across this before? I'd appreciate any help, because I'm out of ideas.
Answering this myself in case it saves someone else some time. I was installing the Ikonli library in order to replace the FontAwesomeFX library that is no longer available. I had gotten partway through replacing the icons when I ran the app in order to check the progress, and that's when I saw the errors.
The problem turned out to be an interference between the two libraries - FontAwesomeFX was throwing of Ikonli. The icon shift didn't actually occur until the code displayed a FontAwesomeFX icon, which made it seem a little random depending on the order I would open the dialogs when testing. I'm assuming an issue with the Service Handlers, though I'm not positive because I stopped troubleshooting once I realized the problem and just finished the replacement.
Once I stopped displaying FontAwesomeFX icons and the dependency was removed, Ikonli worked fine.

Lines not showing up in osgEarth & Qt

I am attempting to use osgEarth in a Qt (5.12) application on Windows, and I am having some trouble with it showing lines - as in, they are simply not showing up.
Following some of the instructions to build osg, osgQt, and osgEarth here on Stack Overflow, I managed to get everything to build and run.
If I run the osgearth_windows with the annotation.earth file, it runs fine, and I see some shapes with borders, and a few lines on the globe.
If I run with my osgQt app, I see the shapes and labels, but no borders on shapes or separate lines.
I'm curious if anyone has experienced this previously, and if there are some settings I should be doing with Qt that will resolve this issue.
Similarly, if I try some of built osgEarth sample programs, such as the osgearth_features.exe, I will see the globe and yellow borders around every country. If I follow the code in there, (the way it creates a Map, then loads the basemap, then the FeatureSoureLayer, etc), I can see the globe, and labels in my Qt app, but still no lines.
Again, I have also had another at another Stack Overflow question (How to add osgEarth Features at runtime?) and tried the solution of adding a PolygonSymbol to the Map. I can see the green triangle, but do not see the border on it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Make sure you are calling this:
#include <osgEarth/GLUtils>
Where camera is the camera in the main view, or another node at the top of the scene graph.
The shader that renders lines needs some default uniform values to be initialized. This code does that.

Updating nodes on resizeable application in JavaFX

Im writing an application in Java/JavaFX 8 which allows me to scan barcodes and display various informations linked to that barcode.
My application works as expected and all the node that needs to get updated after a scan are getting updated without a problem.
The initial height and width of the app are 900x600px (min-values). My problem starts when i resize my application (make it bigger). After resizing the app / maximize it the nodes (progressbars, buttons, textareas, etc) that needs to be updated after a scan are blocked by a white rectangle and thus wont show the updates node anymore.
Example images:
It should looks like this:
But it looks like this:
The interessting part is, that the node still works e.g. buttons are still clickable, it just wont show.
As soon as i resize the app to its original size the problem disappears. I can also start the application maximized and the problem ist not there as long as i dont start resizing the app.
I tried to find any similar problems that could help me find my error but i was unable to do so.
Is this a bug in JaxaFX or am i missing something on my end?

Photoshop tvOS LSR extension gives error

We're trying to create a tvOS application icon for our new tvOS application. We've downloaded the necessary extensions and the example .psd. We've tried to generate a preview using the plugin but it keeps saying it's missing a background layer.
I've added the layer, named it background, and locked it, but the same error keeps popping up.
I haven't used the photoshop plugin, but what it probably means is that at least one layer has to be the right size (e.g. 400x240) and has to be opaque.
Also, for what it is worth, you don't need to create a separate layered image unless the layers are of a different size. You can just drag the individual layers directly into the assets.

DirectShow - order of adding filters causes image to look strange with Microsoft Lifecam Studio

I'm working on a video capture application using DirectShow and have noticed certain problems. In particular, with a Microsoft LifeCam Studio camera, the following strange situation occurs:
If the order of adding the capture filters is: video capture first, then audio (camera microphone), then the image from the camera gets a strong pinkish tint - looks like a black and white image run through a color transform to make it pink.
If I swap the order of adding the filters: audio (microphone) first, then video, then the problem goes away.
I've first noticed this in my application but have since verified that the same happens in Graph-Edit.
Is there any reasonable explanation for this phenomenon?
