In Z3Py, prove returns no counterexample - math

How can Z3 return a valid counterexample?
The following code
from z3 import *
x = Real('x')
f = ForAll(x, x * x > 0)
outputs counterexample [].
I don't have to use prove, but I want to find a valid counterexample to a formula like f in the example. How can I do it?

To get a model, you should really use check, and assert the negation of your formula in a solver context:
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
x = Real('x')
f = x * x > 0
# Add negation of our formula
# So, if it's not valid, we'll get a model
print s.check()
print s.model()
This produces:
[x = 0]


How to work with the result of the wild sympy

I have the following code:
s={q_ : x}
How to work with the result of the "wild"? How to not address the array, for example, s[0], s{0}?
Wild can be used when you have an expression which is the result of some complicated calculation, but you know it has to be of the form sin(something) times something else. Then s[q] will be the sympy expression for the "something". And s[p] for the "something else". This could be used to investigate both p and q. Or to further work with a simplified version of f, substituting p and q with new variables, especially if p and q would be complex expressions involving multiple variables.
Many more use cases are possible.
Here is an example:
from sympy import *
from import x, y, z
p = Wild('p')
q = Wild('q')
f = tan(x) * x**2
s = f.match(p*tan(q))
print(f'f is the tangent of "{s[q]}" multiplied by "{s[p]}"')
g = f.xreplace({s[q]: y, s[p]:z})
print(f'f rewritten in simplified form as a function of y and z: "{g}"')
h = s[p] * s[q]
print(f'a new function h, combining parts of f: "{h}"')
f is the tangent of "x" multiplied by "x**2"
f rewritten in simplified form as a function of y and z: "z*tan(y)"
a new function h, combining parts of f: "x**3"
If you're interested in all arguments from tan that appear in f written as a product, you might try:
from sympy import *
from import x
f = tan(x+2)*tan(x*x+1)*7*(x+1)*tan(1/x)
if f.func == Mul:
all_tan_args = [a.args[0] for a in f.args if a.func == tan]
# note: the [0] is needed because args give a tupple of arguments and
# in the case of tan you'ld want the first (there is only one)
elif f.func == tan:
all_tan_args = [f.args[0]]
all_tan_args = []
prod = 1
for a in all_tan_args:
prod *= a
print(f'All the tangent arguments are: {all_tan_args}')
print(f'Their product is: {prod}')
All the tangent arguments are: [1/x, x**2 + 1, x + 2]
Their product is: (x + 2)*(x**2 + 1)/x
Note that neither method would work for f = tan(x)**2. For that, you'ld need to write another match and decide whether you'ld want to take the same power of the arguments.

How do I raise a float to an exponent in OCaml?

I am trying to write a function that takes x and raises it to the power of n.
This code works if x and n are integers:
let rec pow x n =
if n == 0 then 1 else
if (n mod 2 = 0) then pow x (n/2) * pow x (n/2) else
x * pow x (n/2) * pow x (n/2);;
If I try to change the code to work if x is a float, it falls apart:
let rec float_pow x n =
if n == 0.0 then 1.0 else
if n mod_float 2.0 == 0.0 then float_pow x (n /. 2) *. float_pow x (n /. 2) else
x *. float_pow x (n /. 2) *. float_pow x (n /. 2);;
I get this error:
Error: This expression has type float
This is not a function; it cannot be applied.
What do I do?
The key problem, I think, is that mod is a keyword in OCaml, and is treated as an infix operator. But mod_float is just an ordinary function. You need to use it in prefix form.
So x mod n should be translated to mod_float x n.
You have another problem, which is that you're using the special-purpose == operator for equality comparison. You want to use = for equality comparisons in OCaml unless you need a "physical" comparison (which is not what you want here).
This isn't just stylistic--it really makes a difference. Note the following results:
# 0.0 == 0.0;;
- : bool = false
# 0.0 = 0.0;;
- : bool = true

"Syntax error" while writing OCaml function?

I am writing a function in OCaml to raise x to the power of y.
My code is:
#let rec pow x y =
if y == 0 then 1 else
if (y mod 2 = 0) then pow x y/2 * pow x y/2 else
x * pow x y/2 * pow x y/2;;
When I try to execute it, I get an error for syntax in line one, but it doesn't tell me what it is.
When you wrote the code, did you type the #? The # is just a character that the OCaml REPL outputs to prompt for input; it is not part of the code. You should not type it.
Here are some other errors that you should fix:
== is physical equality in OCaml. = is structural equality. Although both work the same for unboxed types (such as int), it's better practice to do y = 0. Note that you use =, the recommended equality, in the expression y mod 2 = 0.
You need parentheses around y/2. pow x y/2 parses as (pow x y) / 2, but you want pow x (y / 2).

Symbolic math in sage: (a * x * y + z).subs(x + y == b)

Given a simple term a * x * y + b, I would like to substitute sub-terms, such as x * y by a placeholder c. I do this the following way
sage: a,b,c,x,y = var('a,b,c,x,y')
sage: expr = a * x * y + c
sage: expr.subs(x * y == b)
From that, I would expect expr to be a * b + c. Instead, it remains
the same. The result is:
a*x*y + c
I've come across the wild function, but it has not become clear to me
what it actually does.
I now use sympy in Python 3.6 rather than Sage, but this should be similar. Let me know if the translation to Sage doesn't work well.
The subs method does not change its object; it returns the expression after substitution, but you have to store the result. Your line expr.subs(x * y == b) may show the result but that result is then thrown away since you did not store it into any variable.
from sympy import symbols
a,b,c,x,y = symbols('a,b,c,x,y')
expr = a * x * y + c
newexpr = expr.subs(x*y, b)
The resulting printout is as you expect:
a*b + c
For confirmation of how subs() works in Sage, find subs( in this Sage documentation page and note the phrase "The polynomial itself is not affected."

Constrained Regression in R

I'm using the R type-provider from F# to access some regression related R functionality. I would like to estimate a regression when there is a constraint on the regression coefficients, so that their weighted average is 0. The weights sum to 1. The below example is simplified as I have dozens of coefficients, with varying weights, I only show the R code below:
y1 <- runif(n = 50,min = 0.02,max=0.05)
y2 <- runif(n=50,min=0.01,max=0.03)
y <- c(x1,x2)
x1 <- c(rep(0,50),rep(1,50))
x2 <- c(rep(1,50),rep(0,50))
This gives the output of
> lm(y~x1+x2)
lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2)
(Intercept) x1 x2
0.03468 -0.01460 NA
as expected. However I would like to place a constraint on x1 and x2, so their weighted average is (0.5 * x1 + 0.5 * x2) = 0. In that case the intercept becomes mean(y) = 0.02737966 and the x1 and x2 coefficients will show the offset from this value (-0.006 and +0.007 respectively). It seems the packages quadprog and mgcvare applicable however I wasn't able to apply the constraints.
Maybe not exactly an answer to your question, since it asks for doing the optimization in R. But maybe the following helps. It uses the NLopt library anyway which I think is what R uses? Let me know if you need help in formulating the MLE but for a linear model with gaussian assumptions and no endogeneity it should be straightforward enough.
Note that even though LN_COBYLA doesn't use user supplied gradients, the match with pattern in cFunc and oFunc ignores it. I tried with LD_LBFGS but that doesn't support AddEqualZeroConstraint().
Adding complete example you can use as template. Its not idiomatic, and quite ugly, but illustrates the point. However, in this example, the constraints will cause this to degenerate. You need NLOptNet, MathNet.Numerics, Fsharp Charting. Maybe it helps other people looking to do constrained optimization in F#.
open System
open System.IO
open FSharp.Core.Operators
open MathNet.Numerics
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double
open MathNet.Numerics.Distributions
open DiffSharp.Numerical.Float64
open NLoptNet
let (.*) (m1 : Matrix<float>) (m2 : Matrix<float>) =
let (.+) (m1 : Matrix<float>) (m2 : Matrix<float>) =
let (.-) (m1 : Matrix<float>) (m2 : Matrix<float>) =
let V = matrix [[1.; 0.5; 0.2]
[0.5; 1.; 0.]
[0.2; 0.; 1.]]
let dat = (DenseMatrix.init 200 3 ( fun i j -> Normal.Sample(0., 1.) )) .* V.Cholesky().Factor
let y = DenseMatrix.init 200 1 (fun i j -> 0.)
let x0 = DenseMatrix.init 200 1 (fun i j -> 0.)
let x1 = DenseMatrix.init 200 1 (fun i j -> 0.)
for i in 0 .. 199 do
y.[i, 0] <- dat.[i, 0]
x0.[i, 0] <- dat.[i, 1]
x1.[i, 0] <- dat.[i, 2]
let ll (th : float array) =
let t1 = x0.Multiply(th.[0]) .+ x1.Multiply(th.[1])
let res = (y .- t1).PointwisePower(2.)
res.ColumnAbsoluteSums().Sum() / 200.
let oFunc (th : float array) (gradvec : float array) =
match gradvec with
| null -> ()
| _ -> (grad ll th).CopyTo(gradvec, 0)
ll th
let cFunc (th : float array) (gradvec : float array) =
match gradvec with
| null -> ()
| _ -> (grad ll th).CopyTo(gradvec, 0)
th.[0] + th.[1]
let fitFunc () =
let solver = new NLoptSolver(NLoptAlgorithm.LN_COBYLA, uint32(2), 1e-7, 100000)
solver.SetLowerBounds([|-10.; -10.;|])
solver.SetUpperBounds([|10.; 10.;|])
let initialValues = [|1.; 2.;|]
let objReached, finalScore = solver.Optimize(initialValues)
objReached |> printfn "%A"
let fittedParams = initialValues
fittedParams |> printfn "%A"
let fittedParams = fitFunc() |> DenseVector
let yh = DenseMatrix.init 200 1 (fun i j -> 0.)
for i in 0 .. 199 do
yh.[i, 0] <- dat.[i, 1] * fittedParams.[0] + dat.[i, 2] * fittedParams.[1]
Chart.Combine([Chart.Line(y.Column(0), Name="y")
Chart.Line(yh.Column(0), Name="yh")
|> Chart.WithLegend(Title="Model", Enabled=true)] )
|> Chart.Show
