What's the proper way of setting up MvvmCross 6.0 Xamarin.Forms UWP application code? - xamarin.forms

I have my UWP Application inherited from Base class, which inherits from MvxApplication<Setup, CoreApp>:
public sealed partial class App : WindowsApplication
public App()
public class WindowsApplication : MvxApplication<Setup, CoreApp>
public class Setup : MvxWindowsSetup<CoreApp>
public override IEnumerable<Assembly> GetViewAssemblies()
// need to do this as otherwise I receive the message that corresponding view to view model is not found
var assemblies = base.GetViewAssemblies().ToList();
return assemblies;
However, when launching it, receiving the following error message:
The type MvxContentPagePresentationAttribute is not configured in the
presenter dictionary
As I understand, all that is not proper way to launch Xamarin.Forms MvvmCross application, as UWP App and Setup should be inherited from something like MvxFormsApplication and MvxFormsWindowsSetup<CoreApp, Forms.App> respectively (to have Xamarin.Forms app properly initialized).
MvxFormsApplication is not generic and doesn't provide ability of passing Forms-generic setup.
even if I inherit the App from MvxFormsApplication and use this.RegisterSetupType<MvxFormsWindowsSetupInheritor>();, Visual Studio compiler never allows me to compile the project because of some weird error message (something like The name “WindowsApplication” does not exist in the namespace “…”) (this might be some issue of Visual Studio, but I have VS 15.7 version, which expects the code to work (again, MvvmCross declares they support UWP and XF)).
So, from my understanding, if there is Xamarin.Forms app, there must be also some way of passing actually Xamarin.Forms App class to the UWP App class initialization.
MvvmCross, again, stands for UWP and Xamarin.Forms support, but I can't see any clear example of the way to setup such type of application.
MvvmCross documentation as always is quite "modest". There are some instructions about setting up MvvmCross UWP app as well as setting up MvvmCross XF iOS/Android, but the only word about MvvmCross XF UWP is:
You are now free to place your custom renderers in a different
assembly. All you have to do to make it work is to add your assembly
to the Setup.ViewAssemblies collection.
(in official website docs)
(which is still sounds weird, as iOS and Android versions don't need that additional code, which makes me think that such (current) documentation isn't quite actualized)
Extend App from MvxApplication. ( App : MvxApplication { } )
from MvvmCross.Forms package readme.txt file, when all other platforms, again, expect inheritance for the app classes from MvxForms*-based ones.
MvvmCross guys, any thoughts on that?

When I set up a new Xamarin.Forms project, I always follow the Playground sample in the MvvmCross GitHub as this example evolves along with the API and is always up-to-date, as it is part of the MvvmCross solution, so any commits need to preserve its functionality. So if you want to see how everything should look in a minimal UWP + Xamarin.Forms project see the Playground.Forms.UI and Playground.Forms.Uwp projects in the linked folder.


Can't get Prism 8 with DryIoc RegisterServices and Platform-Specific support to work

Trying to use Prism 8, ContainerLocator, IHttpClientFactory and Platform-Specific Service registration with DryIoc Extensions (not Magician) in a Xamarin Forms application
I have these nuget packages installed
My main Xamarin Application inherits from PrismApplicationBase.
In platform code (eg Android) I have IPlatformInitializer implented by MainActivity and for platform-specific services I use:
LoadApplication(new App(this));
as documented here:
This line causes the IContainerExtension to be resolved in the shared code
protected override IContainerExtension CreateContainerExtension()
...but I can't find a way to successfully return a valid IContainerExtension implementation.
I've attempted:
var createContainerExtension = () => new DryIocContainerExtension();
But the code given here can't even compile - the DryIocContainerExtension class created is defined INTERNAL and isn't available to my application code.
If I use...
return ContainerLocator.Current;
...as worked previously (eg Prism 7.2) I get a runtime error as described here:
ValueFactory attempted to access the Value property of this instance.
Please can someone advise what I'm doing wrong, or do I have to get my company to pay for Magician to resolve my issue?

What does "public App() : this(null) { }" do when using Xamarin Forms with Prism

So I was jsut wondering why in the Prism Doc and VS template this line is included in the App Class.
public App() : this(null) { }
Since today I commented it out and the App still started without any issues in both iOs and Android.
Best Regards
If you don't need/want an IPlatformInitializer, it's fine to pass null, and the default implementation does so.
I guess the code is in there to remind you that you could pass an IPlatformInitializer if you needed/wanted to.
"With Xamarin.Forms you may have read how you can add the Dependency attribute for an impelementing type in your Platform Specific code and then resolve it with the Xamarin.Forms DependencyService. This is considered a major Anti-Pattern that should be avoided when you are using a proper Dependency Injection container. It is for this reason that Prism has dropped all support for working with the DependencyService as of Prism 7.0. Starting with Prism 6.3 the IPlatformInitializer was introduced. This allows you to easily register types with Prism's container."

Can't Resolve Platform Effect in Xamarin Forms component

I am having issues with Platform Effects in Xamarin Forms. These effects worked in a shared library format, and we are now migrating to .NET Standard 2.0 for reasons outside of the scope of this post.
Project Setup
VS 2017 15.8.0
Xamarin Forms
Two .Net Standard 2.0 projects (one is for components, the other for the main UI)
Two Android projects (one that runs, the other is an Android .dll)
Two iOS projects (same deal)
Main Issue
None of my platform effects in the Android .dll work. They all resolve as null effect.
According to the documentation, my setup is correct. (Documentation here)
I found two different issues and have hit a brick wall.
When I follow the instructions exactly and place [assembly: ResolutionGroupName("MyGroupName")] on the platform renderer itself, I get exceptions with Xamarin's dependency resolver. There is no message, just an exception and stack trace that leads back to the constructor of the RoutingEffect.
When I use a slightly different pattern and register that on the namespace of an empty file in my .NET Standard 2.0 project, all effects return as null effect.
I've been Googling and digging through forums to no avail. Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem?
Side notes: All of the custom renderers work after using the static Init() trick, but not the effects. I have also tried making the typeof() statement reference both the Android version of the class and the .NET Standard 2.0 version of the class.
For the sake of completeness, here's what I have going.
NET Standard 2.0:
namespace MyBaseNamespace.Components.Effects
public class SearchBarStylingEffect : RoutingEffect
public SearchBarStylingEffect() : base("MyGroupName.SearchBarStylingEffect")
[assembly: ResolutionGroupName("MyGroupName")]
[assembly: ExportEffect(typeof(SearchBarStylingEffect), "SearchBarStylingEffect")]
namespace MyBaseNamespace.Components.Android.Renderers.Effects
public class SearchBarStylingEffect : PlatformEffect
(iOS is the same as Android, only the namespace is different)
I also posted this on Xamarin's forums, and Billy Liu from Xamarin asked a question that ultimately led me down the right path. I'll link to that here and also post what fixed it.
link: Xamarin Forms Post
Here's the resolution from that post:
In short, I had to do the following things to get this functional
(which it now is):
Ensure that the GroupNameResolution tag was on the first Effect ever initialized in the app.
Remove the empty file initializer from my .Net 2.0 project.

Xamarin Forms Prism Can't access PCL classes from android project

I'm using Xamarin Forms Prism and I can't use my PCL classes in android project.
common example :
here is the Interface in PCL
namespace BlankApp.Helpers
public interface IToast
void MakeLongToast(string msg);
and here is the class in android project
namespace BlankApp2.Droid.DependencyService
public class ToastImp : IToast
it can not find IToast Interface reference !
there is a suggest from IDE with this msg : "Reference 'projectname-WebAppMAinModule' and use 'projectname.Helpers.IToast' "
which does nothing actually !
I don't have these kind of problems in XamarinForms I face theme while using Prism . Do I forget something in referencing my PCL ?
I'm using
Prism.Forms (
Xamarin.Forms (
also there are my project dependencies
You should be able to implement PCL interfaces and use its classes, etc. in your platform specific code (Android included).
Use the following steps:
Make sure your Android project is referencing your PCL.
Delete your Android obj & bin folders.
Recompile your PCL
After recompiling your PCL, recompile your Android project
See if it recognizes your interface now.
If the above doesn't work, then as one last option is:
Close the solution
Re-open the solution
Both of these typically work when your project won't recognize a newly created Interface.

MvvmCross - how do I access SQLite in a windows store background task?

I have a store app that uses the mvvmcross sqlite plugin (community edition). This app has a periodic background task that accesses the database to get data to be shown in a live tile. I can't see how I can get access to this database from the background task. I would like to use the mvvmcross sqlite plugin in the background task, but I don't see how to initialize the mvvmcross environment properly.
If you want to initialize the full MvvmCross framework including all of your app, then you'll need to run your Setup class.
In WinRT, this could be as simple as calling:
var setup = new Setup(null /*rootFrame*/);
although it may require you to do a little work to:
Make sure your presenter does not use the null rootFrame
Provide some other means to create a UI thread dispatcher - currently MvxStoreViewDispatcher relies on .Dispatcher access - see https://github.com/MvvmCross/MvvmCross/blob/v3.1/Cirrious/Cirrious.MvvmCross.WindowsStore/Views/MvxStoreViewDispatcher.cs - to do this, you could override InitializeViewDispatcher with something like:
protected override void InitializeViewDispatcher()
if (_rootFrame != null)
base.InitializeViewDispatcher(); return;
var dispatcher = new NonMainThreadDispatcher();
public class NonMainThreadDispatcher : MvxMainThreadDispatcher
public bool RequestMainThreadAction(Action action)
If you want to initialize less functionality than the entire framework (e.g. for memory reasons) then you can also consider creating special Setup and App classes just for your background task.
Aside> This is similar to questions like these in Android - Using MvvmCross from content providers and activities and MvvmCross initialization
I was able to solve the problem in a straightforward way. Since the background task only needed the SQLite data service from the PCL core project, I did the following:
Included a reference to the Core project.
Added the nuget packages for MvvmCross and the SQLite community plugin.
Deleted all of the files and folders added when doing the mvvmcross install: Bootstrap/, Todo-Mvvmcross/, Views/, DebugTrace.cs, and Setup.cs.
There is a current limitation in the nuget installer that requires some additional edits to the project file to handle multiple store platforms (x86, ARM, and x64), see 'Cirrius.Mvvmcross.Community.Plugins.SQLite.WindowsStore needs platform-specific dlls for X86 and ARM' on Stack Overflow for details. Make sure you put the Choose statement after the default SQLite.WindowsStore reference and you need to leave the default reference in the project file. You will also need to adjust the HintPath based on the location/names of your references.
Initialized the SQLite data service by explicitly calling the factory and creating a new instance of the data service:
var factory = new MvxStoreSQLiteConnectionFactory();
IMyDataService repository = new MyDataService(factory);
I then have access to the data service with no other overhead associated with mvvmcross.
