MvvmCross - how do I access SQLite in a windows store background task? - sqlite

I have a store app that uses the mvvmcross sqlite plugin (community edition). This app has a periodic background task that accesses the database to get data to be shown in a live tile. I can't see how I can get access to this database from the background task. I would like to use the mvvmcross sqlite plugin in the background task, but I don't see how to initialize the mvvmcross environment properly.

If you want to initialize the full MvvmCross framework including all of your app, then you'll need to run your Setup class.
In WinRT, this could be as simple as calling:
var setup = new Setup(null /*rootFrame*/);
although it may require you to do a little work to:
Make sure your presenter does not use the null rootFrame
Provide some other means to create a UI thread dispatcher - currently MvxStoreViewDispatcher relies on .Dispatcher access - see - to do this, you could override InitializeViewDispatcher with something like:
protected override void InitializeViewDispatcher()
if (_rootFrame != null)
base.InitializeViewDispatcher(); return;
var dispatcher = new NonMainThreadDispatcher();
public class NonMainThreadDispatcher : MvxMainThreadDispatcher
public bool RequestMainThreadAction(Action action)
If you want to initialize less functionality than the entire framework (e.g. for memory reasons) then you can also consider creating special Setup and App classes just for your background task.
Aside> This is similar to questions like these in Android - Using MvvmCross from content providers and activities and MvvmCross initialization

I was able to solve the problem in a straightforward way. Since the background task only needed the SQLite data service from the PCL core project, I did the following:
Included a reference to the Core project.
Added the nuget packages for MvvmCross and the SQLite community plugin.
Deleted all of the files and folders added when doing the mvvmcross install: Bootstrap/, Todo-Mvvmcross/, Views/, DebugTrace.cs, and Setup.cs.
There is a current limitation in the nuget installer that requires some additional edits to the project file to handle multiple store platforms (x86, ARM, and x64), see 'Cirrius.Mvvmcross.Community.Plugins.SQLite.WindowsStore needs platform-specific dlls for X86 and ARM' on Stack Overflow for details. Make sure you put the Choose statement after the default SQLite.WindowsStore reference and you need to leave the default reference in the project file. You will also need to adjust the HintPath based on the location/names of your references.
Initialized the SQLite data service by explicitly calling the factory and creating a new instance of the data service:
var factory = new MvxStoreSQLiteConnectionFactory();
IMyDataService repository = new MyDataService(factory);
I then have access to the data service with no other overhead associated with mvvmcross.


How to add AOT objects by x++ code on D365 FO

I have a question about adding AOT objects by X++ Code on D365 FO.
The goal, is to automate creation of security duty, via x++ code, instead of doing it manually
I'm trying actually with the Following code,
public static void main (Args _args)
str objectName = 'MySpecTable' ;
TreeNode nodePath = TreeNode::findNode(#TablesPath);
TreeNode nodePath1;
nodePath1 = nodePath.AOTfindChild(objectName);
info("Sec privilege well added");
info("Table well added");
But i receive the Following error,
is there any way to achieve this be able adding them via code.
This is not possible anymore as, compared with previous AX versions, where code and metadata was dynamically interpreted in runtime, F&O executes only pre-compiled assemblies (like any other .NET application). Same way you can't create a C# class on a running .NET assembly, you can't do it either in Finance and Operations application.
Required Security artifacts must be properly created in Visual Studio, compiled and deployed to the runtime environment (UAT, PROD or whatever), and then the security configuration itself (linking these artifacts between them or with users) is now stored in the database, so it can be done directly in the Security setup forms. It can also be exported and imported with Data entities within the standard form.
What you can do is create a Visual Studio extension to automatically create such objects, so then they can be compiled and deployed correctly.

SQLite no longer seems to work on xamarin android

We have a Xamarin.Forms project that needed to use the sqlite local db to store date. EF Core's sqlite library was used to set this up and by different developers from different PCs (vs 2019). Initially, it was used with the Database.EnsureCreated() function and later with ef core's migrations. All went smooth for more than a month.
Last week all of a sudden the android app wouldn't start on any one's PC due to some error with sqlite. It showed the following error:
Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR)
I spent a while trying all kinds of fixes and rollbacks thinking it was an issue with the code. This included the following:
Deleted obj and bin folders, cleaned and rebuilt for all below steps.
Downgraded the version of ef to 2.2.3 (the version we started with)
Rolled back to git commits up to a week back
Upgraded the versions of dependencies of ef core
Removed the past few migrations
Downgraded xamarin forms to 3.6.x
After trying the above and several other fixes, finally upgrading the versions of java and android SDK worked last Friday (on all PCs). Once this fix worked everything went smooth that day. On Tuesday once again the issue was back (no library updates or code changes). A deeper look at EF Cores logging shows that it crashes the moment it attempts to connect to a db.
The issue can be replicated on the android devices but not the emulators. I am not sure if there is some new permission in android we need to request for.
I finally created a new xamarin forms project with sqlite setup. I used the pcl library and ef core. I still found the same error.
Here is the git hub that replicates the issue
Just something i noticed. eariler my database file was named "main.db". Now no matter what i change this file name to or no matter what variables i change. it always shows database name as "main" in logs. Not sure if changing the db name would fix the issue. However, never found a way to change this db name. I tried different connection strings, it just said "database" and "db" were unknown keys
Steps to replicate:
using (var db = new AppDbContext())
db.Add(new Person {
Age = 55,
Name = "Neville"
Person[] alldata = db.People.ToArray();
The definitions of Person and AppDbContext are quite obvious. So, with the spirit of not making the question too long, I am not posting it here. However, if required I can post them too.
This is a bug with the Xamarin.Forms and Mono.
It was detected since a couple of months ago, it was fixed but then there was some regression (with VS 2019 v16.1).
Even with the latest release (v16.1.2) the bug still happens, so we need to wait for a fix.
Due to slight differences of the particular file systems on the native side, I would suggest creating an interface to handle the actual database file handling on the native application level.
So here is how I implemented SQLite using the nuget package SQLite.Net-PCL:
In the shared project, create a new interface, for instance FileHandler.cs
public interface IFileHandler
SQLite.SQLiteConnection GetDbConnection();
You may want to extend that with more methods to save or retrieve various files, but for now we will just have the GetDbConnection Method to retrieve a working SQLite Connection.
Now in your Android implementation, we add the native implementation to that interface:
Create a new class called FileHandler.cs in your android project:
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(FileHandler))]
namespace YourProjectName.Droid
public class FileHandler : IFileHandler
public SQLite.SQLiteConnection GetDbConnection()
string sqliteFilename = "YourDbName.db3";
string path = Path.Combine(GetPersonalPath(), sqliteFilename);
SQLiteConnectionString connStr = new SQLiteConnectionString(path, true);
SQLiteConnectionWithLock connection = new SQLiteConnectionWithLock(connStr, SQLiteOpenFlags.Create | SQLiteOpenFlags.ReadWrite | SQLiteOpenFlags.NoMutex);
return connection;
private string GetPersonalPath()
return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
Now back again in your shared code you can access that connection with the following code:
using (SQLiteConnection connection = DependencyService.Get<IFileHandler>().GetDbConnection())
// Do whatever you want to do with the database connection
Alright mate, I don't understand what issue you are facing. It might be an issue with your machine, I'd suggest using another computer/laptop.
I took the exact code that you shared on the Github. I was able to build it on my Mac computer in VS 2019 and installed the application in debug mode on my phone. I was able to add a date successfully, as you can see in the picture, and I placed an Exception Catchpoint and faced no exceptions.
I then proceeded to add another entry with the same details and it errored out with the message that you can see here
I would also suggest using Xamarin Profiler or any other Android logger to see the Stack Trace that you aren't able to see in your application output. It will give you details of the error, that you can share here for us to understand better.

What's the proper way of setting up MvvmCross 6.0 Xamarin.Forms UWP application code?

I have my UWP Application inherited from Base class, which inherits from MvxApplication<Setup, CoreApp>:
public sealed partial class App : WindowsApplication
public App()
public class WindowsApplication : MvxApplication<Setup, CoreApp>
public class Setup : MvxWindowsSetup<CoreApp>
public override IEnumerable<Assembly> GetViewAssemblies()
// need to do this as otherwise I receive the message that corresponding view to view model is not found
var assemblies = base.GetViewAssemblies().ToList();
return assemblies;
However, when launching it, receiving the following error message:
The type MvxContentPagePresentationAttribute is not configured in the
presenter dictionary
As I understand, all that is not proper way to launch Xamarin.Forms MvvmCross application, as UWP App and Setup should be inherited from something like MvxFormsApplication and MvxFormsWindowsSetup<CoreApp, Forms.App> respectively (to have Xamarin.Forms app properly initialized).
MvxFormsApplication is not generic and doesn't provide ability of passing Forms-generic setup.
even if I inherit the App from MvxFormsApplication and use this.RegisterSetupType<MvxFormsWindowsSetupInheritor>();, Visual Studio compiler never allows me to compile the project because of some weird error message (something like The name “WindowsApplication” does not exist in the namespace “…”) (this might be some issue of Visual Studio, but I have VS 15.7 version, which expects the code to work (again, MvvmCross declares they support UWP and XF)).
So, from my understanding, if there is Xamarin.Forms app, there must be also some way of passing actually Xamarin.Forms App class to the UWP App class initialization.
MvvmCross, again, stands for UWP and Xamarin.Forms support, but I can't see any clear example of the way to setup such type of application.
MvvmCross documentation as always is quite "modest". There are some instructions about setting up MvvmCross UWP app as well as setting up MvvmCross XF iOS/Android, but the only word about MvvmCross XF UWP is:
You are now free to place your custom renderers in a different
assembly. All you have to do to make it work is to add your assembly
to the Setup.ViewAssemblies collection.
(in official website docs)
(which is still sounds weird, as iOS and Android versions don't need that additional code, which makes me think that such (current) documentation isn't quite actualized)
Extend App from MvxApplication. ( App : MvxApplication { } )
from MvvmCross.Forms package readme.txt file, when all other platforms, again, expect inheritance for the app classes from MvxForms*-based ones.
MvvmCross guys, any thoughts on that?
When I set up a new Xamarin.Forms project, I always follow the Playground sample in the MvvmCross GitHub as this example evolves along with the API and is always up-to-date, as it is part of the MvvmCross solution, so any commits need to preserve its functionality. So if you want to see how everything should look in a minimal UWP + Xamarin.Forms project see the Playground.Forms.UI and Playground.Forms.Uwp projects in the linked folder.

How to access public download folder in every platform in Xamarin.Forms

I need to create a backup service so I intend to save the SQLite database file on each platform. The saved file should be available after the uninstall of the app.
I intend to use the Downloads folder (which should be available on every platform).
I have created an interface and use the following code per platform:
public interface IBackupService
string GetDownloadPath();
public string GetDownloadPath()
return Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads;
public string GetDownloadPath()
return Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.???????;
What should I do about that? Is there a public library that I could use?
There does not seem to be a general downloads folder as per this documentation on KnownFolders. So your assumption on the Downloads folder being on every platform doesn't seem to be correct.
If we dive in a bit further we get to the DocumentsLibrary which seems the obvious choice for this kind of purpose, but it is not. Microsoft says:
The Documents library is not intended for general use. For more info,
see App capability declarations. Also, see the following blog post.
Dealing with Documents: How (not) to use the documentsLibrary capability in Windows Store apps
The paragraph after that seems to describe what we have to do then;
If your app has to create and update files that only your app uses,
consider using the app's local folder. Get the app's local folder from
the Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder property.
So, as I can extract from your question you only want to use storage for your app, so the Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder seems to be the right choice according to Microsoft.

With MvvmCross what is the preferred way to copy a prefilled SQLite Database

I am modifying the N-10-KittensDb sample solution.
I See how to create a SQLite database, but I wish to use an existing database. I am guessing that I need to copy the database to the proper UI data folder. Maybe it is done within the Core project? And if so how is the correct path injected into the running Exec? As the Core can be used across many UI's? What method is called to see if the database exists or needs to be copied?
Sample from DataService:
public DataService(ISQLiteConnectionFactory factory)
const string file = "Cats.sldb";
var connection = factory.Create(file);
I believe the paths are different for Android vs Phone vs Touch vs Wpf?
Please direct me to a sample piece of code that uses the Cirrious.MvvmCross.Plugins.Sqlite for Phone or Wpf.
Thank you
Each platform by default creates a database in a folder location appropriate for the platform - e.g. Touch uses:
public ISQLiteConnection Create(string address)
var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
return new SQLiteConnection(Path.Combine(path, address));
To read/write files, MvvmCross does bundle a File plugin - this also operates by default in platform specific locations - but the two may not match perfectly - e.g. see:
protected override string FullPath(string path)
if (path.StartsWith(ResScheme))
return path.Substring(ResScheme.Length);
return Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), path);
Because of this mismatch, in order to share the same database-specific copy code across platforms you may find it easier to just inject your own platform specific copy on each platform - for more on injecting platform specific services, see
