Firebase Dynamic Link domain not being created as expected - firebase

I'm trying to set up my dynamic link domain to use in Facebook Login with Firebase, and according to the docs, as stated in this question: Dynamic Links domain not available, it says that the domain should look like
However, when I follow the steps to do so, the domain always comes as and it doesn't work in the cordova build
(After placing the dynamic link domain, the build always returns this error: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Cannot read property 'manifest' of undefined and if I remove the link, it works again)
I don't know if it's related, but all of the tutorials and guides that I've checked always use the dynamic link domain as

Sorry for the confusion - we just launched the domain, so some of the documentation is still catching up. Everything else should look the same after that, so the main thing is to make sure that your app is set up to handle the domain you have for your links - in this case the one.


Action URL changing based on ActionCode settings when sending passwordless login email

I have 2 frontend interfaces for my firebase project (both housed in the same firebase app in the backend). One is web and one is for iOS.
I'm trying to create passwordless sign-in functionality for the iOS app and have gone through all setup guides regarding setting up dynamic links, custom domains etc.
I have gotten to the point where both the web and iOS apps can both send the email successfully, however the root domain changes between the emails sent from each platform. An example is below:
Web App: Sends login email via firebase.auth().sendSignInLinkToEmail and the resulting root domain in the email is (this is correct and is what is set up as a whitelisted domain/dynamic link domain in firebase)
iOS App: Using the same function, the resulting root domain is (incorrect). This results in the link going to the non-firebase, generic website and breaking the flow.
If I add the app subdomain back to the link generated by the iOS email, the dynamic link does then work, so the issue seems to be isolated to this root domain change specifically.
Upon further investigation, the issue seems to be related to the action code settings.
When the iOS.bundleId property is set, or handleCodeInApp is true, the incorrect root domain is used. This is true for either the web app or the iOS app.
I have done a project find on in both projects (my iOS app is an ejected expo app so the search included Xcode files for this one) and can't find any instance of the subdomain being missing in either codebase (or the backend codebase for that matter) and am therefore at a loss.
I've looked throughout my firebase settings and can't find any instance of the incorrect one appearing, but am unaware of a search functionality on the platform to be certain. The Action URL (%LINK%) setting in Authentication->Templates appears to be the correct URL.
I am hoping to get to the point where irrespective of the action code settings, the same, correct root domain is used. I assume this is a configuration issue but am at a total loss about how to resolve it, so any help would be appreciated.
For reference, the action code settings in use are below:
var actionCodeSettings = {
url: '',
iOS: {
bundleId: ''
handleCodeInApp: true
In case anyone finds this in the future, it turned out for me that the issue was due to a combination of an undocumented lack of support for custom domains in dynamic links in react-native-firebase, alongside the fact that the library will only send the email links using the first selected domain in your Firebase Dynamic Links settings.
At the time of writing, the solution was to simply delete all other domains from my Dynamic Links settings, leaving only, so that this was the one that got used by the library. From there everything worked as expected.

I can't add Firebase to a google project, Invalid Entry

I'm trying to add Firebase to an existing google project. Basically I want to migrate the project to Firebase.
Steps that I followed
Go to
Click import google project
Select the project (I have owner permission, but I didn't create the project)
Select the country
Add firebase
I get the following error:
Invalid entry. Please make sure you represent your app accurately.
Until today I was getting a generic error such "An error happened, try again", but this has changed.
When I check the browser console for the error, the status code is 400.
Is there anyone who had the same issue and resolved it somehow?
Note that I tried the following options:
Different accounts
Different browsers
Incognito mode
Clear cache / Disable add-ons etc
Clearly logout/login again
Nothing worked so far and this blocks me to proceed.
It turns out the error was referring the name wasn't proper in Google console. It was something like "Foo bar bar". Nothing special though. I got support from Firebase and changing name something "foo-bar" solved the problem.
To be honest the error message is too vague. Hopefully this helps someone else.

Unable to create new site localhost:9001/yacceleratorstorefront/?site=jewellery-us

I am trying to create my own site in hybris I have configured facet search, base store, catalog and version configuration same as apparel default site.
Still getting following error as in image.
Can anyone please suggest how to initiate default site in hybris.
Whenever you will hit the URL - localhost:9001/yacceleratorstorefront/?site=jewellery-us
Request will go to HomePageController with Request Mapping as #RequestMapping("/")
storeCmsPageInModel(model, getContentPageForLabelOrId(null));
setUpMetaDataForContentPage(model, getContentPageForLabelOrId(null));
updatePageTitle(model, getContentPageForLabelOrId(null));
As you will find null here, it means system will look ContentPage with homepage flag TRUE in your active content catalog.
Please debug getContentPageForLabelOrId() method.
There may be a chance you don't have homePageJewellaryUS.jsp in correct path.
Please share your impex as well where you have created your HomePage so that i can exactly know the problem.

How to get nexus project specific permissions running with repository targets?

I would like to set up our long running nexus (currently updated to 2.10) for project specific permissions, so that users are limited to access only a part of the repository.
I found this article and this one which exactly match what I am looking for.
So I set up our config like this.
The regexp for us is: ./de/mycompany/myproject./.*
But there is still one error:
I can log in with restricted view and in the search I just see the filtered artifacts. Which is great. But the bottom part of the UI where the repository tree is shown, is empty. Instead I get a 403 error. Looking in the system feed for authentication I find:
Unable to authorize user [myuser] for read(HTTP method "GET") to /nexus/service/local/repositories/releases/index_content/ from IP Address, user agent:"n/a"
"releases" is the name of our repo, for a part of which the user is permitted. So what to do to get access to this strange index_content? Do I need another privilege or role? Or another regexp? Using ./index_content/. does not work.
Well, as nobody knew a solution a did a lot of try an error at the weekend. Finally I ended with added a second regex just with a slash ("/"). Now it works as expected and documented in the referred articles.
Right, you need to add permissions for the directories along the path for "browse storage" to work.
See here for more information:

Impletmenting a custom meteor accounts package

I have been writing my own meteor accounts package and I seem to be missing something. I am not getting any errors in the browser or in the terminal so it's difficult for me to troubleshoot. The only error I get is from the accounts-ui package itself which is saying 'No login services configured.' The code can be seen at if anyone could take a look. Thanks in advance.
I created a accounts package myself a while ago and my advice would be to stick to whatever is done in the base accounts packages of the same service (in this case OAuth 2 it looks like) as closely as possible. I can see you have done that but there are minor differences.
I downloaded your package and tried it out myself. While I can't get it working (I haven't used the Stripe API so I wont be digging into it completely) I think I can make more progress than you have had.
First of all I don't get a 'No login services configured' error. Did you add your package? I did 'meteor add accounts-ui', created a packages folder in the my project's root and pasted your package folder into it, renamed it 'accounts-stripe' and did 'meteor add accounts-stripe'.
I then added a {{loginButtons}} helper to the page. With this I got the configure Stripe login buttons but it wouldn't open a pop-up when I clicked on it. I got an error message in the js console 'Uncaught Error: Duplicate service: stripe'. The problem seems to be you have the line:
in both accounts_stripe.js and stripe_client.js. Removing it from stripe_client.js fixed it for me. I could then add my API keys from stripe.
The next problem is once these are submitted you store them in 'clientId' in stripe_configure.js but then retrieve them using appId from the config object in stripe_client.js and stripe_server.js. I noticed this because the login URL in the pop-up after submitting the API keys had a undefined client_id. Changing 'clientId' to 'appId' in stripe_configure.js will fix that.
Unfortunately it still doesn't work. I get
{"error":{"message":"No application matches the supplied client identifier"}}
from the pop-up window. This could be for any number of reasons, perhaps I submitted the wrong thing in the API keys window, maybe it's because I'm using a test project on Stripe, or maybe you have implemented the login workflow incorrectly. A quick google of the Stripe OAuth docs suggests that I have submitted the wrong things for the client_id and secret. Like I said I haven't used the Stripe API before.
I hope I have got you started on fixing it though.
