Ada Source code modifications using ASIS(Ada Semantics interface specifications) - abstract-syntax-tree

i am developing a tool for finding sub type range overflow problems in Ada source code.for this purpose i am using ASIS for finding assignment statements in Ada source code and finding type of the variables on the right side of the assignment i want to replace the variables(not of record type) of the assignment expression with 'first, 'last values of the variable type in the assignment statement so that i will get compilation error if any range overflow happens.below is an example what i am trying to convey.
procedure Example is
subtype A_Type is integer 1 .. 10;
subtype B_Type is integer -5 .. 5;
subtype C_Type is integer 1 .. 12;
A : A_Type;
B : B_Type;
C : C_Type;
C := A + B;
end Example;
I want modify C := A + B; with C := A_Type'Last + B_Type'Last in the source code. C := A_Type'Last + B_Type'Last assignment statement will get warning at compile time or Constraint error during run time.
Is it possible do above modifications with ASIS?

For your purpose, you shouldn't rewrite the source text you are processing. You should rather write a new program, which only contains exactly the required declarations and assignments.
So the output should be something like:
with Type_Declarations;
procedure Test_Driver is
C : Type_Declarations.C_Type;
C := Type_Declarations."+" (Type_Declarations.A_Type'First, Type_Declarations.B_Type'First);
C := Type_Declarations."+" (Type_Declarations.A_Type'First, Type_Declarations.B_Type'Last);
C := Type_Declarations."+" (Type_Declarations.A_Type'Last, Type_Declarations.B_Type'First);
C := Type_Declarations."+" (Type_Declarations.A_Type'Last, Type_Declarations.B_Type'Last);
end Test_Driver;

ASIS was not designed to make modifications like that. You can, however take a look at libadalang from AdaCore, which supports this (and works on partial sources, so you won't have to precompile your sources)

GNAT includes utilities gnat2xml and xml2gnat; gnat2xml generates a representation of the source based on ASIS, and xml2gnat converts it back to Ada. You could maybe modify the XML output of the first and feed it back to the second.
Not that I’m recommending this; the XML schema isn’t documented, and is complicated.

If you want a tool that can apply modifications to Ada source code, you might be interested in our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit with its Ada front end.
DMS parses source code to ASTs, and makes those ASTs available for modification using DMS's Abstract Syntax Tree procedural interface (direct hacking at the tree nodes) and/or DMS's rewrite rules (source-to-source transformations "if you see this replace it by that" written in [Ada] language surface syntax, that directly manipulates the trees. After your changes are made, DMS can prettyprint the source to regenerate valid Ada source code, even preserving comments and formatting in those places that have not been modified.


Ada: Re-exporting enum type values

I have an ada package in the form of
package C is
type Test is (Test_1, Test_2, Test_3);
end C;
and another package in the form of
with C;
package B is
subtype Test is C.Test;
end B;
and yet another in the form of
with B;
package A is
subtype Test is B.Test;
Item: Test := Test_1;
end A;
Naively, I would expect that a subtype defined in B, which is later subtyped by A, would be able to access members of the original type. However, upon inspection, the members of C are not even visible in the scope of B. This can be fixed by adding use c;, this seems like a find solution to a degree, however to use it in A, you would have to add with c; use c; to every package that transitively depends on C. This could lead to confusion as it wouldn't be implicitly obvious that you should be using C.
I would like to be able to "rexport" these types, so that I can abstract layers of my program better.
If you change package A to
with B;
package A is
subtype Test is B.Test;
use all type Test;
Item: Test := Test_1;
end A;
the code compiles. Not sure whether this will help.
This is an Ada 2012 feature; see ARM 8.4(8) and (8.1). use all type makes the primitive operations of the type visible (which includes enumeration literals).
If you really want to re-export the values, you can do this:
with C;
package B is
subtype Test is C.Test;
function Test_1 return Test is (C.Test_1);
function Test_2 return Test is (C.Test_2);
function Test_3 return Test is (C.Test_3);
end B;
Unfortunately, you can't use named numbers since enumerations are not numeric types. You can make these functions normal constants instead, but conceptually, this would execute code at elaboration time (the compiler will probably optimize it away, but you can't use pragma Preelaborate anymore).
This allows you to access the literals in A using B.Test_1 etc. This is also a proper abstraction as A will not depend on the literals defined in C anymore (you can rename the literals in C without affecting A, you do need to update B though to map the new names to the original ones).
Simply importing the literal names into the namespace of A is not an abstraction.
with B;
package A is
type Test is new B.Test;
Item: Test := Test_1;
end A;
...and all is well!
Ada has the concept of visibility, with a lot of rules that define when, where, and how things are visible. Understanding visibility is key to understanding Ada. One of the best discussions of visibility is in Ada Distilled. What you're encountering is a consequence of the visibility rules. This goes even further than enumeration literals:
package Pack is
type Int is range -(2 ** 15) + 1 .. 2 ** 15 - 1;
end Pack;
with Pack;
procedure Proc is
subtype Int is Pack.Int;
-- None of the operators of Int ("+", "*", ...) are directly visible here
end Proc;
Declarations in a package spec are only visible outside the package by using dotted notation, unless you explicitly make them directly visible elsewhere. use clauses are one way to make them visible; others are renames and, for enumeration literals, declaring constants of the type initialized using dotted notation.

Does Ada have any idiomatic rules on when to use a function versus a procedure with an output parameter?

You can assign to a variable by having a function return a value to it:
My_Int : Integer := My_Math_Func [(optional params)];
Or you can do it like this with a procedure (assuming My_Int has already been declared):
My_Math_Proc ([optional params;] [in] out My_Int);
Obviously a procedure can't initialize a variable like the function does in the first example, but I'm hoping for some concrete, practical rules on when and why to pick one over the other.
Two to get you started...
When more than one result is to be returned, a procedure with several OUT parameters is often a good choice.
When the size of the object is unknown prior to the subprogram call, an OUT parameter cannot be used because it would have to be declared precisely the right size, but a function return can set the size by initialising the variable in the caller. This is commonly used with a variable declared in a Declare block, which can hold a different sized string each time it is invoked.
This example shows the variable "text" initialised by calling a Read_File function, to hold the contents of a different file on each iteration of the loop. Safe, no "malloc" or "free" or pointers necessary. (Filename is an array of filenames in this example)
for i in 1 .. last_file loop
text : String := Read_File(Filename(i));
-- the size of "text" is determined by the file contents
-- process the text here.
for j in text'range loop
if text(j) = '*' then
end loop;
end loop;
Edit : And I suppose I'd better mention the underlying mathematical principle, since Ada is based more closely on mathematical logic than many other languages.
Functions and procedures are both subprograms, but for different purposes:
a function is an abstraction over an expression : like a mathematical operator (and an operator in Ada is just a function). Ideally, it provides a result from a number of operands and nothing else, leaving them unchanged and having no state and no side effects. This ideal is called a "pure function" (and applying "pragma pure" asks the compiler to check its purity) - similar restrictions apply in functional programming (FP) languages. Pure functions allow a whole bunch of optimisation (because reordering them doesn't change results). In practice Ada is not that strict, allowing impure functions too.
a procedure is an abstraction over a statement. It generally has some physical effect (such as changing state) since it doesn't deliver a result.
So the logical separation between expressions and statements is carried over into subprograms (abstractions) as the separation between functions and procedures.
And this is probably the best way to decide which to use.
Brian Drummond already answered your question directly, but I wanted to add some additional info: If your type has some sort of initializing procedure, in Ada2005/Ada2012 you can convert it to an initializing function using extended return syntax. It will even work for limited types.
Say you have a package with a type like this:
package Example is
type My_Type is limited private;
procedure Initialize(Self : in out My_Type; Value : Integer);
procedure Print(Self : My_Type);
type My_Type is limited record
Value : Integer := 0;
end record;
end Example;
package body Example is
procedure Initialize(Self : in out My_Type; Value : Integer) is
Self.Value := Value;
end Initialize;
procedure Print(Self : My_Type) is
end Print;
end Example;
You can then make your own initializing function out of that procedure doing something like this:
function Make_My_Type (Value : Integer) return Example.My_Type is
return Result : Example.My_Type do
end return;
end Make_My_Type;
and you can initialize variables easily using the procedure hidden in your function underneath:
procedure Test
Thing : Example.My_Type := Make_My_Type(21);
end Test;
This is different than just making a variable and returning it. You are not able to do that with a limited type, but with extended return syntax, you can do it for any type.
Here is some additional info for extended return statements as well.

Wrapping an imported C pointer in an Ada tagged type of the same size

I'd like to replicate a C struct memory layout into an Ada type, and at the same time wrap the C fields (which are pointers) into tagged types that are at the same memory locations as the pointers to avoid extra memory use, while using dot notation on the pointee information in a confortable Ada way. This requires that the tagged Ada fields have the same size as the C pointers.
An example that works without tagged types is as follows:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Tag is
package P is
type Int_Ptr is access all Integer with Convention => C;
-- This would be in reality a C record
type Rec is record
I : Int_Ptr := new Integer'(42);
end record
with Convention => C;
-- This is the field wrapper that would be tagged
type Wrap_I is record -- Making this tagged breaks it
I : Int_Ptr;
end record
with Convention => C;
function Image (WI : Wrap_I) return String is
-- This is the Ada type corresponding to C Rec
type Wrap_Rec is record
I : Wrap_I;
end record
with Convention => C;
end P;
R : P.Rec;
W : P.Wrap_Rec with Address => R'Address, Import;
Put_Line (P.Image (W.I)); -- Should be 42 if properly overlaid
-- This is the objective: to use dot notation on C pointed data:
-- Put_Line (W.I.Image);
end Tag;
Now, the objective is to make Wrap_I tagged. Once I mark it as such, GNAT warns that R and W sizes differ (and it raises a tag check failed at runtime, obviously). I do not need dispatching or anything but static calls, so in essence I wonder if there is a way of having a tagged type without storing its tag in memory (to be used statically only).
I have a much more traditional plan B so no need to suggest alternatives if this is not doable.
You can't have tagged types without tags, so it isn't doable.

Ada object declarations "Unsigned Not Declared in System"

In some code that I inherited, I get the compile error "Unsigned" not declared in "System".
I'm trying to compile this using GNAT, but ultimately the code must compile with the original tools, which I don't have ready access to. So I'd like to understand how to resolve this from within the development environment (including the project file), and not modify the existing code.
I checked the file, and Unsigned is not defined there. Am I referring to the wrong libraries? How would I resolve this with the self imposed constraint mentioned above (to compile in the original environment)?
unsigned is the name of a predefined type in C. If what you need it an Ada type that matches the C type, what you need is Interfaces.C.unsigned. An older Ada implementation (before Interfaces.C was introduced by the 1995 standard) might have defined System.Unsigned for this purpose.
It would help to know what Ada implementation the code was originally written for.
You should examine the code to see whether it uses that type to interface to C code. If not (i.e., if it's just being used as a general unsigned integer type), you might instead consider defining your own modular type.
If I understand correctly, you need the code to compile both in the original environment and with GNAT. That might be difficult. One approach would be to define a new package with two different versions, one for the original environment and one for GNAT (or, ideally, for any modern Ada implementation). For example:
-- version for original environment
with System;
package Foo is
subtype Unsigned is System.Unsigned;
end foo;
-- version for GNAT
with Interfaces.C;
package Foo is
subtype Unsigned is Interfaces.C.Unsigned;
end Foo;
Picking a better name than Foo is left as an exercise, as is determining automatically which version to use.
You could rebuild the GNAT runtime system (RTS) with a slightly modified
There’s a Makefile.adalib in the system RTS (well, there is in GNAT GPL 2014) which lets you do this. It’s at the last directory indicated in the “Object Search Path” section of the output of gnatls -v.
The RTS source is similarly indicated in the “Source Search Path” section.
Create a directory say unsigned with subdirectories adainclude, adalib.
Copy the RTS source into unsigned/adainclude, and edit to include
type Unsigned is mod 2 ** 32;
(I’m guessing a bit, but this is probably what you want!)
Then, in unsigned/adalib,
make -f Makefile.adalib ADA_INCLUDE_PATH=../adainclude ROOT=/opt/gnat-gpl-2014
(ROOT is where you have the compiler installed; it will be different on your system, it’s one above the bin directory in which gnatls and friends are installed).
There will be several errors during this, all caused (when I tried it) by units that use System.Unsigned_Types;. Work round this by inserting this immediately after the package body in the .adb:
subtype Unsigned is System.Unsigned_Types.Unsigned;
The files I had to change were
It may be best at this stage to remove all the .ali and .a files from unsigned/adalib and repeat, to get a clean build.
Now, you should be able to use System.Unsigned by
gnatmake --RTS=/location/of/unsigned t.adb
In my case, t.adb contained
with System;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure T is
Put_Line ("first: " & System.Unsigned'First'Img);
Put_Line ("last: " & System.Unsigned'Last'Img);
Put_Line ("42: " & System.Unsigned'Value ("42")'Img);
Put_Line ("16#42#:" & System.Unsigned'Value ("16#42#")'Img);
end T;
and the output was
$ ./t
first: 0
last: 4294967295
42: 42
16#42#: 66

How to print integers in ada83 environment

I want to print integers in Ada 83. At present I am just using 'with Text_IO' and 'use Text_IO'. I don't want to print using the Integer'Image option. I want to use Integer_Text_IO in ada83. Please help me out with the syntax.
I am using below code:
with Text_IO;
use Text_IO;
i: INTEGER :=1;
package Int_IO is new Integer_IO(INTEGER);
use Int_IO; put(i);
I am getting 'expect signed integer type in instantiation of "Num" ' error.
The example below, which compiles, should help.
But please, when posting a question on StackOverflow (or anywhere on the Net, really) show us the code you’ve actually tried. The sample you’ve provided doesn’t come close to compiling (it fails at line 3 with compilation unit expected), and that makes it very hard for us to work out how to help you.
You’ll get expect signed integer type in instantiation of “Num” if you try to instantiate Text_IO with the wrong sort of type (for example, Float).
with Text_IO;
procedure Integer_IO_Demo is
package Int_IO is new Text_IO.Integer_IO (Integer);
for J in 5 .. 10 loop
Int_IO.Put (J);
end loop;
end Integer_IO_Demo;
