How to print integers in ada83 environment - ada

I want to print integers in Ada 83. At present I am just using 'with Text_IO' and 'use Text_IO'. I don't want to print using the Integer'Image option. I want to use Integer_Text_IO in ada83. Please help me out with the syntax.
I am using below code:
with Text_IO;
use Text_IO;
i: INTEGER :=1;
package Int_IO is new Integer_IO(INTEGER);
use Int_IO; put(i);
I am getting 'expect signed integer type in instantiation of "Num" ' error.

The example below, which compiles, should help.
But please, when posting a question on StackOverflow (or anywhere on the Net, really) show us the code you’ve actually tried. The sample you’ve provided doesn’t come close to compiling (it fails at line 3 with compilation unit expected), and that makes it very hard for us to work out how to help you.
You’ll get expect signed integer type in instantiation of “Num” if you try to instantiate Text_IO with the wrong sort of type (for example, Float).
with Text_IO;
procedure Integer_IO_Demo is
package Int_IO is new Text_IO.Integer_IO (Integer);
for J in 5 .. 10 loop
Int_IO.Put (J);
end loop;
end Integer_IO_Demo;


Deep copy of function arguments for polymorphic types

I use an object based on a base package roughly defined as:
package Base is
type T_Base is abstract tagged null record;
-- This performs a deep copy. Shallow copies may lead to STORAGE_ERROR.
-- This shall be implemented by every derived type.
function Copy (From : in T_Base) return T_Base'Class is abstract;
end package Base;
This package is derived by several packages which are further derived
package Foo is
type T_Foo is new T_Base with record
A_Data : Natural; -- Of course, in the real code, these are types by far more complex.
end record;
procedure do_something (Foo_Object : in T_Foo);
-- This implements the deep copy
function Copy (From : in T_Foo) return T_Base'Class is abstract;
end package Foo;
On calling the procedure do_something, I do get a storage_error:
procedure handle_received_foo (Foo_In: in Foo.T_Foo) is
Foo.do_something (Foo_Object => Foo_In); -- The storage error does happen here.
end main;
When running the code with gdb, I get a segfault on entering the function and I get:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 39 (LWP 39)]
0x033c9828 in foo.do_something (foo_object=...) at ./foo.adb:67
67 procedure do_something (Foo_Object : in T_Foo);
(gdb) p foo_object
$1 (null)
So I guess I get a storage_error when doing the shallow copy of the argument Foo_Object.
I am aware that this is no MWE and that there might be a mistake in one of the types present used in the derived types.
I can't find any good option:
Making T_Foo a Controlled type to call Copy in Adjust seems not to be possible without greatly changing its definition as I can't derive T_Foo both from T_Base and Ada.Finalization.Controlled since none of them is an interface types
Defining T_Base as
type T_Base is abstract new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record;
and override Adjust here seems to induce a hell lot too much modifications on the existing code base as gnat yields in multiple places
type of aggregate has private ancestor "Controlled" must use extension aggregate.
So I'm low on solutions to either investigate the problem further or to solve it with a hammer.
The problem was not in the Copy function. The comments I saw in the code base were misleading.
The fact that introducing new variables changed the location of the exception made me consider some stack overflow problems.
Indeed the Storage_Size allocated for the task was not sufficient. Increasing the pragma Storage_Size(<value>) solved the problem.
Since the code base is compiled with -fstack-check, this led to the aforementioned STORAGE_ERROR.
More infos on Adacore's documentation.
This could probably have been seen with Gem #95: Dynamic Stack Analysis in GNAT but I am not currently able to see any result with the binding option suggested therein.

Ada Source code modifications using ASIS(Ada Semantics interface specifications)

i am developing a tool for finding sub type range overflow problems in Ada source code.for this purpose i am using ASIS for finding assignment statements in Ada source code and finding type of the variables on the right side of the assignment i want to replace the variables(not of record type) of the assignment expression with 'first, 'last values of the variable type in the assignment statement so that i will get compilation error if any range overflow happens.below is an example what i am trying to convey.
procedure Example is
subtype A_Type is integer 1 .. 10;
subtype B_Type is integer -5 .. 5;
subtype C_Type is integer 1 .. 12;
A : A_Type;
B : B_Type;
C : C_Type;
C := A + B;
end Example;
I want modify C := A + B; with C := A_Type'Last + B_Type'Last in the source code. C := A_Type'Last + B_Type'Last assignment statement will get warning at compile time or Constraint error during run time.
Is it possible do above modifications with ASIS?
For your purpose, you shouldn't rewrite the source text you are processing. You should rather write a new program, which only contains exactly the required declarations and assignments.
So the output should be something like:
with Type_Declarations;
procedure Test_Driver is
C : Type_Declarations.C_Type;
C := Type_Declarations."+" (Type_Declarations.A_Type'First, Type_Declarations.B_Type'First);
C := Type_Declarations."+" (Type_Declarations.A_Type'First, Type_Declarations.B_Type'Last);
C := Type_Declarations."+" (Type_Declarations.A_Type'Last, Type_Declarations.B_Type'First);
C := Type_Declarations."+" (Type_Declarations.A_Type'Last, Type_Declarations.B_Type'Last);
end Test_Driver;
ASIS was not designed to make modifications like that. You can, however take a look at libadalang from AdaCore, which supports this (and works on partial sources, so you won't have to precompile your sources)
GNAT includes utilities gnat2xml and xml2gnat; gnat2xml generates a representation of the source based on ASIS, and xml2gnat converts it back to Ada. You could maybe modify the XML output of the first and feed it back to the second.
Not that I’m recommending this; the XML schema isn’t documented, and is complicated.
If you want a tool that can apply modifications to Ada source code, you might be interested in our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit with its Ada front end.
DMS parses source code to ASTs, and makes those ASTs available for modification using DMS's Abstract Syntax Tree procedural interface (direct hacking at the tree nodes) and/or DMS's rewrite rules (source-to-source transformations "if you see this replace it by that" written in [Ada] language surface syntax, that directly manipulates the trees. After your changes are made, DMS can prettyprint the source to regenerate valid Ada source code, even preserving comments and formatting in those places that have not been modified.

Ada - Incorrect use of "random"

I'm trying to generate a random Positive in ada in my procedure. For this, I have the following code:
procedure Inicialize(K: Positive) is
package rand is new ada.numerics.discrete_random(Positive);
use rand;
G: Generator;
t: Positive;
isInitialized:= True;
t := random(G); --error for this line
end Inicialize;
I get the error
incorrect use of "random"
I have no idea, how is this an incorrect use, or what does it even mean. Could someone please elaborate?
Thank you!
Assuming isInitialized is a global variable, that code looks legal as it stands. It compiles and runs correctly with a current Gnat Ada. Is the full procedure more complicated than this? Could G or random be being redeclared?
I see your earlier question which mentions a package random. So it's likely a name clash between the package name and the procedure name. Removing the 'use rand', or renaming the package, would cure this.

Can't understand how generics work

I have a package called Linked_List(.ads) Here is the code in it:
type T is private;
package Linked_List is
type List is tagged record
Data : T;
end record;
end Linked_List;
and here is the code in the package which contains the main function (main.adb)
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Linked_List;
procedure Main is
type ListOfIntegers is new Linked_List(T => Integer);
end Main;
I'm getting this error:
4:30 subtype mark required in this context
found "Linked_List" declared at
found "Linked_List" declared at
4:41 incorrect constrain for this kind of type
Any help is appreciated.
new Linked_List(T => Integer) defines a new package, not a new type. The error messages you’re getting are because the compiler thinks you’re declaring a type, so seeing the name of a package at column 30 confused it; it wanted to see the name of a (sub)type.
Line 4 should read
package ListOfIntegers is new Linked_List(T => Integer);
after which there is a type ListOfIntegers.List, so you can write
My_List : ListOfIntegers.List;
You may find having to say ListOfIntegers. all the time annoying; you can say
use ListOfIntegers;
after which you can just write
My_List : List;
but it’s usually thought best not to overdo this (if you have dozens of “withed” packages, “using” them all makes it difficult to know which one you’re referring to).
By the way, normal Ada usage is to use underscores to separate words in identifiers: List_Of_Names.

raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : polynom.adb:85 index check failed

I created an array like this one:
type coef_list is array(Integer range 0..50) of Integer;
But the message appears when I call this function:
t:= times(r,q); --that multiply two polynoms.
Why? I need a dynamic array? with Ada.Vectors but how to used it? if there is any simple example to guide me, please share? Thx
Ada procedures (and similar for functions) require this structure:
procedure Foo is
-- declarations goes here
-- code goes here
end Foo;
In your code, both polynomials and Main is missing the begin.
You have also put declarations (value1 : integer := 1; etc) after begin in print_polynoms, which is illegal.
Other problems with your code:
You redefine the built-in type String.
The type zero is not defined anywhere.
The type String_Pointer is not defined anywhere.
This syntax makes no sense: type Polynom is new Integer(p,p1,p2,p3,p4,q,q1,q2); And the type Polynom is never used. Why declare it?
The variable zero is not defined anywhere.
Why have an inner procedure Main here? It does nothing anyway. And is never called. Probably better to move print_polynoms out of Main, as an inner function of polynomials directly.
The polynomials procedure does nothing, print_polynoms will never be called.
Also, the code you pasted seems to not be the same as the code you tried to compile. (main is not declared at line 9)
