Adding the localizing pin in Google Maps - google-maps-api-3

I understood that, in order to visualize an attraction or a commercial venue in Google Maps you use Maps JavaScript API. However this would be for maps that would be displayed on websites or mobile devices only?
How would it be possible to map and localize a feature in Google Maps, as these are accessed from Google website? I mean, is it possible to map and visualize something that would be accessible and visible to anyone opening Google Maps? A special request should be made to Google?
Thanks a lot


How to show map with 3D buildings with google maps js api

I am building a web-page using Google maps js api. I need the map type which shows all 3D buildings view provided by Google earth, just like the Google's map application where you can see all 3D buildings in the earth view.
I don't want to use the Google earth API because it's deprecated.
Any way to achieve that?
Google seems to be silent about 3D features in Javascript API. Closest I can get to this are Styled Maps but nowhere does it specifically indicate 3D. Only Android implementations are available as of now.
At this moment, the javascript API generates 3d buildings in map-view, with no option to turn this off.
The google maps website shows 2d buildings, which includes housenumbers. This information seems more accurate than the 3d-buildings map-view. But the options to toggle between various map layers is a long standing omission in the javascript API.

Google places on Mapbox map

I want to add Google places to the Mapbox map on my site. I don't pre-fetch, fetch or store them in any database. Is it possible to use the API to post the places on my custom map or am I violating Google Maps terms of use?
This would break the Google Places Terms of Service
If your application displays Places API data on a map, that map must be provided by Google.
You might want to use the Foursquare API instead.

Can you change the view in Google Earth API from "Earth" to "Map" like in Google Maps?

I am developing a web page which uses the Google Earth plugin. I would like to display the map like in the first image with the "Earth" and "Satellite/Map" view options like you can in Google Maps, or at least be able to just show the map in "Satellite/Map" view:
Currently this is what the view looks like:
Is this possible?
Yes, you can use the Google Maps V3 to switch between Google Maps and the Google Earth Plug-in.
The google-maps-utility-library-v3 can be used to make this easier.
You can see a working example here.
Alternatively you can simulate a reasonable map view buy just turning of the terrain and photo imagery and turning on the borders and roads layers in the Earth Plug-in. If you then lock this view to 'plan' it works well.

rendering complicated images from google maps

Is there any way to capture the image from a complicated Google Maps with some customize overlays like heat gradient. See figures:
Google static map API can only generate static maps(images) with simple polylines or markers, in my situation this is apparently not enough, I want user to capture this kind of images and share it in there twitter fb of g+
see Google Maps image?, it is a similar question. But not so useful in my situation
It's not allowed. See here:
Use of Google Maps imagery in printed materials and offline media is
subject to the Permission Guidelines published at:
you can request permission, but I don't think it's easy to obtain, unless you are a paying business customer.

Are all places delivered by the Google Places API displayed on the Google Maps Base Layer?

Are all places delivered by the Google Places API displayed on the Google Maps MapTypeId.ROADMAP by default? That is, I do not need to query the places API and display them on the Google Maps MapTypeId.ROADMAP because by default they already show us a labels?
Nope. The ROADMAP type show many prominent places on the map to help provide context, but they are by no means the entire listing of places that might be found via the Places API for a location.
