I am trying to create a Visual Query on a content type but I seem to be missing the tab to click into it and create it. Do I need to activate it somewhere? Or is this a bug?
This is because the content-app doesn't have these features. This is by design, as the UI and the desired use-case is different for the Content area compared to the Apps.
"Metric Explorers" on an Azure portal dashboard are quite flexible.
To configure them is, however, a bit painful at times.
With the terms in above image:
How do I change the order of my charts within an explorer?
How do I copy a chart or a whole explorer?
Is there a textual definition I can get or give? Is there other software for a better editing experience?
How do I change the order of my charts within an explorer?
Unfortunately there isn't a direct way to reorder the charts within an explorer. As a workaround you could however, delete them and add them again so that they appear at the bottom. Remember everytime you click 'Add New Chart', it will add it at the bottom.
Also please note that all graphical charts (Line, Area and Bar) appear above whereas a Grid chart will always appear at the bottom. So here's an even simpler hack that you could use: If there's any chart that you want to send to them bottom, change it's type to Grid and then change it back again. It'll get pushed to the end.
How do I copy a chart or a whole explorer?
You can click on More and then click Save Favorite which will save the whole metrics explorer blade (including all custom charts). You can give it a name and even save as a copy to create multiple copies of the whole explorer.
To access favorites, you'll have to go to the Overview tab and click on More followed by Favorites again. Favorites can be shared as well as personal.
Is there a textual definition I can get or give? Is there other software for a better editing experience?
There isn't a textual definition that you can provide for the charts. If you'd like to see this feature, you can add to the user voice or open an issue on github.
There isn't a software available for creating charts in the metrics explorer blade. However, there are alternatives for visualizing and querying data. You can take a look at Analytics if you prefer writing queries to filter insights and telemetry data. It has a very easy-to-learn query language which can help create meaningful charts very easily. There is a lot of tooling and support to push these charts to Power BI as well.
Hope this helps!
None of the other questions regarding this question were able to answer this. I am new to programming, and I am just trying to add a FacebookLogin option to the website.
I built all the Javascript they wanted, and there is no error there(I don't think). In the interest of saving time, and that I am working on multiple computers. I am going to post pictures of all the code. I have added excess using statements to try and get the reference.
If you need anymore information let me know. And I will edit this page.
it looks like you just have some simple issues to fix in your IDE/project. The below instructions are for Visual Studio, but can be slightly altered for other IDEs.
First, make sure you have a reference to the Facebook SDK for .NET (I'm assuming you're using Outercurve's library from the looks of it):
In Visual Studio, check in the Solution Explorer window, then expand the "References", and make sure you see it there.
If it's not there, right-click "References", then "Manage Nuget Packages". When the Packages screen pops up, ensure in the left-pane that you have "Online -> nuget.org" selected. In the top right of the Packages window, in the "Search Online" textbox, enter:
facebook sdk and press "enter". On my screen, it's the second search result. To ensure you have the correct one, ensure that the "Created by" field says "Outercurve Foundation" before you accept it. Once you know you have the right package, hit the "Install" button, and it will be added to your project.
Once you have verified you have the correct reference, if you are still having the issue, make sure you have a "using" statement in your class file, to ensure library types you are using are recognized. In this example, I believe that would be:
using Facebook;
From the images of code you provided, I didn't see that statement in there, so that may be the problem, if this is fact the library you are referencing.
I am new to this type of application but what I found that is:
Use Facebook.FacebookClient instead of FacebookClient.
I am new to TurboGears2 and by extension ToscaWidgets2. I am following the tutorial given here http://turbogears.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cookbook/datagrid.html
for creating a basic datagrid. When I view the index page, all I see is this:
class 'tw2.core.params.DataGrid_s_s'
I have also tried using a DataGrid for showing data from an existing DB, but I also get the same above result. Shouldn't there be a .css file that would handle the grid generation/display?
I have checked past tutorials for using DataGrid on TurboGears, and when it comes to displaying the grid, they only show this line:
${grid(value=data} ( or ${grid(data)} in older TG versions).
Since there are no errors being shown, I am at a complete loss here. I have searched online for a solution on this, but I haven't been lucky. Any advice on how to get around this?
It changed in recent ToscaWidgets versions, when you want to display a widget (like the DataGrid) you should prefer an explicit call to the display method instead of calling the widget itself.
try to replace ${grid(value=data} with ${grid.display(value=data}
Have a look at the Forms tutorial, it covers some basics on working with forms and TW2 widgets, the DataGrid in the ends it's just a Widget so behaves like forms for some features.
Maybe it is a newbie question, but I don't know how and where to set page size?
What is the difference between Generated Design and AutoDesignSpecs?
Why do I find the same object (label, text box etc) under either sections?
To set your page size right-click the design node of your report, then choose "printer setup" to select the printer and "page setup" to choose paper and orientation.
By googling around:
With the AutoDesignSpecs you give AX metadata of what you want to put
in the report, and AX renders this a runtime to get the layout. This
is a very flexible way to declare a report and should be used for most
regular reports.
With the GeneratedDesign you create the layout and control where to
put everything. This is something you'd need for documents like an
invoice or a packing slip.
You find the same object names in both because the generated design was initially created from the auto design yielding the same node names.
Also see Best Practices.
I Have a problem that, I want design a Scroller which contains a dynamic data from Database which is updatable by an administrator of the web site and I want to redirect on diffrent Pages when I Selected one of them,and all the values in the scroller is going to upwards from Bottom. I don't know how to implement that?
PLease suggest me for right answer.
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
combined with using Server Side code to generate the data for the scroller.