How to set report page size? - axapta

Maybe it is a newbie question, but I don't know how and where to set page size?
What is the difference between Generated Design and AutoDesignSpecs?
Why do I find the same object (label, text box etc) under either sections?

To set your page size right-click the design node of your report, then choose "printer setup" to select the printer and "page setup" to choose paper and orientation.
By googling around:
With the AutoDesignSpecs you give AX metadata of what you want to put
in the report, and AX renders this a runtime to get the layout. This
is a very flexible way to declare a report and should be used for most
regular reports.
With the GeneratedDesign you create the layout and control where to
put everything. This is something you'd need for documents like an
invoice or a packing slip.
You find the same object names in both because the generated design was initially created from the auto design yielding the same node names.
Also see Best Practices.


What is the purpose of Print device layout in Sitecore (or How do I use it properly)?

I have created a print button in my application that opens a new window that goes to print device layout by appending the current url with QueryString of Print device(?p=1 in my case) and onload it calls window.print() function. But this is useless because all the data user has entered will be lost when it opens a new window containing print device layout of the current page.
I can't think of a way by which I can use the print device layout and pre-populate the page with data user has entered. Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
The point of the Print Device to be able to have a different set of Presentation components for display or print. Sometimes it is sufficient (and easier) to just use a print stylesheet, which hides/restyles certain elements:
Obviously Devices works fine for non-form pages, or forms that have been posted and a confirmation page is shown (no input boxes, just text).
An alternative would be to use Rendering Parameters to set on each control, which could add a .print or .do-not-print class to then be used by the print stylesheet. You would then have to set the appropriate styles in the stylesheet to hide those elements. Note however that you cannot style the iframe content from the parent, you must link a separate stylesheet to the iframe src page if you want to style when printing.
You can append the user inputs to the print URL query string using javascript, for example:
var url = 'Current-Page-URL' + '?p=1' + '&input1=[INPUT1]'+ '&input2=[INPUT2]' etc..
Then in Page load event, you can set these inputs in the corresponding text/dropdown elements
Like mentioned above that device is a different set of presentation that can be used for many purpose. Early years when there weren’t responsive design, I used device to rendering different mobile device. You can use device to render rss feed or anything you want where you want to have different render set.
Another example if you have multi sites and want to rendering them differently you can use device as well.
Sitecore is very flexible that’s why I love it so much. There are always other ways to get same or similar results. From your context I don’t know what you are trying to achieve. If I want to have different set of presentation
here is some approach I will look into, Lavage rendering rules, tap into request pipeline, swap rendering controls in code, on item level specify style sheet…
If you can tell us what you are trying to achieve, I am sure someone will provide you their own solution. Then you will have more options to choose from and get the best fit to your project.
Hope this help.

Using image styles with Scald dnd (Drupal 7)

I have been using the Scald module for few months now, with great experience. But there is one thing I haven't quite figured out yet.
When I have Drag'n'Drop enabled for a textarea (with CKEditor) I can drag images into the textarea and it displays in it's original size. If i Right-click the image I get the image properties for the image, but only at CSS level.
I'm trying to figure out how to add an Image Style to the image, so that my 4000x3000 image that I drag into the editor will be scaled down to a nicer 300x200 image where wanted, and therefor save some valuable bandwidth.
I found the answer after a pile of googling and reading through few articles. First and foremost it was the one about installing and configuring Scald. (Please Google, I can't post that many links :( )
I installed the CKEditor module, disabled the Wysiwyg module, downloaded the library into sites/all/libraries/, and finally read this article about contexts with Scald:
Bottom line, this is possible, but not easy (as sometimes Scald is), but when you get the hang of it, it's much better than the Media module.
I just struggled with this so thought I'd document how to set up contexts.
This is how you add new contexts which can use an image style formatter as a transcoder using the UI:
Go to /admin/structure/scald and click add context. Choose any name and details, but do check "Make parseable"
On the top of the original page for scald settings click "Contexts" in the upper right for "Image" under "Scald Unified Atom Types"
In the page that loads (/admin/structure/scald/image/contexts) you'll see your new context named. Open the fieldset and change the "Transcoder" from "Passthrough" to one of your image styles, e.g. "Large (image style)"
Now when you right-click on a image atom in a textarea wysiwyg and choose "Edit Atom Properties" you'll get a dialog with a new context to choose from. You can also go the default contexts provided by Scald and change them from "Passthrough" to one of your image styles.
Also, at the moment you also have to apply this change to or you'll lose your legend as you switch contexts or use the dev version. When 7.x-1.2 is released this will no longer be necessary.
I just ran across this same issue, using WYSIWYG 2.x-dev with CKEditor library 4.3, Scald 1.2. What fixed it was one of these things (sorry can't remember exactly which one):
Both "Scald DnD Integration" and "Scald SAS conversion" enabled in the relevant WYSIWYG profiles
The display settings for your image (at admin/structure/scald/image/display) have atom field set to enabled but image field set to hidden
You want to use the insert image module
The easiest way to assign image styles to images going into a wysiwyg area

Fastreport field properties from preview screen

In my application, I create the reports from source code by using fast report.
I wish to give the user the ability to modify the report by using the fast report designer.
Once the changes done by the user, how I can read the preview screen and find properties of certain fields, such as left, top, width, font etc.
TfrxMemoview(report.components[I]).left always results the original value, not the revised.
You will have to recreate the preview. The preview is already what you want to print. If you do not like what you see recreate it. But it is possible to read all properties from the preview.

QT4, paginated showing elements

I am going to write an application that uses QT4 (with C++ or python it isnt important in that moment).
One of functionality is "Showing all items in database".
One item has a Title, author, description and photo (constant size)
And there could be very many items. Let's say 400. There won't be enough space to show'em all at once time.
One row will have 200px, so i need at most 4 for once time.
How to paginate them? I have no idea.
I can use limit and offset in SQL queries, but how to tell window: "that's 5th page"?
Any solutions?
First off, you normally do not want to use any manually set pixel widths in any GUI application, if you do, your toolkit sucks (or you must work in game development).
Second off: be more specific.
You'll need to define "page" for your application, namely what a page should be in its context. I assume it is breaking a list of items into separate pages. Normally this is done by using one of the view classes (e.g. QListView or QTableView) to take care of much of the legwork: it's called a scrollbar (not to mention the collapsing folders concept from file managers). Another method is splitting the information across several tab pages (QTabWidget), where each page displays a view of some sort (Perhaps QTextView or one of the M/V or Item view classes).
Same thing can also be done using your own widget stack and some other widget to manipulate the currently displayed page. This is basically how the option dialogs in the TeamSpeak 3 client and most KDE apps work; it's also how wizards with back/next buttons work in concept. I suggest you take a look at this config dialog example
Normally what you want is a view with a scrollbar and or some form of collapsing related entries into categorised information. If you just want to display a list of pages where each page is X entries: use a tab widget or stacked widget.

Accessible navigation of large information trees

I am developing a public website which is the front end to information about medical conditions.
After the user does a search (questionnaire based) they are presented with the results which are categorised in to sections and sub-sections.
Information items can be assigned to both sections and sub-sections.
At the moment sections are represented by tabs across the top and the screen and sub-sections by links in a sidebar. The links in the sidebar change depending on which section is selected.
The problem is the section names are quite long (several words) and as a result the combined length of the tabs is too wide for a standard screen resolution (1024 x 768). Therefore they wrap and break the page layout. We will also have to add additional tabs in the future.
With this problem in mind and the fact our target audience is quite wide, this is a public medical website, what options are there for presenting this kind of information in a way which is accessible and easy to navigate for an average user.
How long are the subsection names? Will they fit in the space for tabs? You’re likely to get better user performance if you put the section links on the side bar menu and the subsection links in the tabs, rather than the other way around. See
The other alternative is to put everything on the side bar menu. Subsection links can appear indented under their section links. You can also consider putting the subsection links in a column of their own to the right of the section column. This makes the section menu stable, but takes a lot of horizontal space that’s perhaps better used for content. In either case, proper attention to visual design will show the current section, subsection, and the link between them.
There shouldn’t be a problem with accessibility as long as you’re using links to navigate to each section/subsection (perhaps generated programmatically for each page based on a database relating links to pages).
Just brainstorming some ideas:
Use combo boxes to allow the user to select the (sub)sections, then display the appropriate information items.
Create separate pages for each section-level and provide a bread-crumb control to show the user where he / she is in the page hierarchy.
Create some sort of fold-out menus that automatically hide when the user reads an information item.
In another question on SO, I came across a link to Quince, perhaps you can find some inspiration there as well.
You could try:
An iPod-style menu (in which subsections are hidden pages that fly in from the right):
Or as Daan has said:
Cascading drop-down boxes:
The downside with both of these (over a traditional tree view) is that the subsections aren't visible until you choose a section. If your users don't know the name of the subsection they're after, then either of these will be a good fit.
If, on the other hand, they do know the name of the subsection they're after, it's probably better to give them an auto-complete textbox so they can type a few characters and go directly to it.
